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imran bakht Monday, January 24, 2011 04:32 AM

What is a capital Case?
[B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkRed"]What Is a Capital Case? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]In the United States, federal law decrees certain crimes as capital offenses and the trying of such crimes typically constitutes a capital case. These can include premeditated or first degree murder, murder of public officials of the federal government such as politicians and federal agents, as well as treason. Individual state laws can also involve capital offenses, and a number of states allow capital punishment. Many of the state capital offense laws involve similar acts as federal laws, such as premeditated murder, murder while committing another crime, certain crimes against minors, and murder of a law enforcement agent.

A capital case is often considered among the most serious cases that a person can defend against, as the crime is usually especially heinous and the verdict can be dire. Some lawyers choose to specialize in defending such cases, and this can be from a sense of disagreement with the use of capital punishment. Capital punishment and the means of execution have been sources of debate among legal professionals, politicians, and citizens for decades, all across the world. Many countries that still utilize capital punishment sometimes come under criticism from other nations to abolish the death penalty or at least reduce its use. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

10:18 PM (GMT +5)

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