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marwatone Thursday, December 25, 2014 01:50 AM

[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Compulsory Question: Year 2000[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

(1) Ethnocentrism means:
(a) Cultural domination of an ethnic group
(b) Ethnicity taken as the unit of analysis in Scientific explorations.
[B](c) Feeling of superiority of ones own group over others[/B].
(d) The policy of political participation on ethnic grounds.
(e) None of these.

(2) "Significant Others" is the term coined by:
(a) Max Weber
(b) Ferdinand Tonnies
(c) George H. Mead
(d) C.H. Cooly
[B](e) None of these. [COLOR="DarkRed"](It was Harry Stack Sullivan)[/COLOR][/B]

(3) Who strongly believed in social DARWINISM particularly the "survival of the fittest"?
(a) Karl Marx
[B](b) Spencer [/B]
(c) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(d) George Hegel
e) None of these.

(4) Fact may be defined as:
(a) A commonly shared reality
(b) What everyone knows as true
(c) That speaks itself
[B](d) Verified and verifiable statement.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(5) Research design is:
(a) The developing of techniques of data collection
[B](b) An overall outline of the procedures and operations that includes methods, techniques and tools of the study.[/B]
(c) The decisions that a researcher makes/takes to verify the data.
(d) The way to participate in an ongoing research project.
(e) None of these.

(6) Social Mobility Means:
(a) Traveling of groups from one place to another.
(b) Participation in the cultural activities of modern age.
(c) Migration from rural to urban areas.
[B](d) Movement of people between positions on different levels.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(7) Diffusion is the process of change that stands for:
(a) Transmission of traits and trait complexes from one generation to the other.
(b) Combining of the existing elements to take a new form.
[B](c) Process of spread of the cultural traits, trait complexes and patterns in space.[/B]
(d) A process that eliminates the confusions leading to conflict.
(e) None of these.

(8). The concept alienation was first introduced by:
(a) Max Weber
[B](b) Karl Marx [/B]
(c) August Comte
(d) C.W. Mills
(e) None of these.

(9) Cultural Lag refers to:
(a) A situation where, the Pace’ of change between symbolic and material culture is uneven.
(b) The state when symbolic culture does not change at all.
[B](c) The Phenomenon indicating lesser pace of change in symbolic culture compared to material one.[/B]
(d) When people actively resist change. -
(e) None of these.

(10) By culture change we mean:
(a) The change in fashions like that of dress, ornaments, music etc.
(b) The system of political governance and economic organization do not remain the same.
(c) The latest technology is adopted like fax, Internet etc.
[B](d) Alternation in the actual ways of behaving of people as a result of change in ideals, ideas and ideology.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(11) Vital statistics is about:
[B](a) Births and deaths[/B]
(b) Number of deaths per thousand
(c) In and out migration
(d) Fertility and mortality of economically active population.
(e) None of these.

(12) Social -Institution may be defined as:
[B](a) Constellation of folkways and mores around some important function or functions of society.[/B]
(b) The People and the buildings at which they work.
(c) A Group of people living and working together for some cause.
(d) A God given way of doing.
(e) None of these.

(13) A Social Problem is:
(a) Difficulty faced by people.
(b) Difficulty faced and realized by people.
(c) An issue that the’ experts realize to be discussed and resolved.
[B](d) Difficulty faced by the people who realize that some could be removed ameliorated through collective social action.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(14) Pull and push factors are basic themes of discussion Analysis for:
(a) Social change
[B](b) Migration[/B]
(c) Cultural diffusion
(d) Social Mobility
(e) None of these

(15) Who thought that the moving force behind the new-capitalism stood Calvinism?
(a) Emile Durkheim
(b) Max Weber
(c) Spencer
[B](d) Karl Marx[/B]
(e) None of these

(16) Who has written the book "LIVING ISALM"?
(a) Hamza Alvi.
(b) A.H. Dani.
(c) Sabiha Hafeez.
[B](d) Akbar S. Ahmad.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(17) SAP stands for:
[B](a) Social Activity Programming.[/B]
(b) Social Action Planning.
(c) Sociological Association of Pakistan.
(d) Socio-archeological plan of Pakistan.
(e) None of these.

(18) An operational definition of a concept is:
(a) Classical definition.
(b) In the head definition.
[B](c) A primer of guidelines for the researcher regarding field operations.[/B]
(d) Abstracted and generalized version of reality.
(e) None of these.

(19) The concept of CULTURAL LAG was propounded by:
(a) Ibn-i-Khaldun.
(b) Max Weber.
(c) Merton.
[B](d) Ogburn & Nimkoff.[/B]
(e) None of these.

(20) Socially approved ways of behaving are called:
(a) Cultural- traits.
(b) Folkways.
[B](c) Social norms.[/B]
(d) Mores.
(e) None of these.

marwatone Thursday, December 25, 2014 01:56 AM

[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Compulsory Question: Year 2001[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

(1) Affinal Kin means:
(a) Individuals who are related through blood
[B](b) Individuals who are legally related through marriage[/B]
(c) Descendants of a common ancestor in the male line
(d) None of these

(2) Culture Complex means
(a) A cluster of related culture traits
(b) Artifacts used by primitive people
(c) Originally an approach to culture
[B](d) None of these[/B]

(3) Double descent refers to
(a) Maternal descent system
(b) Father’s lineage
[B](c) The existence of a paternal and a maternal descent system within the same culture[/B]
(d) None of these

(4) By endogamy we mean
[B](a) The rule that requires the mates are chosen within some specified group[/B]
(b) Mates may be chosen within the same group
(c) Mates be chosen within the same family
(d) None of these

(5) Ethnography refers to
[B](a) A branch of study devoted to observation studies[/B]
(b) A division of Anthropology undertakes descriptive recording at culture
(c) None of these

(6) Feral man means:
(a) A socialized individual
[B](b) Individual supposedly reared apart from human society and hence imperfectly socialized.[/B]
(c) An individual rears in a cultural society
(d) None of these

(7) By gerontocracy we mean:
[B](a) A society dominated by the old men[/B]
(b) Young people’s society
(c) A mixed society of aged
(d) None of these

(8) Java man refers to
(a) Fossil man of Neolithic period
[B](b) A lover Pleistocene fossil[/B]
(c) A fossil man found in Paleolithic Age
(d) None of these

(9) Monotheism refers to
[B](a) The worship of one God[/B]
(b) The worship of many gods
(c) The followers of a magician
(d) None of these

(10) By Sorcery we mean
(a) General practice to cure sick
[B](b) Magic in a more neutral term[/B]
(c) None of these

(11) Who coined the term “residues”
(a) Robert K. Merton
[B](b) V.F.D. Pareto[/B]
(c) A.R.Radcliffe Brown
(d) None of these

(12) By Penology we mean
(a) Studies of social structure
[B](b) Study of Punishments[/B]
(c) Alternative methods of social control
(d) None of these

(13) Mills, C.Wright wrote book
[B](a) White Collar[/B]
(b) The Language of Social Research
(c) Value in Social Theory
(d) None of these

(14) Probation refers to
[B](a) Dealing with offenders while at liberty to a specified period of supervision by an officer of the court[/B]
(b) Absconded offender
(c) Murder of a criminal
(d) None of these

(15) Social mobility means
(a) Change in the closeness to members of other groups
[B](b) Movement from one class to another[/B]
(c) None of these

(16) By social status we refer to
[B](a) This is the position occupied by a person in a social system relative to others.[/B]
(b) A person’s position is given to him by birth
(c) A person gets the position by marriage onl
(d) None of these

(17) Social evolution means
[B](a) The process of gradual change taking place in all societies from simple to complex[/B]
(b) Decay in social system
(c) None of these

(18) Hypergamy refers to
(a) Position holds in lower classes
[B](b) Marriage upward from a lower social class to caste into a higher one[/B]
(c) A society dominated by wealthy people
(d) None of these

(19) Levirate means
(a) The marriage of a woman to her deceased husband’s brother
(b) Cousin’s marriage
[B](c) None of these[/B]

(20) Totem refers to
(a) High regards between the members of the Community
[B](b) An object, often an animal or plant, held in special regard by an individual or social group[/B]
(c) Children are looked after with great care
(d) None of these

marwatone Thursday, December 25, 2014 02:01 AM

[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Compulsory Question: Year 2002[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

1) Idea of alienation to work was presented by
a) Comte
[B]b) Karl Max [/B]
c) Spenser
d) Emile Durkheim
e) None of these

2. Who presented that capitalism is the product of one sect of Christianity.
a) Karl Max
b) Comte
[B]c) Max Weber[/B]
d) Spenser
e) None of these

3. The concept of folkways can be defined as being
a) Culturally salient norms
b) A pattern of behaviour
[B]c) Specified rules of conduct[/B]
d) Less salient norm
e) None of these

4. Technic ways means
a) Adjustment of human being with mores
b) Adjustment of human being with Folk ways
c) Adjustment of human being with good habits
[B]d) Adjustment of human being with technology[/B]
e) None of these

5. Ambivalence means
a) Single attitude toward one situation
[B]b) In consistent attitude toward one situation [/B]
c) No attitude toward one situation
d) Emile Durkheim
e) None of these

6. Magnitude in research methods means:
[B]a) The extent to which two variables relate with each other[/B]
b) The direction to which two variables relate with each other
c) The entity of two variables
d) None of these

7. Research process in research methods is
a) Not self-correcting in nature
b) Not cyclical in nature
[B]c) Not observed through theories written material[/B]
d) None of these

8. Pakistan population would get doubled after
[B]a) About 23 years[/B]
b) About 35 years
c) About 69 years
d) About 87 years
e) None of these

9. Pakistan population is termed as
[B]a) Young population[/B]
b) Old population
c) Very old population
d) None of these

10. Emigration means
[B]a) Going out of home country[/B]
b) Going out of home district
c) Going out of home village
d) None of these

11. Life span means
a) Passing form one year to next year
[B]b) Maximum number of years that one can live[/B]
c) Average life that one can life
d) None of these

12. Within the year group, the major emphasis is upon
a) Achievement
b) Conformity
c) Individual conviction
d) Competition
[B]e) None of these[/B]

13. “Brain washing” consists of extreme and intensive
a) Reciprocal roles
b) Identification
[B]c) Disorientation[/B]
d) Resocialization
e) None of these

14. The sociogram is best described as a sociological
a) Concept
b) Fact
c) Theory
[B]d) Technique[/B]
e) None of these

15. A caste system as a pure theoretical type is based upon
[B]a) Ascribed status[/B]
b) Social status
c) Achieved status
d) Both Achieved and Ascribed status
e) None of these

16. Social class position in a true “open class” structure is based upon:
a) Ascribed criteria
b) Race
c) Family position
[B]d) Achieved criteria[/B]
e) None of these

17. The sex ratio is
a) The number of women per hundred men
b) The number of children a woman has
[B]c) The number of men per hundred women[/B]
d) The number of children biologically possible for a woman
e) None of these

18. The term used to refer to the biological maximum number of birth is
a) Sex ratio
b) Fertility
[B]c) Fecundity[/B]
d) Natural increase
e) None of these

19. From the stand point of its role in society, one of the great potential capability of religion is:
[B]a) Lessening confusion by providing a system of beliefs[/B]
b) Taking over the socialization process of children
c) Strengthening the other institutions in society
d) The promotion of group cohesion
e) None of these

20. The essential requirement of any sample is that it is
a) As large as possible
b) As convenient to obtain as possible
[B]c) Representative[/B]
d) Equal to entire population
e) None of these

marwatone Thursday, December 25, 2014 02:06 AM

[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Compulsory Question: Year 2005[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

(1) Who has given the "Deterministic or Single Factor Theory" about social change:
(a) Emilc Durkheim
(b) Talcott Parsons
[B](c) Karl Marx[/B]
(d) August Comtc
(e) Herbert Spenser
(f) None of these

(2) Who has defined Social Selection Saying "Social Selection as a process of creating conditions for survival":
(a) Lewis Morgan
(b) Karl Marx
[B](c) Herbert Spencer [/B]
(d) Maclever
(e) None of these

(3) "Crime is learned in Associations". Who said this:
(a) Paul H. Norton
[B](b) Edwin Sutherland [/B]
(c) Wright Mills
(d) George Simmcl
(e) None of these

(4) Who has Linked the theory of social change with Organism:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) August Comte
[B](c) Herbert Spencer [/B]
(d) Talcott Parsons
(e) Kmil Durkhcim
(f) None of these

(5) Who define Crime as "an anti social behaviour":
(a) Klliot and Merril
(b) Gillin and Gillin
(c) Karl Marx
[B](d) Karl Mannheim [/B]
(e) None of these

(6) Which one is the first step in social Research:
(a) Questionnaire
[B](b) Assumption [/B]
(c) Literature Review
(d) Survey
(e) Data collection

(7) Stratified Random sampling technique is a:
[B](a) Probability sampling [/B]
(b) Non-Probability sample
(c) None of these

(8) Who is the founder of "Theory of Class Consciousness":
(a) Mannheim
[B](b) Karl Marx [/B]
(c) Al-Ghazali
(d) Edwin Sutherland
(e) August Comte
(f) None of these

(9) Honour Killing is killing a person in name of:
(a) Money
(b) Property
[B](c) Respect [/B]
(d) None of these

(10) Polyandry is fraternal when:
[B](a) Woman is treated as the wife of all brothers in the family and should live in one place.[/B]
(b) Woman is supposed to have more than one husband, but it is not essential that they should either be brothers or must live at the same place.

(11) Population change is mainly based on:
(a) Fertility and Mortality
(b) Mortality and Migration
(c) Fertility and Migration
[B](d) Fertility, Mortality and Migration[/B]
(e) None of these

(12) Which Theory makes us understand that "group mind" and "individual mind" are different from each other:
(a) Multiple factor theory
(b) Me Dougalls Theory
(c) Trotters Theory
(d) Freudian Theory
[B](e) None of these[/B]

(13) Who said, "Custom intact is not merely prevailing habit, but also a rule or norm of action":
(a) Maclever
[B](b) Aristotle [/B]
(c) Ginsberg
(d) Karl Marx
(e) None of these

(14) The term "Social Evolution" find its origin from the ----- word "Evolvere" meaning to develop:
(a) Greek
[B](b) Latin [/B]
(c) French
(d) Italian
(e) German
(f) None of these

(15) Who said, "Sociology should relinquish every attempt at discovering origins and forms of evolution":
(a) Aristotle
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Emile Durkheim
[B](d) Claude Levi Strauses [/B]
(e) Herbert Spenser
(f) None of these

(16) Who is the founder of Sociology:
(a) Imam Ghazali
(b) Parsons
(c) Ibn-i-khaldun
(d) Wright Mills
[B](e) None of these [/B]

(17) What percentage of people in Pakistan are living below poverty line:
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 12 percent
[B](d) 40 percent [/B]
(e) 58 percent
(f) None of these

(18) Female population rate in Pakistan:
(a) Forty percent
(b) Forty-two percent
[B](c) Forty-five percent [/B]
(d) Forty-eight percent
(e) Fifty-one percent
(f) None of these

(19) What is the definition of a literate person:
(a) A person who can read
[B](b) A person who can read and write [/B]
(c) None of these

(20) Family headed by a male member is called:
(a) Patri local
(b) Conjugal
(c) Extended
[B](d) Patrilineal [/B]
(e) Patronymic
(f) None of these

bandhan ahmed Friday, January 30, 2015 06:36 PM

But where is the sociology paper msq's 2014?

jahanzebhakro Sunday, February 01, 2015 05:09 AM

although I failed in CSS 2014 by 9 marks in Compoosition, I got 58, 55 and 46 marks in Islamiat, Sociology and Essa respectively . One thing crucial for Aspirants I want say, the general studies helped me a lot while attempting all papers. I studied always out of course to satisfy my curiousity of knowledge. Ghamidi sahib's lecture on You tube and some philosophical books helped me to understand the demand of examiner in questions. Leave now please the traditional way of studying and try something different.... I have no regrets, I could nt qualify css, but result proved my competency. Thanks to Lord, I gt gud numbers in all subjects in one of the most difficult attempt of css.

Sulehrix Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:14 AM

The most pervasive of the social processes are:

at one place you have selected Competition, and on another Cooperation.

Isn't it Conflict?

Abdul Majid Tuesday, September 06, 2016 10:54 PM

Please suggest any good book for sociology's mcqs...covering all avenues as well as being prolific.

IamFaisalamankhan Monday, October 17, 2016 08:56 AM

I consult horton for Socio, kindly tell me which pak book should i use for socio. which have more relation with our society and cover mostly syllabus

Sidddiq Wednesday, November 16, 2016 03:33 PM

[QUOTE=Farrah Zafar;267868]Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Man is a social animal, who said:

[B](a) Aristotle[/B] (b) Ibn-i-Khaldun (e) Max Weber (d) AI-Ghazali (e) None of these

(2) Who has written the book "Das KapitaP".
(a) Lewis Morgan (b) Max Weber [B](c) Karl Marx [/B](d) August Comte (e) None of these

(3) Who mainly presented the idea of Social Conflict: < (a) Herbert Spencer(b) Emile Durkheim [B](c) Karl Marx[/B] (d) Talcott Parsons (e) None of these

(4) Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism for understanding society: (a) August Comte [B](b) Max Weber[/B] (c) George Simmel (d) Robert Park (e) None of these

(5) Who is really the founder of Sociology:
(a) Amam Ghazali (b) Ibh-i-Khaldun (c) Parsons (d) Wright Mills [B](e) None of these[/B]

(6) In the division of labour in the society which one of two types of solidarity identified by Durkheim:
[B](a) Mechanical and Organic Solidarity[/B]
(b) Mechanical and Physical Solidarity
(c) Physical and Spiritual Solidarity
(d) Physical and Organic Solidarity
(e) None of these

(7) Who mainly advocated that "the economic structure of the society is the real foundation of the society":
(a) Karl Marx (b) Charlus Coaley [B](c) Robert Merton[/B] (d) August Comte (e) None of these

(8) Which one is first step of knowledge:
(a) Theory (b) Law
(c) Assumption [B](d) Intuitive[/B] (e) None of these

(9) Concept of Co-variation means:
[B](a) When two variables vary together[/B]
(b) Remain Unchanged
(c) One variable changes, other remains unchanged
(d) None of these

(mujhe C lag ra hai)

(10) Age is a:
(a) Nominal variable [B](b) Ordinal variable[/B] (c) Interval (d) Ratio (e) None of these

(11) Stratified Random Sampling technique is a:
(a) Probability Sampling technique
(b) Non-probability
[B](c) None of these[/B]

(12) Polyandry means:
[B](a) A form of marriage that joins one female with more than one male.[/B]
(b) A form of marriage that joins one female with one male.
(c) A form of marriage that joins more than one female with one male
(d) None of these

(13) Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:
(a) School (b) Religion [B](c) Family[/B] (d) Community (e) None of these

(14) Population change is mainly based on:
(a) Fertility and Mortality
(b) Fertility and migration
(c) Mortality and migration
[B](d) Fertility, Mortality and migration[/B]
(e) None of these

(15) The infant mortality level in Pakistan is around:
(a) 10 (b) 25 (c) 60[B] (d) 160[/B] (e) None of these

(16) Demography is a scientific study of human population with respect to:

(a) Size of population

(b) Structure of population

(c) Composition of population

[B](d) Size, structure and composition of population[/B]

(e) None of these

(17) Dispersion and Variation can be examined through calculating:

(a) Mean

(b) Standard deviation
(c) Correlation Co-efficient[/B]

(d) Regression Co-efficient

(e) None of these

(18) How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around:

(a) 10 percent (b) . 20 percent [B](c) 32 percent [/B](d) 58 percent (e) None of these 4

(19) Norms and values are components of:

[B](a) Society[/B] (b) Religion[/QUOTE]
there are so many mistakes!

11:03 AM (GMT +5)

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