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Last Island Friday, May 04, 2007 12:21 AM

English Literature Papers 2001


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

1. “All that is valuable in Blake is in his lyrics.” Discuss.

2. “If nature leads to God, she also leads to Man.” Discuss the significance of the human element in Wordsworth’s Prelude in the light of this statement.

3. In the best of Shelley’s poetry, there is a splendour of movement and realization of visionary intensity. Discuss it with reference to Shelley's poems.
How the Odes of Keats reflect his growing concern with the relation between art and life, beauty and reality?

4. ‘Above all Charles Lamb was a refined humanist whose smile could be both satirist and tender.’ Discuss this statement with reference to his essays.
What was the general, social, economic and moral atmosphere in the Victorian age? Write your answer with reference to the writings of Ruskin.

5. “People are Browning’s passion: men and women, revealed through their ambitions and failures, love and hatred.” Discuss with reference to his poems.

6. “The novels of Hardy are of intensely dramatic and epic nature; his characters move progressively towards a crisis.” Discuss it with reference to his novels.

7. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Tenny as a consummate craftsman in verse.
(b) Humour and pathos in Dicken’s novels.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) The abstract theory of utilitarianism is the theme of Dicken’s novel:
a) Bleak House
b) A Tale of Two Cities
c) Hard Times
d) Great Expectations
e) None of these

2. [B]The one remains, the many change and pass;
Heaven’s light for ever shines, earth’s shadows fly;[/B]

The above two lines occur in:
a) Keats’ Hyperion
b) Shelley’s Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
c) Shelley’s Adonis
d) Keats’ Ode to Psyche
e) None of these

3. Name the character of a novel of Thomas Hardy, which is much like Oedipus, King Lear and Faust.

4. [B]She can not fade, though thou hast not the bliss,
For ever wilt thou love, and she be fai![/B]

The above two lines have been taken from:
a) Keats’ Ode to a Nightingale
b) A Thing of Beauty
c) La Belle Dame Sans Mercy
d) Ode on a Grecian Urn

5. ‘Withdrawal from an uncongenial world of escape either to death or more often, to an ideal dream world’, is the theme of Tennyson’s:
a) Ulysses
b) The Palace of Arts
c) The Lotos - Eaters
d) None of these

6. Philip Waken, Aunt Pallet and Tom Tulliver are the characters of G. Eliot’s novel:
a) Silas Manner
b) Adam Bede
c) Middle March
d) The Mill on the Floss

7. [B]In all things, in all natures, in the stars,
This active principle abides,[/B]

Identify the poet and his peculiar belief that can be understood from the above lines.

8. [B]“Thy, Damnation, Slunbreth, Not”[/B]
Name the writer, his book and the character who uttered/wrote these words.

9. In Memoriam by Tennyson is:
a) an elegy
b) a collection of elegies
c) a lyric
d) a dramatic lyric
e) None of these

10. The poem, “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” was written by:
a) Shelley
b) Blake
c) Byron
d) Browning
e) None of these

11. ‘Unto This Last’ is a book written by:
a) Mill on economic reforms
b) Carlyle on moral reforms
c) Ruskin on moral reforms
d) None of these

12. Mathew Arnold said: “An ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain”, about:
a) Keats
b) Byron
c) Shelley
d) Blake
e) None of these

13. For whom it is said: “sensuousness is a paramount bias of his genius”:
a) Blake
b) Keats
c) Tennyson
d) Shelley
e) None of these

14. “Meeting at Night” by Browning is a:
a) Monologue
b) Dramatic Lyric
c) Dramatic Monologue
d) Dramatic Romance
e) None of these

15. A pioneer is psychological analysis in fiction is:
a) Charles Dickens
b) Thackeray
c) Charlotte Bronte
d) G. Eliot
e) None of these

16. “Thou glorious mirror, where the Almighty’s form Glasses itself in tempest”.
The above line occur in Byron’s:
a) Fame
b) Waterloo
c) Roll on, Thou deep and dark Blue Oceans

17. Dickens gives a tragic picture of the French Revolution in his novel:
a) Little Dorrit
b) Hard Times
c) Bleak House
d) A Tale of Two Cities
e) None of these

18. Love of political freedom, always the noblest of Byron’s passions, inspired him to write:
a) Manfred
b) The Island
c) The prisoner of Chillon
d) None of these

19. An aesthetic delight in art and a streak of extreme sadistic cruelty can be observed in Browning’s Poem:
a) Paracelsus
b) My Last Duchess
c) Sordello
d) Pippa Passes

20. Edward Fitzgerald’s “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” inspired Browning to write:
a) The Last Ride Together
b) Rabbi Ben Ezra
c) Ester Day
d) Abt Vogler

Last Island Friday, May 04, 2007 02:23 AM



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Hamlet suffers and suffers greatly. Can you account for his suffering?

2. It is said of Jane Austen that she involves the ‘Critical Intelligence’ of her readers. The prevailing interest is not only in ‘aesthetic delight’ but also in a sense of moral conviction. How far is this true of her “Pride and Prejudice”?

3. How does Yeats create ‘terrible’ beauty out of his imagery?

4. Comment on Swift’s policy that imperfections in nature are of stirring up human industry, with reference to his ‘Gulliver’s Travels’.

5. Is ‘The Waste Land’ a public or private poem?

6. Hemingway is preoccupied with the human predicament and a moral code that might satisfactory control it. Discuss with reference to his ‘The Old Man and the Sea’.

7. Write a critical note on any ONE of the following:
(a) Robert Frost as a regional or a pastoral poet.
(b) Jane Austen’s novels are the work of a miniaturist.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) Shakespeare uses soliloquy for:
a) revelation of character
b) dramatic purposes
c) establishing the theme
d) None of these

2. ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ is a:
a) Thrilling story
b) Tragedy
c) Satire
d) None of these

3. Hemingway wrote:
a) The Sun also Rises
b) The Rivals
c) The Jew of Malta
d) None of these

4. The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is
a) Emma
b) Elizabeth
c) Lydia
d) None of these

5. ‘Hyperion’ by Keats may be classified as:
a) An Ode
b) Sonnet
c) An Epic
d) None of these

6. T. S. Eliot wrote:
a) The Pasture
b) The Waste Land
c) Birches
d) None of these

7. G.B. Shaw’s principles of criticism are similar to those of:
a) Karl Marx
b) S. Butler
c) None of these

8. “The Waste Land’ is:
a) An Allegory
b) A Sonnet
c) Blank verse
d) None of these

9. Yeats poetry possess the imaginative mysticism of:
a) Nationalism
b) Criticism
c) Romanticism
d) None of these

10. Who considers Hamlet to be an Artistic failure
a) Bradley
b) Eliot
c) Kermode
d) None of these

11. Which influence is shown in the work of Shaw?
a) French
b) German
c) None of these

12. Eliot shows a bent towards
a) Romanticism
b) Victorianism
c) None of these

13. Mrs. Dalloway is the masterpiece of:
a) M. Drabble
b) V. Woolf
c) None of these

14. The Central Figure among the Victorian Poets is:
a) Keats
b) Tennyson
c) Milton
d) None of these

15. Browning is known for his:
a) Dramatic Monologue
b) Parody
c) Blank verse
d) None of these

16. Which novel is written by D. H. Lawrence?
a) The Ice Age
b) Sons and Lovers
c) None of these

17. The ‘Arcadia’ by Sir Philip Sydney is a:
a) Pastoral
b) Romance
c) Comedy
d) None of these

18. ‘The Fairie Queene’ was written by:
a) Milton
b) Lyly
c) Spenser
d) None of these

19. ‘The Crows of Wild Olive’ was written by:
a) Huxley
b) Ben Johnson
c) Ruskin
d) None of these

20. David Copper Field, Hard Times and Little Dorrit, all were written by:
a) Hardy
b) Dickens
c) Moore
d) None of these

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