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Mukarrum Tuesday, December 07, 2010 08:55 PM

Guidance from seniors
Either the question "principles of advertising" and "Functions of Advertising" are same? plz tell me.

Mukarrum Thursday, December 09, 2010 05:52 AM

Request from seniors
any body plz tell me have any difference in two questions
1. Principles of Advertising
2. Functions of Advertising
plz guide me???? :onesec

soloflyer Thursday, December 09, 2010 01:08 PM

ya they are different
in u nutshell the principles of advertising are related to the way advertisement is presented in the news or tv. there is an element of ethics in it. like for example if you are publishing an ad for mobile phone operator and you claim that a call will cost 1rs/min whereas there are hidden charges and either these charges are not shown or they are too small that they are rendered to be illegible. so the principle of advertisement is that you should disseminate the whole information and let the consumer decide whether he wants to buy your product or not. you must not enforce your idea by insidious means.

the functions of advertisement are manifold.

to inform the consumer about your new product. to increase the sales of a company. then there is relation between advertising and R & D of a company. like the company that is able to sell more it also heavily invests in its R & D to manufacture new products . then there is relation between advertising and market share. the companies that invest heavily in advertising have usually the largest market share for that product.

there are many more. but this can tell you the basic difference. i have not revised my notes otherwise could have shared more with you

hope this was of help to u.

07:28 AM (GMT +5)

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