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Qurban Ali Qureshi Tuesday, July 30, 2013 05:08 PM

Solved Past Papers of Computer Science
[B]Please answer the following questions of the past paper of computer science

Differentiate between overloading and overriding giving examples. (2012)

1-Explain operator overloading in C/C++. (2007)
2-What is polymorphism? How can we achieve polymorphism in JAVA and what is a prerequisite? (2011)
3-What are Virtual Functions? And how they can be utilized for polymorphism? Use C++ for writing example program. (2009)
4-What is inheritance and polymorphism? Give an example also in each case. (2007)
5-Discuss briefly the main characteristics of object oriented programming. (2005)
6-Explain (i) Cache Memory (ii) Static & Dynamic RAM (iii) Instruction Cycle (iv) Buses & their types (2010)
7-What is a Computer Bus? Name and briefly explain the functions of important Computer Buses. (2001)
8-Explain the difference between the main memory and secondary memory of computer system (2006)
9-Describe in detail the memory types used in computers. How data and instructions are communicated to and from the computer memory. (2000)
10-Explain the two strategic technologies to make the computer speedier; RISC and Parallel Processing. Hence also differentiate between RISC and CISC. (2004)
11-Differentiate between CISC and RISC computer architectures and in this context, describe the architectures of a Stack Machine? (2002)
12-Draw the block diagram of a digital computer. Describe the functions of its various parts. (2001)
13-Illustrate the basic computer architecture and define the functions of its main components. (2000)


Muhammad Ali Qureshi Tuesday, July 30, 2013 05:17 PM

You will be given answer of all above questions.

12:08 AM (GMT +5)

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