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Faiza Rajput Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:27 PM

Absolute democracy vs modern democracy
Dear Fellas,

I have started this thread to have a healthy and constructive debate about the notion of democracy.

According to Islamic point of view, "all powers are rested with ALLAH" in contrast to modern democratic notion which says "Source of Legitimate power are people".

In my opinion, this is the root cause of all evil. When rulers think of themselves as answerable to the people, they try to be-fool them. human beings are egoistic. They don't like to be answerable to the humans like them. Situation becomes even more worse when the people to whom you seems to be answerable are in worst condition, depended on your decisions and you are apparently in control of their fate. so you abhore this situation as a leader and make the way around with all this situation using it in your own best interest just like all modern day rulers do.

However, when you think yourself answerable to an authority which is so powerfull and absolute, things change from the base. You are answerable to the authority who has the absolute power, creator of you and this whole universe. This idea transform everything.

Please argue in favour or against it. :):bow:bow:bow

queenofwands Sunday, July 03, 2016 05:06 AM

Because Allah is the Almighty and all powers rest with him. On the other hand we have democracy - the democratic system based on the people which are commonly known as leaders . When they hold power they act as unanswerable to the public while they forget that the absolute authority rests only to the Creator of this universe. Taking our country under discussion the only period where one thinks that the country would really progress and prosper is the time when commoners would be given the chance to head their state as they have faced much and they know that which actions would make them achieve betterment.

01:16 PM (GMT +5)

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