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Last Island Friday, May 04, 2007 06:46 PM

Constitutional Law Paper 2001


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the limitations on the British Parliamentary Sovereignty.

2. Define the term ‘Druid Administrative’ or ‘Administrative Law’ and discuss its characteristics.

3. Is there any Character of Administrative Law in England? Elaborate.

4. What is the sanction behind the Convention? Substantiate your answer in the light of important British Conventions.

5. Explain the different methods by which amendment to the American Constitution can be made.

6. The Indian Constitution has set up “a quasi-federal government” in India. Explain and comment.

7. Write short notes on following:
(a) The Statute of Westminster (1931)
(b) Council of Common Interest under the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.

8. Fill in the blanks. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1. The former USSR had _____________ Union Republic
2. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet consisted of _____________ members.
3. Switzerland has _____________ Cantons.
4. _____________ is the title for the members of House of Lords.
5. “_____________ thrives under the cloak of Ministerial Responsibility.”
6. England can never be ruined except by a _____________.
7. Every Lord had a right to vote by proxy which was abolished in _____________.
8. Before _____________ Pears could only be tried by pears in cases of felony and treason.
9. The judicial Committee of Privy Council was set up by an _____________.
10. _____________ is the largest Local government division in England.
11. In France, _____________ do not play an important part in the system of Local Government.
12. The American Confederation of 13 States was created on _____________.
13. The American Constitute vested _____________ Powers with the States.
14. The American Sovereign is a sovereign who _____________.
15. In USA total number of electoral votes is always _____________.
16. The US President can declare war only with the consent of _____________.
17. Committees are called as _____________ legislatures.
18. Misuse of the privilege of unrestricted freedom of debate in US is known as _____________.
19. The Objectives Resolution was passed by the _____________ in _____________.
[FONT=Verdana]20. The present Constitution of Turkey (1982) was drafted by the _____________.[/FONT]

07:43 AM (GMT +5)

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