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Last Island Wednesday, June 10, 2009 06:51 PM

English Literature Papers 2008
[B]NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.[/B]
[B](ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.[/B]

[B]Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.

[/B][/FONT] (1) The Nurse’s Song was written by:
(a) Keats
(b) Tennyson
(c) Blake
(d) Shelley
(e) None of these

(2) William Wordsworth was born in:
(a) 1770
(b) 1771
(c) 1772
(d) 1779
(e) None of these

(3) Byron’s first published collection was called:
(a) Years of Idleness
(b) Hours of Idleness
(c) Moments of Idleness
(d) Eons of Idleness
(e) None of these

(4) The Essay of Elia was written by:
(a) Tennyson
(b) Blake
(c) Byron
(d) Keats
(e) None of these

(5) Shelley’s final unfinished poem was:
(a) Hellas
(b) Prometheus Unbound
(c) The Ancient Mariner
(d) The Triumph of life
(e) None of these

(6) Lyrical Ballads as jointly composed by:
(a) Keats and Shelley
(b) Wordsworth and Shelley
(c) Keats and Coleridge
(d) Wordsworth and Coleridge
(e) None of these

(7) On liberty was written by:
(a) Carlyle
(b) Macaulay
(c) Godwin
(d) Mill
(e) None of these

(8) “Men may be beaten, chained, tormented, yoked like cattle, slaughtered like summer flies … yet remain free …” This was said by:
(a) Carlyle
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) Ruskin
(d) Mathew Arnold
(e) None of these

(9) Macaulay lived from
(a) 1800 - 1859
(b) 1802 - 1859
(c) 1859 – 1900
(d) 1889 - 1902
(e) None of these

(10) Macaulay represented:
(a) Bourgeois Victorian enlightenment
(b) Working class Victorian attitudes
(c) Upper class tolerance
(d) Radical Romanticism
(e) None of these

(11) Stones of Venice was written by:
(a) Macaulay
(b) Newman
(c) Ruskin
(d) Carlyle
(e) None of these

(12) Browning is famous for his:
(a) Sensory images
(b) Dramatic Monologues
(c) Narrative ballads
(d) Blank Verse
(e) None of these

(13) In Memoriam was written in:
(a) 1833
(b) 1853
(c) 1860
(d) 1863
(e) None of these

(14) “Oh sir, she smiled, no doubt,
Whene’er I passed her; but who passed without
Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands;
Then all smiles stopped together”.

This was written by:

(a) Tennyson
(b) Browning
(c) Mathew Arnold
(d) William Morris
(e) None of these

(15) Tennyson was appointed Poet Laureate in:
(a) 1843
(b) 1847
(c) 1850
(d) 1857
(e) None of these

(16) Dickens was from a:
(a) Lower middle class origin
(b) Upper class origin
(c) Middle class origin
(d) Working class origin
(e) None of these

(17) George Eliot’s real name was:
(a) George Evans
(b) Eliot Evans
(c) Marian Evans
(d) Marian Eliot
(e) None of these

(18) George Eliot was an:
(a) Atheist
(b) Agnostic
(c) Occultist
(d) Conventionalist
(e) None of these

(19) Under the Greenwood Tree is a:
(a) Tale of rustic life
(b) Tale of man’s destruction of nature
(c) Historical novel
(d) Tale of city life
(e) None of these

(20) The Professor was the first novel by:
(a) Emily Bronte
(b) Charlotte Bronte
(c) Anne Bronte
(d) Jane Austen
(e) None of these


[B]NOTE: (i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from each SECTION. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.


Q. 2. “In his youth Wordsworth was a rebel and a revolutionary and reacted against the conventions of this age although he began to decline as a poet and he grew older.” Comment on this criticism of Wordsworth, giving reasons why you agree/disagree..

Q.3. “For mercy has a human heart
Pity a human face
And love the human form divine
And Peace the human dress …

And all must love the human form,
In heathen Turk or Jew:
Where Mercy, Love and Pity Dwell
There God is dwelling too.”

Who wrote these verses? Comment on whether you thing they are merely moral platitudes or spring from the poet’s sincerity.

Q.4. Keats was a romantic poet who believed in the importance of sensation and its pleasures which included taste, touch and smell as well as hearing and sight. How far do you think he fulfills these beliefs in his poems?


Q.5. Browning had a “robust optimism” unlike the other Victorian poets who were worriers and doubters. Do you agree with this? Explain your answer through examples of Browning’s poetry.

Q.6. Do you believe that it was Hardy’s intention to depict Tess as a victim of divine sadism? In your opinion how successful was he in creating feelings of anger, frustration and resentment in the reader?

Q.7. How far do the stories of Dickens reflect the social evils of the Victorian Age? Explain with reference to any two of his novels.

Q.8. Write critical notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Characterization in the novels of George Eliot
(b) Depiction of upper class society in the plays of Oscar Wilde
(c) The influence of the occult in the poems of Blake
(d) Shelley as a revolutionary poet

Last Island Wednesday, June 10, 2009 06:54 PM

[B]NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.[/B]
[B](ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.[/B]

[B]Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.

[/B][/FONT] (1) ______________ is called the first romantic critic.
(a) Wordsworth
(b) Longinus
(c) Horace
(d) Sidney
(e) None of these

(2) _______________ defines a play as a just and lively image of human nature.
(a) Dr. Johnson
(b) Shakespeare
(c) Dryden
(d) Coleridge
(e) None of these

(3) ‘SARTOR RESARTUS’ is a prose work by:
(a) John Ruskin
(b) Carlyle
(c) Bacon
(d) Lamb
(e) None of these

(4) The period of English literature from 1660 to the end of the century is called:
(a) Renaissance
(b) Jacobean Period
(c) Restoration Period
(d) Romantic Age
(e) None of these

(5) ‘Stream of Consciousness’ is the phrase first used by:
(a) James Joyce
(b) William James
(c) Virginia Woolf
(d) William Faulkner
(e) None of these

(6) ______________ consists of nine-eight five foot iambic lines followed by an iambic line of six fed with rhyme scheme ab ab bc bcc:
(a) Octometer
(b) Sonnet
(c) Terza Rina
(d) Spenserian Stanza
(e) None of these

(7) A phrase, line or lines repeated at intervals during a poem and especially at the end of a stanza is called:
(a) Period
(b) Refrain
(c) Feminine Ending
(d) Alexandrine
(e) None of these

(8) Shaw’s ‘Man and Superman’ is an example of:
(a) Comedy of Errors
(b) Comedy of Manners
(c) Comedy of Ideas
(d) Romantic Comedy
(e) None of these

(9) ‘Verslibre’ is called as:
(a) Free Verse
(b) Blank Verse
(c) Free meter
(d) Iambic
(e) None of these

(10) Placing Phrase or Sentences of similar construction and meaning and balancing each other is called:
(a) Parallelism
(b) Alliteration
(c) Para Rhyme
(d) Rhetoric
(e) None of these

(11) ‘Hamlet and Oedipus’ was written by:
(a) Bradley
(b) Dover Wilson
(c) Earnest Jones
(d) Freud
(e) None of these

(12) ‘Haste me to know’t, that I, with wings as Swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, May Sweep to my revenge’ is a speech from.
(a) Lear
(b) Macbeth
(c) Othello
(d) Hamlet
(e) None of these

(13) ‘Macbeth and Oedipus’ is by:
(a) W. H. Auden
(b) Earnest Jones
(c) Nicoll
(d) Freud
(e) None of these

(14) Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes are:
(a) Husband and wife
(b) Brother and Sister
(c) Father and daughter
(d) Friends
(e) None of these

(15) The Eve of St. Agnes is a poem by:
(a) Milton
(b) Keats
(c) Byron
(d) Blake
(e) None of these

(16) ‘The Olive Tree’ is a collection of essays by:
(a) Ruskin
(b) Carlyle
(c) Huxley
(d) Oscar Wilde
(e) None of these

(17) The poem “Wind” is written by:
(a) Shelley
(b) John Ashbery
(c) Sylvia Plath
(d) Ted Hughes
(e) None of these

(18) ‘Egotistical Sublime’ is a phrase coined by:
(a) Keats
(b) Wordsworth
(c) Coleridge
(d) Byron
(e) None of these

(19) ‘Apologie for Poetrie’ is written by:
(a) Arnold
(b) Philip Sidney
(c) Pope
(d) Dryden
(e) None of these

(20) ‘I count religion but a toy’ is a line from Marlowe’s play:
(a) Dr. Faustus
(b) The Jew of Malta
(c) Tamburlaine
(d) Edward II
(e) None of these

[CENTER][FONT=Verdana][B][U]PART – II[/U][/B][/FONT]

[B]NOTE: (i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2. “In Hamlet we see a great, an almost enormous intellectual activity and a proportionate aversion to real action consequent upon it.” Examine this remark by Coleridge.

Q.3. “Faithful Observation, personal detachment, and a fine sense of ironic comedy are among Jane Austen’s Chief Characteristics as a writer.” Discuss and illustrate from ‘Pride and Prejudice’.

Q.4. Discuss ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ as a mock epic.

Q.5. ‘Pygmalion is described as ‘A Romantic in Five Acts’ by Shaw whereas it is anti-romantic in Spirit’ Do you agree? Substantiate your view by illustrating from the play.

Q.6. ‘Yeats’ symbols, like his mask, by their triple reference to self, world, and spirit achieve on the aesthetic plane a unity of bring impossible in life. Interpret Yeats’ Poem ‘BYZANTIUM’ in the light of this remark.

Q.7. Frost had rejected the revolutionary Principles of his Contemporaries, choosing instead ‘the old fashioned way to be new’. He employed the plain speech of rural New ENGLANDERS and preferred the Short, traditional forms of lyric and narrative. Discuss by illustrating from the poems you have read.

Q.8. “Nothing else so truly reflects the age and redeem it.” How far is it a just remark about T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land”?

erhanawan Sunday, January 13, 2013 08:24 AM

1.blake.2.1770.3.hours.4.none.5.prometheus.6.words. and cole.7.mill.8.ruskin.9.1800-1859.10.bourgeois enlightenment (95% sure - could be none of these).11.ruskin.12.dramatic monologues.13.1850 (smack in the middle of browning's life: 1809 to 1892) 14.browning.15.1850 (year of wordsworth's death, who was the previous poet laureate).16.low middle (could be working - depends on whether you're considering his family or his personal life).17.marian ~evans.18.agnostic.19.rustic life.20.charlotte.

PAPER-ii. 1.longinus. 2.dryden,3.carlyle.4.restoration.5.wiliam james.6.spensarian (byron and keats used this!)7.refrain.8.ideas.9.free.10.parallelism (guessing!)11.jones.12.hamlet.13.none (no such book!).14.married.15.keats.16.huxley (i have no idea what huxley, hughes and plath are doing on this paper!).17.hughes. 18. keats. 19. sidney.20. Jew of Malta

10:29 AM (GMT +5)

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