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Last Island Friday, April 27, 2007 12:26 AM

English Literature Paper 2003


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

[CENTER][U][B] PART - I[/B][/U]
1. For Wordsworth, “The greatest Paradox was that though it is by the proper exercise of the eye and ear that man reaches his full moral and intellectual stature … Revelation flashes upon him when the lights of sense goes out”. Discuss.

2. “Synaesthesia in Keats is a natural concomitant of other qualities of his poetry.” Discuss illustrating from his poems.

3. “Tennyson worked with words like a jeweler, weighing them against each other, tasting their luster, placing them in their foil; yet they are mostly current coinage.” Discuss.

4. ‘Lambs’ essays are lyric poems in prose.’ How far this remark is true? Illustrate with special reference to ESSAYS of Elia.

5. ‘Ruskin founded in England what was really a new religion, wherein the quest for beauty in the daily lie of all, even the most humble, become a sort of duty.’ Discuss.

6. Are ‘Dickens the humorist’ and ‘Dickens the reformer’ complementary or hostile to each other? Discuss in detail.

7. Write detailed notes on TWO of the following:
(a) Hardy’s characters are subservient to plot.
(b) Adonis is a triumphant elegy.
(c) Tradition and Individual Talent.
(d) Browning’s Obscurity.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) Who said ‘The true opposite of Poetry is not Prose but Science’.
a) Wordsworth
b) T. S. Eliot
c) Coleridge
d) None of these

2. “The first in beauty should be first in might” … is the line spoken in Hyperion by:
a) Oceanus
b) Hyperion
c) Apollo
d) None of these

3. The Eve of St. Agnes is written by:
a) Keats
b) Blake
c) Tennyson
d) None of these

4. Adonis is modeled on:
a) Bion’s lament for Adonis
b) Lycidas
c) In Memoriam
d) None of these

5. Hardy is a:
a) Pessimist
b) Meliorist
c) Mystic
d) None of these

6. Who is one of the lake poets:
a) Coleridge
b) Blake
c) Browning
d) None of these

7. Ernest De Selincourt is the editor of:
a) Prometheus the Unbound
b) The Prelude
c) Songs of innocence and of experience
d) None of these

8. Who usually caricatures his characters?
a) Dickens
b) George Eliot
c) Hardy
d) None of these

9. Tradition and Individual Talent is a critical essay by:
a) Shelley
b) Oscar Wilde
c) T. S. Eliot
d) None of these

10. ‘Hebrew Melodies’ is written by:
a) Tennyson
b) Byron
c) Keats
d) None of these

11. ‘She dwells with beauty – beauty that must die’ is a line from
a) Ode to Nightingale
b) Ode on Indolence
c) Ode to Melancholy
d) None of these

12. ‘A Little Girl Lost’ is written by:
a) Wordsworth
b) Blake
c) Keats
d) None of these

13. The first eight lines of a sonnet are called
a) Octave
b) Sestet
c) Refrain
d) None of these

14. The Revolt of Islam is a:
a) Novel
b) An epic
c) Lyrical Drama
d) None of these

15. The repetition of sounds in a sequence of words is called
a) Assonance
b) Rhythm
c) Alliteration
d) None of these

16. ‘The child is the father of man’ is a line from Wordsworth’s:
a) Immortality Ode
b) The Prelude
c) My heart leaps when I Behold a Rainbow in the Sky.
d) None of these

17. ‘Lady Windermere’s fan’ is written by:
a) Oscar Wilde
b) Galsworthy
c) T. S. Eliot
d) None of these

18. Who wrote ‘Tales From Shakespeare’?
a) Charles Lamb and his sister
b) Dr. Johnson
c) Dryden
d) None of these

19. ‘East Coker’ is written by:
a) Browning
b) Wordsworth
c) T. S. Eliot
d) None of these

20. In which poem lies the line ‘The One remain, the many change and pass’?
a) Adonis
b) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
c) The cloud
d) None of these

Last Island Friday, April 27, 2007 01:28 AM



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory.. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss briefly the universality of text ‘Waiting for Godot’ – Samuel Backett: Word Master.

2. Give briefly a critical appreciation of ‘Among School Children’ – Yeats.

3. ‘T. S. Eliot considered Hamlet to be an artistic failure.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answers.

4. Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice’ has been described as a fairy tale, in which deserving girl gets her prince. Would you say this was a good description? Give reasons for your answer.

5. Jonathan Swift became famous for his political writing. Gulliver’s Travels as an entertaining political story, but it became very popular as a tale for young people. Give examples from any one of the tales you remember vividly.

6. As a lover of English literature, what impresses you in T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’? Give your analysis.

7. Give critical appreciation of Robert Frost’s West Running Brook and Desert Places.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) OF all his predecessors, the following exerted a direct influence upon Shakespeare.
a) Lyly and Marlowe
b) Robert Greene and Thomas Nash
c) George Peele and Thomas Lodge
d) None of these

2. Shakespeare has written
a) Comedies
b) Tragedies
c) Historical Plays
d) None of these

3. Jane Austen’s other writings are:
a) Sense and Sensibility
b) Emma
c) Persuasion
d) None of these

4. Texts like Waiting for Godot are:
a) Ageless
b) Rare
c) Priceless
d) None of these

5. “We are such stuff as dreams are made”. Whose words are these.
a) Shakespeare
b) Marlowe
c) Philip Sydney
d) None of these

6. The only play by Shakespeare which confirms to the classical unities is:
a) Hamlet
b) Twelfth Night
c) Romeo and Juliet
d) None of these

7. Yahoo’s according to Gulliver were:
a) European
b) Indians
c) American
d) None of these

8. ‘Young leading the young is like blind leading the blind’ who has said these words:
a) Carlyle
b) Bacon
c) Mantaine
d) None of these

9. Arms and the Man – a novel is written by:
a) George Bernard Shaw
b) Samuel Beckett
c) Jane Austen
d) None of these

10. ‘Proper study of Mankind is man’ – who has said these words:
a) Pope
b) Swift
c) Shelley
d) None of these

11. ‘Supernaturalism’ was an important feature of the poetry of:
a) Wordsworth
b) Byron
c) Coleridge
d) None of these

12. ‘Sweet Hellen make me immortal with kiss’. Who has said these words?
a) Marlow
b) Shakespeare
c) Benjonson
d) None of these

13. Who did write/publish preface to lyrical ballads:
a) Wordsworth
b) Shelley
c) Keats
d) None of these

14. The word renaissance means:
a) Rebirth
b) Revival
c) Renewal
d) None of these

15. ‘Of Studies’ an essay is written by:
a) Francis Bacon
b) Carlyle
c) Montaine
d) None of these

16. Spenser was:
a) Novelist
b) Dramatist
c) Prose writer
d) None of these

17. All is well that ends well is a:
a) Comedy
b) Tragedy
c) Historical Play
d) None of these

18. The second shortest play of Shakespeare is:
a) The Winter’s Tale
b) Much ado about nothing
c) Tempest
d) None of these

19. ‘Paradise Lost’ is written by:
a) Milton
b) Pope
c) Swift
d) None of these

20. ‘Money is a tie of all ties. It is a tie which ties and unties all ties’ is quotation from
a) Past and Present
b) Of Money
c) Of Marriage
d) None of these

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