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DEADLYDOCTOR Saturday, January 22, 2011 07:44 PM

Important topics for International law 2011
[B]Important topics for International law 2011[/B]

Define International Law. Do you agree with John Austin’s concept “International Law is not a true law, but a positive international morality”? Elaborate your answer with appropriate arguments.

What are the sources of International Law? Discuss any two of them in detail.

Give precise definition of Extradition. Write a comprehensive essay on extradition by covering all its aspects.

Define High Seas. Explain the concept of Freedom of High Seas along-with restrictions over it.

What does Subjects of international law mean? Discuss individuals as subjects of International Law. Elaborate your answer with the appropriate examples.

Discuss amicable means for the settlement of international disputes..What is the duty of other states in case of internal revolt in an independent state? Can they help the rebels? Under what circumstances recognition may be accorded to the rebels?

Differentiate between Neutralized and Neutral States. Discuss the rights and duties of a neutral state.

Coercion against a state renders a Treaty invalid.Discuss main features of the principles. Also elaborate TWO other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty.

Discuss Recognition. Differentiate between de-jure and de-facto recognition. What are the disabilities of an unrecognized state?

Define State jurisdiction and explain how domestic jurisdiction can be limited by and reduced by principles of International Law?

Keeping in view the objectives of the charter seeking to establish a mechanism of peace and security how far has United Nations succeeded in confronting changes in Global society?

note: this is only a guess so one may give more attention to it.one must prepare fully keeping in view syllabus and past papers.

Omar Qadir Saturday, January 22, 2011 08:08 PM

Hi deadly, you are doing a great job, but i am afraid there are few repeat topics from 2010. I am not asking for selective part only yet still you can't ignore the fact.

For example, Subjects of International law, and Recognition....these won't repeat themselves in 2011.

Thank You!

12:41 AM (GMT +5)

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