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-   -   Every Day science Paper 2010 (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-past-papers/css-papers-1971-2017/css-2010-papers/31866-every-day-science-paper-2010-a.html)

HirAsif Monday, January 23, 2012 02:45 AM

mcqs 2010
1. c
2. a
3. rain guage is used to measure rain fall
4. a
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. c

Shaukat Mazari Wednesday, May 08, 2013 05:47 PM

Really the best work man.

Gohershahroy Friday, December 20, 2013 10:05 AM

the question is all about energy. law says energy can be transferred from one form to another but can not be created or destroyed. so energy is needed to drive and the answer is simply NO. :) school k zamane me aisa kuch para ta. I may be wrong :)

Chintoo2010 Saturday, January 25, 2014 06:08 PM

CSS - an exam where examiner can ask just anything which he wishes.........absolute liberty

Muhammad Irfan Mandokhail Sunday, January 26, 2014 09:20 PM

[QUOTE=adnanaqeel99;260906]Every Day science Paper 2010

Question 1. Select the best option and fill in the appropriate Box on the answer sheet: (50 Marks)

1. Water is heated in a kettle. The inside water is heated by convection. A person sitting near the fire receives heat by:

a) Conduction
[B]b) Convection [/B]
c) Radiation
d) Reflection
e) None of these

2. A time can come when we will be able to design a machine which can go on working for ever without the expenditure of energy. Is it possible?

[B]a) No [/B]
b) Yes
c) In due course time
d) Very soon
e) None of these

3. The measurement of rainfall is made by an instrument known as :

a) Hydrometer
b) Barometer
c) Hygrometer
d) Pedometer
[B]e) None of these (Rain gauge)[/B]

4. Light year is a unit of:

[B]a) Distance [/B]
b) Time Period
c) Light intensity
d) Time
e) none of these (Length)

5. Three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants are :

[B]a) N,P,K [/B]
b) N,C,P
c) N,K,C
d) N,S,P
e) none of these

6.Copper can be converted into gold by :

a) Heating
[B]b) Artificial Radioactivity [/B]
c) Electroplating
d) Chemical reaction
e) None of these

7. In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window. This is because wood is :

a) Conductor
[B]b) non-Conductor [/B]
c) Semi- Conductor
d) Not a solid while iron is a solid
e) None of these

8. The echo (reflected sound) will be distinctly heard only at ordinary temperatures if the distance of the reflecting surfaces from the source of sound is at least :

a) 1120 ft
b) 120 ft
[B]c) 56fft [/B]
d) 100 ft
e) None of these

9. It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice. It is because of the:

[B]a) pitch [/B]
b) Frequency
c) Time period
d) Quality
e) None of these

10. When a ray of sunlight enters a dark room, its straight path become visible because of dust particles hanging in the air. It is because light is:

a) Visible
[B]B) Transparent [/B]
c) Invisible
d) opaque
e) None of these

11. A six feet tall lady wants to see her full image in a plane mirror. The minimum length of the mirror will be :

a) 6 feet
b) 12 feet
c) 4 feet
[B]d) 3 feet [/B]
e) None of these

12. The principle used in radar is the same as that of Sonar. In radar we use radio waves ; whereas in sonar we use :

A) red waves
b) Infrared waves
c) Ultrasonic
[B]d) super sonic [/B]
e) None of these

13. In a fission nuclear reaction , a heavy nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei whereas in another nuclear reaction two or more than two possibly nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus This nuclear reaction is called :

a) Chemical Reaction
b) Nuclear reaction
c) Fission nuclear reaction
[B]d) Fusion nuclear reaction[/B]
e) None of these

14. Parsec is a unit of:

a) Energy
b) Time
c) Power
[B]d) Distance [/B]
e) None of these

15. German Silver is an alloy of:

[B]A) Zn + Ni [/B]
b) Cu + Zn
c) Cu + Ni
d) Cu + Sn
e) None of these

16. The Continent Antarctica lies at the:

a) North pole b) [B]South pole[/B] c) middle of the earth d) Equator
e) None of these

17. The temperature of the dead body is:

a) 0 'C
b) 37 '
c) room temperature
[B]d) temperature of the place where it is kept[/B]
e) None of these

18. Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of :

a) Honey
b) Water
[B]c) Milk [/B]
d) olive oil
e) None of these

19. Cusec is a unit of:

a) Area
b) Time
c) Distance
d) mass
[B]e) None of these[/B](flow of liquid)

20. The deepest place on earth is:

a) Trench
[B]b) Mariana Trench [/B]
C) Mangrove
d) Groove
e) None of these

21. Twinkling of stars is caused by:

a) Reflection of light
b) Polarization of light
[B]c) refraction of light [/B]
d) Interference of light
e) None of these

22. Magnifying power of a simple microscope can be increased by:

a) increasing focal length of the lens
[B]b) Decreasing focal length of the lens[/B]
c) Lens of large aperture
d) lens of short aperture
e) None of these

23. Bronze medal is made up of metal:

a) Copper, Zinc
b) Copper, Nickle
[B]c) Copper, Tin [/B]
d) Supper, Silver

24. One of the countries through which equator passes is:

[B]a) Kenya [/B]
B) Pakistan
c) Malaysia
d) Malta
e) None of these

25. A very important practical application of properties of matter is hoeing or "godi" practiced by the farmers. This property of matter is called:

a) Elasticity
b) Stress
[B]c) Capillarity [/B]
d) Strain
e) None of these

26. It is observed that the total pressure exerted by air on the man of average siz is around 14.7 lb wt. per square inch. But the man feels quite comfortable,. It is because of :

[B]a) An equal and opposite pressure acts from inside[/B]
b) of the height of a man
c) of gravity
d) Earth pulls the man upward
e) None of these

27) A nuclear reactor is a device used to carry out controlled nuclear reaction whereas GM counter is a device used to detect :

a) Current
[B]b) Voltage [/B]
C) nuclear Radiation
d) power
e) None of these

28. A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of:

a) 25 miles per sec
b ) 60 miles per sec
[B]c) 7 miles per sec [/B]
d) 10 miles per sec
e) None of these

29. Night vision is possible with the help of :

[B]a) Red light [/B]
b) Violet light
c) Infrared Rays
d) Ultra violet Light
e) None of these

30. Myopia is a defect of human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens called :

a) Convex lens
[B]b) Concave lens [/B]
c) Cylindrical lens
d) Plano convex lens
e) None of these

31. Walnuts can be broken in the hand by squeezing two together but not one. It is because of:

[B]a) Work done [/B]
b) Power
c) Energy
d) Volume
e) None of these

32. The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on a

a) Diatonic scale
b) Fahrenheit Scale
[B]c) Richter scale [/B]
d) Celsius Scale
e) None of these

33. The planet Mercury completes one rotation around the sun is
[B]a) 88 days[/B]
b) 365 days
c) 98 days
d) 60 days

34. Fossils found in the lowest geological strata are generally most:

a) Advance
b) Complex
[B]c) Primitive [/B]
d) Specialized
e) None of these

35. Evolution can be described as:

[B]a) A continuing process [/B]
b) A catastrophic event in the past
c) Static
d) The attaining of an ideal type
e) None of these

36. What is the only source of new alleles?

[B]a) Crossing over [/B]
b) independent assortment
c) Mutation
d) Fertilization
e) None of these

37. Polygenic characteristic are controlled by:

[B]a) Dominant genes [/B]
b) Recessive genes
c) Multiple genes
d) Mutated genes
e) none of these

38. Which of the following, lists the four stages of food processing in order?

[B]a) ingestion , digestion , absorption , elimination[/B]
b) digestion , ingestion , absorption , elimination
c) ingestion , absorption , elimination , digestion
d) absorption , digestion , ingestion , elimination
e) None of these

39. In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the:

[B]a) small intestine [/B]
b) stomach
c) liver
d) large intestine
e) None of these

40. The energy needed to fuel essential body processes is called:

a) Essential nutrient level
[B]b) Basal metabolism[/B]
c) None of these
d) recommended daily allowance
e) Optimum energy intake

41. Which of the following is an organic molecule needed by the body in small amounts?

a) Protein
b) Vitamin C
[B]c) Zinc [/B]
d) Monosaccharide
e) None of these

42. Inhaled air passes through which of the following in the last?

[B]a) Bronchiole [/B]
b) Larynx
c) Pharynx
d) Trachea
e) None of these

43. Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction?

[B]a) Hermaphrodites [/B]
B) Fission
c) Fragmentation
d) Budding
e) None of these

44. Cobalt is a material which is:

[B]a) Strongly attracted by a magnet [/B]
B) Not attracted by a magnet
c) not a magnet
d) Weakly attracted by a magnet
e) None of these

45. Laughing gas has chemical composition of the following two elements which are :

a) Nitrogen + Hydrogen
b) Nitrogen + Carbon
[B]c) Nitrogen + oxygen [/B]
d) Oxygen + Carbon
e) None of these

46. Hepatitis A is transmitted to different individuals by :

a) Water
b) Sneezing
c) Spit
[B]d) Feces [/B]
e) None of these

47. The unit that coordinates different devices of the computer system is :

a) ALU
[B]c) Control unit [/B]
d) Logical instruction
e) None of these

48. The most abundant element present is in the human body is:

a) Nitrogen
[B]b) Oxygen [/B]
c) Carbon
d) Hydrogen
e) None of these

49. Cancer can be treated by:

a) Antibiotics and vaccines
b) Radiotherapy and antibodies
[B]c) Chemotherapy and radiotherapy[/B]
d) Antibodies and chemotherapy
e) None of these

50. Animals obtain carbon dioxide mainly from:

a) Starch
b) Sucrose
c) Glucose
[B]d) Glycogen [/B]
e) None of these

Part - 2

Attempt only five questions. All questions carry equal marks. (50 Marks)

Question # 02 : Write shot note on the following by giving their exact life span and contributions to the field of science. ( Accurate fact will be appreciated) (10)

a) Al- Beruni
b) Ibn- al - Haitham

Question # 03: What do you know about hereditary disease ? Comment how they are transferred from parents to offsprings ? (10)

Question # 04: Write briefly any five of the following: (Answer in three or four sentences) (10)

a) Plaster of Paris
b) Reflex Action
c) Pace Maker
d) Swine flue
e) Microwave oven
f) Internet
g) Voltage Stabilizer

Question # 05:
A) What is global warming ? Is there any a sunny side to global warming? If yes, explain. (5)
B) What makes the seasons happen ? (5)

Question # 06: In which region of the world , the following animals are found? Give two main characteristics of each. (10)

a) blind dolpin
b) Kangaroo
c) panda
d) Kiwi
e) Penguin

Question # 07:
A) In which organ these parts are present in animals or human body ? (5)
B) Describe the function of each briefly : (5)
1. Coronary artery
2. Sino- Auricular Node
3. Aortic valve
4. Auricle
Question # 08: Differentiate between the following pairs:

a) Hydrometer and Hygrometer
b) Perimeter and Telemeter
c) Isotopes and Isomers
d) Flying mammal and Bird
e) Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Question # 09:
A) What are pesticides? Explain how these are dangerous to human beings?
B) What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for?

1) STP
4) MAF
5) MeV

1) STP: Standard Temperature and Pressure
2) LORAN: Long Range Navigation
3) SONAR: Sound Navigation and Ranging
4) MAF: Million Acre Feet
5) MeV: Million Electron Volt, Mega electron Volt
6) MASER: Microwave Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation
7) AWACS: Airborne Warning and Controlling System
8) CCTV : Closed Circuit Tele Vision[/QUOTE]

more than 5 mcqs are incorrect

Wamik Sunday, August 23, 2015 01:20 PM

German silver is an alloy of:
Ans: Ni+Zn+Cu

Bronze medal is made up of
Ans: 97% copper, 2.5% Zinc, 0.5% Tin

forummember Friday, January 20, 2017 10:51 PM

My humble request to all !!!
plz avoid wrong answers.
I have seen three books and few apps who are busy in copy+paste. They dont bother to verify or authenticate answers.
I am confident to say that many answers of questions are still wrong.
dont do it.

11:03 AM (GMT +5)

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