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Raja Bahar Monday, June 18, 2012 04:53 PM

Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens (1820-70)
The bubble of reputation that floats above writers seems to be more volatile above novelists and dramatists than above poets.
Charles Dickens a very famous Victorian novelist was born in Portsmouth. His novels came out originally not in book form but in parts in illustrated monthly magazines-the 19th-century equivalent of a television series.

Dickens was ‘the inimitable’. His extraordinary talent is uniquely a communicative one. In his best scenes, his words seem to be actors, gesticulating and performing on their own. Yet he can be over praised or wrongly praised. In the contests run by critics, single novels by Dickens have won in fields including Wulthering Heights, Vanity Fair and Middlemarch. A general comparison shows him as fewer fines than Jane Austen, less compelling than Richardson, less profound than Tolstoy, less terrible than Flaubert.

Dickens’s vision is peculiar; his cultural traditions, though vital, are, compared with Shakespeare’s, too often sentimental or melodramatic. His women leave much to be desired.

Dickens Famous Novels are The Pickwick Papers, David Copperfield, Bleak House, Our Mutual Friend, Great Expectations and The Inimitable.

Inimitable = Unique
Pathos = The quality of work that makes someone feel pity and sadness

03:16 AM (GMT +5)

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