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Aliinaa Monday, September 15, 2014 05:20 PM

Can you please help me with the following questions:

1. Do I need to learn the history of logic, how it evolved and everything?
2. What benefits are to be achieved from the study of logic? Discuss.
3. Is there any Jehangir book or solved pastpapers available in the market for philosophy? Or even some famous notes of some teacher?

Gypsified Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:56 PM

[QUOTE]Do I need to learn the history of logic, how it evolved and everything?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE]What benefits are to be achieved from the study of logic? Discuss.[/QUOTE]

Logic gives you clarity of thought and tools/ability to distinguish sound from unsound reasoning. This is something that benefits you in just about every field of knowledge, including everyday conversations.

[QUOTE]Is there any Jehangir book or solved pastpapers available in the market for philosophy? Or even some famous notes of some teacher?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so, although I'm not sure about this one.

11:14 PM (GMT +5)

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