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sikander kalhoro Monday, April 02, 2012 03:57 PM

Schools of IR
Is there also Schools of Thoughts in IR ?
I have Prakash Chander's book of IR but there is no topic of Schools . .?

anastasia Monday, April 02, 2012 04:14 PM

I am also having the same book..I don't have heard about any schools of thought in IR like some other subjects..The topics in the book are according to the syllabus..

sikander kalhoro Monday, April 02, 2012 04:20 PM

exactly . .But one of my friend having a book of some different author & he told me about schools in IR . .But there is no topic of Schools in Syllabus /

junaidd Monday, April 02, 2012 05:23 PM

There are three main schools in IR:

- Realist
- Liberal (or Idealist)
- Marxist

Within the Realist school are: Classical Realism, Neo-Classical Realism and Neo-Realism.

Within the Liberal school are: Classical liberalism, neo-liberalism.

There's Marxism and neo-Marxism.

The rest, such as Constructivism, functionalism, feminism, etc are not relevant to the CSS course.

I have Palmer and Perkins and Sultan Khan and none of them cover IR theory. But you can find plenty of material for these schools of thought online, especially on Wikipedia.

candidguy Monday, April 02, 2012 07:52 PM

[QUOTE=sikander kalhoro;418645]Is there also Schools of Thoughts in IR ?
I have Prakash Chander's book of IR but there is no topic of Schools . .?[/QUOTE]

International Relations by Parkash Chander, Chap#6, Page#52: Theories and Approaches to the study of International Politics.

Abdul Ghafoor kakar Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:44 PM

yes, the realist and neo realist, liberals and neo liberals, feminist etc.

03:47 PM (GMT +5)

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