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zeeshan1001 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 03:57 AM

What approach is to be used while attempting a question in IR exam?
What approach is to be used while attempting a question in IR exam?
Is it the same as of the current affairs paper?

Please provide some tips.

tippu82 Sunday, November 07, 2010 09:53 PM

hell of a difference!!!
very appropriate query i would say!!!
aspirants who opt for IR as an optional subject often perplexed and astounded when their IR exam turn out to be the most disappointing and dismal performance of all in spite of their best efforts there is...because it is most likely that the choice of the said subject is just the so called logical extension of the preparation of Current affairs paper. Admittingly, most of the posed questions apparently have the same orientation as of the current affairs paper specially when it comes to relations(Indo-Pak, Sino-Pak and so and so) and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan....here lies the blunder which costs 100 marks said paper to nothing....In this regard following points should be noted
1. IR has altogether a different orientation in terms of analysis. every question whether it relates to relations or any IPE phenomena or else; it must be analyzed strictly with in the paradigms of IR theories.
2. IR as a subject has different pattern of English particular to IR analysis only and should be laden with IR terminologies.
3. one can adopt pure IR analysis in current affairs paper when sometimes comes so handy but should be reciprocated vice versa.
hope this would farely explains the difference of current affairs and IR paper for both need different skills to adorn with
best of luck

navera88 Monday, November 08, 2010 06:48 PM

attempt IR and Current affairs by assuming that you are foreign minister of a diplomat nation.

12:03 PM (GMT +5)

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