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Last Island Monday, July 02, 2007 02:44 AM

Zoology Papers 2002



[B]NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 7 which is COMPULSORY. Select at least TWO QUESTIONS from each of the SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’. All questions carry EQUAL marks.[/B]

1. (a) Describe various modes of LOCOMOTION in PROTOZOA. (6)
(b) Describe CONJUGATION in PARAMECIUM and its significance. (8)
(c) Give economic importance of SPONGES. (6)

2. (a) Write down the economic importance of CORAL REEFS. (5)
(b) Describe the life history of LIVER FLUKE by giving suitable diagrams. (10)
(c) Explain METAMERISM and its significance in ANNELIDA (5)

3. (a) Give the diagnostic features of ARTHROPODES. (6)
(b) Describe the adaptive modifications of FOOT IN GASTROPODES. (7)


4. (a) Describe the various types of SCALES in FISHES. (5)
(b) Enumerate the functions of the skin and also tell the structures derived from it. (10)
(c) Write briefly about the POUNCED MAMALS. (5)

5. (a) Describe the mechanism of RSPIRATION IN MAMMALS. (8)
(b) Give an account of DENTITION IN MAMMALS. (6)
(c) Write about the economic importance of birds. (6)

6. (a) Describe the structure and function of MAMMALIAM KIDNEY. (8)
(b) Write about MIGRATION in birds. (6)
(c) Snakes are useful creatures. Discuss. (6)

7. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions.

[B] (A) Which of the four options make the following statement correct? On your answer books just write the question number and one of the serial alphabets. (10)[/B]

(1) The mode of nutrition in AMOEBA is:
(a) Holozoic
(b) Saprozoic
(c) Saprophytic
(d) None of these

(2) The coelom in PLATYHELMINTHYES is:
(a) Pseudocoele
(b) Haemocoele
(c) Metacoele
(d) None of these

(3) EXCRETORY organs in earthworms are:
(a) Nephron
(b) Flame cells
(c) Malpighian Tubules
(d) Nephridia
(e) None of these

(4) Foot is used as an organ of locomotion in which of the following animals?
(a) Freshwater mussel
(b) Octupus
(c) Sepia
(d) None of these

(5) Which group of animals out of the following is DIPLOBLASTIC?
(a) Platyhelminthes
(b) Echinodermata
(c) Coelenterata
(d) None of these

(6) Which of the following has the maximum of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in the ventricle of its heart?
(a) Fish
(b) Frog
(c) Crocodile
(d) None of these

(7) Reptiles are:
(a) Oviparous
(b) Viviparous
(c) Ovo-viviparous
(d) None of these

(8) The urea formation in mammals takes place in:
(a) Kidneys
(b) Spleen
(c) Liver
(d) None of these

(9) Vertebrates in which placenta is formed during the development of fetus are:
(a) Reptiles
(b) Aves
(c) Mammals
(d) None of these

(10) Lymph most closely resembles with:
(a) Plasma
(b) Interstitial fluid
(c) Blood
(d) None of these

[B] (B) Check which of the following statements are true or false. On your answer sheets just write the question number and T or F. (10)[/B]

(11) Archaeopleryx is a missing link between birds and reptiles.
(12) Skin of frog has well-developed sweat glands.
(13) True Coelom develops from endoderm.
(14) Archenteron develops during blastula stage.
(15) The Trypanosoma causes the disease called “sleeping sickness”.
(16) Snakes can listen and enjoy music.
(17) Echidna is an egg-laying mammal.
(18) Herbivores have more pointed teeth than carnivores.
(19) Reptiles are warm blooded animals.
(20) The body cavity in arthropods is a haemocoel.

Last Island Monday, July 02, 2007 04:57 AM




[B]NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.[/B]

1. (a) Define POLYPLOIDY and explain its role in the origin of new species. (15)
(b) Explain TEST CROSS and give its significance. (5)

2. (a) Describe the structure and function of PLASMA MEMBRANE. (10)
(b) Explain the factors that affect the rate of ENZYME ACTION. (5)
(c) Define INHIBITORS and give its types. (5)

3. (a) Write what you know about the theory of NATURAL SELECTION. How does it differ from MUTATION THEORY? (15)
(b) Briefly discuss the EMBRYOLOGICAL EVIDENCE of animal evolution. (5)

4. (a) Write about NITROGEN CYCLE in detail. (8)
(b) Write short notes on the following: (12)

5. (a) What about NITROGEN CYCLE in detail. (8)
(b) What is FEED BACK MECHNISM with respect to HORMONES? Explain with examples. (5)
(c) Write about the transport oxygen in man and mention the factors which affect the capacity of hemoglobin to combine with oxygen. (7)

6. Write an essay on GENETIC ENGINEERING. (20)

7. Write notes on the following: (20)
(b) RH-factor


8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions.

(1) Many humans become ill by consuming milk products because they lack:
(a) Bacteria in their intestines
(b) Rennin
(c) Hydrochloric acid
(d) Lactase
(e) None of these

(2) Which of the following process cause substance to move across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy?
(a) Endocytosis
(b) Active transport
(c) Diffusion
(d) None of these

(3) Respiratory pigment present in muscles is called:
(a) Haemoglobin
(b) Myoglobin
(c) Haemocyanins
(d) Globin
(e) None of these

(4) Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
(a) Mumps
(b) Small-pox
(c) Cow-pox
(d) Tetanus
(e) None of these

(5) Animals obtain Carbohydrates mainly from:
(a) Sucrose
(b) Glycogen
(c) Starch
(d) Glucose
(e) None of these

(6) Mesosomes are internal extensions of:
(a) Cell Wall
(b) Cell Membrane
(c) Chromatin body
(d) None of these

(7) Sugar in each nucleotide of DNA is:
(a) Deoxyglucose
(b) Ribose
(c) Glucose
(d) Deoxyribose
(e) None of these

(8) Species is the basic unit of:
(a) Genetics
(b) Zoology
(c) Ecology
(d) Universe
(e) None of these

(9) Which one of the following is false about AIDS:
(a) HIV
(b) HAV
(c) T-lymphocytes
(d) Host specific
(e) None of these

(10) Which statement about plastids is true?
(a) They are power house of cell
(b) They contain DNA and ribosomes
(c) They are found in all organisms
(d) They are surrounded by a single membrane
(e) None of these

(11) Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cells?
(a) A nucleoid
(b) Capsule
(c) Cell membrane
(d) Ribosomes
(e) None of these

(12) A virion is a:
(a) Viral protein
(b) Viral gene
(c) Virus
(d) Viral lysozyme
(e) None of these

(13) The study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth is called:
(a) Fossilization
(b) Palaeontology
(c) Palaeozoology
(d) None of these

(14) A connecting and supporting tissue in animal is:
(a) Muscle
(b) Bone
(c) Nerve
(d) Connective
(e) None of these

(15) Interstitial fluid closely resembles to:
(a) Rain water
(b) Sea water
(c) Lake water
(d) Pond water
(e) None of these

(16) The amount of lactic acid in muscles increases when they are lacking in:
(a) CO[SIZE=1]2[/SIZE]
(b) C[SIZE=1]6[/SIZE]H[SIZE=1]12[/SIZE]O[SIZE=1]6[/SIZE]
(c) Energy
(d) Oxygen
(e) None of these

(17) If a person eats more protein than are needed, this causes increased production of:
(a) Hormones
(b) Urea
(c) Lactic acid
(d) CO[SIZE=1]2[/SIZE]
(e) None of these

(18) The growth of human population is most rapid in:
(a) Asia
(b) Europe
(c) North America
(d) None of these

(19) Which type of tissue forms glands?
(a) Connective
(b) Nervous
(c) Muscle
(d) Epithelial
(e) None of these

(20) Carbon combines with nitrogen in amino acid linkages to form:
(a) Ester bonds
(b) Peptide bonds
(c) Ionic bonds
(d) None of these

prissygirl Monday, July 02, 2007 04:03 PM

[B]compulsory question paper I 2002[/B]

(1) The mode of nutrition in AMOEBA is:
(a) Holozoic

(2) The coelom in PLATYHELMINTHYES is:
(a) Pseudocoele

(3) EXCRETORY organs in earthworms are:
(d) Nephridia

(4) Foot is used as an organ of locomotion in which of the following animals?
(a) Freshwater mussel

(5) Which group of animals out of the following is DIPLOBLASTIC?
(c) Coelenterata

(6) Which of the following has the maximum of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in the ventricle of its heart?
(a) Fish
(b) Frog
(c) Crocodile
(d) None of these

(7) Reptiles are:
(c) Ovo-viviparous

(8) The urea formation in mammals takes place in:
(c) Liver

(9) Vertebrates in which placenta is formed during the development of fetus are:
(c) Mammals

(10) Lymph most closely resembles with:
(b) Interstitial fluid

(B) Check which of the following statements are true or false. On your answer sheets just write the question number and T or F. (10)

(11) Archaeopleryx is a missing link between birds and reptiles.[B]T[/B]
(12) Skin of frog has well-developed sweat glands. [B]T[/B]
(13) True Coelom develops from endoderm. [B]F[/B]
(14) Archenteron develops during blastula stage. [B]F[/B]
(15) The Trypanosoma causes the disease called “sleeping sickness”.[B]T[/B]
(16) Snakes can listen and enjoy music. [B]F[/B]
(17) Echidna is an egg-laying mammal. [B]T[/B]
(18) Herbivores have more pointed teeth than carnivores. [B]F[/B]
(19) Reptiles are warm blooded animals. [B]F[/B]
(20) The body cavity in arthropods is a haemocoel. [B]T[/B]


prissygirl Monday, July 02, 2007 04:08 PM


(1) Many humans become ill by consuming milk products because they lack:
(d) Lactase

(2) Which of the following process cause substance to move across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy?
(c) Diffusion

(3) Respiratory pigment present in muscles is called:
(b) Myoglobin

(4) Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
((d) Tetanus

(5) Animals obtain Carbohydrates mainly from:
((d) Glucose

(6) Mesosomes are internal extensions of:
(b) Cell Membrane

(7) Sugar in each nucleotide of DNA is:
(d) Deoxyribose

(8) Species is the basic unit of:
(e) None of these

(9) Which one of the following is false about AIDS:
(b) HAV

(10) Which statement about plastids is true?
(e) None of these

(11) Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cells?
(b) Capsule

(12) A virion is a:
(c) Virus

(13) The study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth is called:
(b) Palaeontology

(14) A connecting and supporting tissue in animal is:
(d) Connective

(15) Interstitial fluid closely resembles to:
(a) Rain water
(b) Sea water
(c) Lake water
(d) Pond water
(e) None of these

(16) The amount of lactic acid in muscles increases when they are lacking in:
(d) Oxygen

(17) If a person eats more protein than are needed, this causes increased production of:
(b) Urea

(18) The growth of human population is most rapid in:
(a) Asia

(19) Which type of tissue forms glands?
(d) Epithelial

(20) Carbon combines with nitrogen in amino acid linkages to form:
(b) Peptide bonds

i think for 2 of paper I:the correct answer is (d) none of these because platyhelminthes are acoelomates[/B]

please point out my mistakes

04:06 AM (GMT +5)

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