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Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:28 PM

Questions and their Asnwers (Outlines)
[B][U][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Q.1) Causes of American Colonization OR War of Independence?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/U][/B]

[B]1. Introduction[/B]

[B]Exploration of America[/B]
-Christopher Columbus
-His Visits to to America
-Natives American (their groups)

[B]2. Causes of Colonization[/B]
Improvement in Technology
Renaissance in Europe
Religious Conflicts in Europe
Expanding trade
Search for New Routes
Pressure of population
Trade and Agriculture
Desire for wealth
Imperial Race
Royal Proclamation

[B]3. Critical Analysis[/B]

[B]4. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:29 PM

[B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]War of Independence [/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

[B]1. Introduction

2. Role of Spain and France

3. Role of Blacks

4. School of Thoughts

5. Mercantilism (If Required in details)[/B]
I. Navigation Act of 1651
II. Enumerated Act of 1660
III. Staple Act of 1663
IV. Duty Act of 1673
V. Enforcement Act of 1696
VI. Molasses Act 1733
VII. The Sugar Act of 1764
VIII. The Currency Act of 1764
IX. The Quartering Act of 1765
X. The Stamp Act of 1765

[B]6. Other Causes of War of Independence[/B]
I. Letters of Samuel Adams
II. French Indian War
III. Royal Proclamation of 1763
IV. The Coercive Act/ Intolerable Act
V. Self-Government
VI. Great Awakening
VII. Boston Tea Party
VIII. British Action on Massachusetts
IX. 1st Continental Conference
X. 2nd Continental Conference
XI. Declaration of Independence
XII. Common Sense by Thomas Paine
XIII. Sons of Liberty
XIV. Boston Massacre

[B]7. Critical Analysis

8. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:29 PM

[B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Q.2) In what ways did the philosophy and purposes of Jacksonian democracy differ from those of the Jeffersonian democrats? OR a question on founding fathers.

[B]1. Introduction

2. Jacksonian democracy v/Jeffersonian democrats

I. Political[/B]
a. Universal Suffrage
b. citizens considered eligible for office holding
c. candidates for president chosen

[B]II. Economic[/B]
d. “Chosen class”
e. Industrialization
f. Attitude toward the Bank of the United States

[B]III. Social[/B]
g. Views on education
h. attitude toward equality for women
i. attitude toward American Indians
j. attitude toward slavery?

[B]IV. Religious[/B]
k. To what extent was separation of church and state accomplished in each period?

[B]3. Critical Analysis

4. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:32 PM

[B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The American Constitution is a system of “checks and balances.”? Give Silent Features of US Constitution and what were the flaws in Article of Confederation?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

[COLOR="Red"]NOTE: Candidates should carefully analyze that what is been asked AOC/Salient feature or check and balance? And then answer accordingly[/COLOR]

[B]1. Introduction

2. Flaws in AOC[/B]
One house congress
No separate executive
Considerable powers to state
Lack system of judiciary
Central government had insufficient power to regulate commerce.
It could not tax, generally impotent in setting commercial policy
It could not effectively support a war effort.
It had little power to settle quarrels between states.

[B]3. Salient feature of US Constitution[/B]
Checks and Balances:
Brief & Simple:
Written Constitution:
Dual Citizenship:
Secular State:
Supremacy of the Constitution:
Strong Federation:
Bill Of Rights:
Rigid Constitution:
Separation of Powers:
Independent Judiciary:
Universal Suffrage:
Division of Powers:
Spoils System:
Presidential form of government:
Sovereignty of the People:

[B]4. Critical Analysis

5. Conclusion[/B]

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]System of Check and Balance in American Constitution[/B][/COLOR]

[B]1. Introduction[/B]
The national government is divided into three branches:
a. The Legislative Branch of Government Makes the Laws[/B]
• May override presidential vetoes with a two-thirds vote
• Has the power over the purse strings to actually fund any executive actions
• May remove the president through impeachment
• Senate approves treaties
• Senate approves presidential appointments

[B]b. The Legislative Branch has the following checks over the Judicial Branch: [/B]
• Creates lower courts
• May remove judges through impeachment
• Senate approves appointments of judges

[B]c. The Executive Branch of American Government[/B]
• Veto power
• Ability to call special sessions of Congress
• Can recommend legislation
• Can appeal to the people concerning legislation and more

[B]d. The Executive Branch has the following checks over the Judicial Branch: [/B]
• President appoints Supreme Court and other federal judges

[B]e. The Judicial Branch of United States Government[/B]
• Judges, once appointed for life, are free from controls from the executive branch
• Courts can judge executive actions to be unconstitutional through the power of
• Judicial review

[B]f. The Judicial Branch has the following checks over the Legislative Branch: [/B]
• Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional.
2. Critical Analysis

3. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:33 PM

[B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]Is America As A Melting Pot or A Mixing Bowl/Mosaic [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

[B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]America As A Melting Pot[/COLOR][/I][/B]
• melting-pot model of American, prevalent at the beginning of the 20th century
• immigrants were encouraged to completely discard the cultural heritage
• It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the USA
• the melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.
• Israll Zangwill, whose drama Melting Pot published in 1908 popularized the concept of white melting pot
• After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalism
• many different types of peoples, ideas and religions successfully co-exist
• The history of America is a history of multiracial society
• The white majority somehow interacted with blacks and Native Indians. Consisting of Anglo-Saxons, Irishmen, Germans, Jews, Italians, Poles and other Europeans this majority was not homogeneous.
• All immigrants tried to learn American way of living and become a part of the “melting pot”

[B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]America As a Mixing Bowl/Mosaic[/COLOR][/I][/B]
• people of different backgrounds can fit together without losing their original identity
• multiculturalism, celebrating diversity and teaching tolerance
• African American civil rights movement should also be mentioned among the events that changed the ethnic situation in the USA
• the ethnic distribution of population all over the USA resembles “a mosaic”: the South is black, the West is Asian, Hispanic and Native Indian
• The report of the Council of Economic Advisers indicates that different ethnic groups choose not only different parts of the county to live in, but also different parts of the metropolitan areas
• The separation between ethnic groups involves the distribution of jobs as well. For instance, in California, Mexicans work as gardeners, domestics, cooks and food preparers. Koreans open small business. Filipinos become nurses and medical technicians. African Americans work in government jobs.
• have equal rights with other American citizens the prejudices against them are still strong
• All scholars point out that there is a line between blacks and others and doubt that African Americans will ever be included in the “melting pot”.
• blacks are resistant to exogamy too. Such marriages are regarded as the betrayal of one’s own race.

In conclusion it would be appropriate to state that the American society now is in the transition from a “mosaic” to a “melting pot”, creating a new culture, which will absorb and mix races and cultural peculiarities of different ethnic groups.

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:34 PM

[B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Thomas Jefferson described his election to the American Presidency in 1800 as “the Second American Revolution”. Was the claim justified? Support your answer with evidence.

[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]"My Presidency is the 2nd American Revolution"[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]

The answer to the 1st question will discuss the difference between federalist and anti federalist to prove that Jefferson victory as the president was 2nd American revolution.

[B]the Second American Revolution[/B]

1st common man to become US President
rejected Washington's Idea of no need of political parties in USA.

[B]Justifying the Claim of 2nd American Revolutions[/B]

We simply have to write the achievement of Thomas Jefferson and the services he rendered to the conman man of USA.
[B]1. Rise of common man
2. Laissez Fair Economy
3. understandable budget for common man
4. Immigration Policy
5. Religious Tolerance
6. Belief and importance to common man
7. Autonomy to States (As of popular demand by US citizens)[/B]

[B]Critical Analysis

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER][B]"Thomas Jefferson was the best man ever to occupy American Presidency"
"John F. Kennedy"[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:35 PM

[B]Q.4) President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 said “This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and prosper”. Explain in light of the FDR presidency and the New Deal?[/B]

[B]1. Introduction

2. Background (Great Depression & FDR life)

3. Purposes of the New Deal[/B]

[B]4. First New Deal (1933-1934)
5. Second New Deal (1934-1941)

6. Reforms by FDR[/B]
I. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
II. Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
III. Emergency Banking Act/Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
IV. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
V. Civil Works Administration (CWA)
VI. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of June 1933
VII. Public Works Association (PWA)
VIII. Federal Securities Act of May 1933/ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
IX. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
X. Agriculture Adjustment Administration (AAA)
XI. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (May 1993)

[B]7. Impacts of NEW DEAL

8. Critical Analysis

9. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:36 PM

[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Q.5) What developments lead to the war of 1812 OR Causes of Civil war?[/COLOR][/B]

[B]1. Introduction

2. Background

3. Causes Leading to Civil war [/B]
I. Election of Lincoln
II. Discrimination of race
III. Slavery
IV. The abolitionist (people who wanted to stop slavery) movement
V. Difference in economy
VI. Western expansion

[B]4. Consequences of the Civil War[/B]
I. Physical Devastation
II. Spread of Disease and Sickness
III. Hunger and Homelessness
5. Effects of the Civil War

6. Critical analysis

7. Conclusion[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, February 07, 2013 09:37 PM

[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Q.6). Discuss in Details the impacts of Obama's 2nd terms as the President and policy toward Pakistan?
[B]1. Introduction

2. Background of Obama 1st terms as president [/B]
I. Raymond Davis case
II. Bin Ladin Episode
III. Salala Post Attack
IV. Drone Policy
V. Pak withdrawal from Bonn conference
VI. Karry Lugar Bill

[B]3. Obama 2nd Term and Policy toward Pakistan [/B]
I. Aggressive Policy
II. Continuation of Do More from US point of view
III. Aid Embargos
IV. Afghan Exit Plan and Role of Pakistan
V. Bilateral relations likely to remain Low

[B]4. Critical Analysis

5. Conclusion[/B]

sadafnoorelahi Sunday, October 06, 2013 01:57 PM

Discuss the internal and external factors that led the U.S on an imperialist path at the end of the 19th century.

is it about progressivism ????????????? towards end of 1800-1900(19th century) there was progressivism in america.can anyone kindly make an outline of this question?

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