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Mumtaz Hayat Maneka Tuesday, June 17, 2008 03:49 AM

[QUOTE=Princess Royal]Your answer also needs correction :) because[B] skin[/B] is the largest organ in human body.[/QUOTE]

hey princess royal....
i'm not much into the medical stuff but are you sure that skin is the largest organ of the body or is it an organ in itself???
i mean i also read somewhere that the liver is the largest organ in the human body.so it would be nice if you could check it again...


Princess Royal Tuesday, June 17, 2008 08:43 AM

I found this in one of my books:

[B][U]Liver:[/U][/B] The liver, often referred to by the word root hepat, is the body's largest [B]glandular[/B] organ.

[B][U]Skin:[/U][/B] The skin is the largest organ in the body, weighing about 4 kg. Though it appears uniform in structure and function, its thickness in fact varies, from less than 1 mm covering the eyelids to more than 5 mm on the upper back.

[quote]Q………Largest organ of human body[/quote]

So, as per the above question, [B]skin[/B] is the right answer.

I was wondering that skin and liver both are glands as well as organs. Then how liver is the largest glandular organ and skin the largest organ? After further reading the book and searching wikipedia the conclusion to which I reach is that liver is the largest internal and glandular organ, whereas skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system and also skin itself is not a gland but there are accessory structures associated with it which includes glands.

So, if asked about the largest internal or glandular organ then that would be liver otherwise the largest organ, on the whole, is skin.

aj khan Sunday, June 29, 2008 07:59 PM

although princess royal has given explanation regarding the largets organ of the body, some points from my side too

skin is considered an organ and NOT a gland. Why to consider it as an organ? Because it is continuous, it responds in a homogenous manner to different injurious agents, often its infectious diseases are not limited to one part of skin but tend to spread to involve whole of the skin. Skin does conntain many glands which again are of various types like sweat glands of ecrine variety, sebaceous glands of holocrien variety and apocrine sweat glands. so skin is viewed AS AN ORGAN OF THE BODY CONTAINING VARIOUS KINDS OF GLANDS AND HAIR FOLLICLES TO ASSIST IT IN PERFORMING ITS VARIOUS FUNCTIONS SOME OF WHICH INCLUDE TEMPERATURE REGULATION AND A BARRIER TO INFECTING ORGANISMS. so these glands in the skin assist it to perform its other functions.

Liver itself is an organ which contains only glandular tissue and its MAIN function is to produce various secretions. SO it is regarded as the human body's largest GLAND.

i coudnt write exact spellings of BCG, thanks for correcting

Tabish Shah Tuesday, June 09, 2009 01:50 AM

can anyone post a proper paper of this subject please??
with all of the mcqs

yasirqureshi Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:35 AM

Please post the objective part of 2008 EDS paper.

usmanshoaib Tuesday, November 02, 2010 04:04 PM

(1) Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient.

a. A+
b. B+
c. AB+
d. O+
e. None of these
The AB+ group is considered to be universal recipient

(2) Study of life in outer space is known as:
a. Endobiology
b. Exobiology
c. Enterobiology
d. Neobiology
e. Micro biology

(3) The name of the common mineral salt present in seat is:

a. Calcium Oxalate
b. Potassium Sulphate
c. Sodium Chloride
d. Iron Sulphate
e. None of these

(4) Sensitive layer of the eye is:

a. Choriods
b. Sclerotic
c. Retina
d. Cornea
e. None of these

(5) Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements.

a. Nitrogen + Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen + Carbon
c. Nitrogen + Oxygen
d. Oxygen + Carbon
e. None of these

(6) Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of:

a. Electromagnetic force and gravitational force
b. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force
c. Gravitational force and weak nuclear force
d. Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force
e. None of these

(7) Which triplet in DNA codes for valine:

a. CTT
b. AGU
c. CAT
d. AAT
e. None of these

(8) What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterozygous normal ?

a. Zero
b. ¼
c. ½
d. ¾
e. None of these

(9) Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism:

a. Over production
b. Natural selection
c. Inheritance for acquired characters
d. Competition for survival
e. None of these

(10) Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on:

a. Decomposition
b. Respiration
c. Digestion
d. Fermentation
e. None of these

(11) Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus:

a. Cigarette smoking
b. Using alcholo
c. Injection of heroine
d. Taking too much aspirin
e. None of these

(12) Founder of modern astronomy was:

a. Archimedes
b. William Gilbert
c. Nicolas Copernicus
d. Michael Faraday
e. None of these

(13) The instrument which measures very high temperature is:

a. Manometer
b. Thermostat
c. Chronometer
d. Pyrometer
e. None of these

(14) The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is:

a. Ethnology (branch of anthropology)
b. Morphology
c. Ethics
d. Genetics
e. None of these

(15) Chemical used to kill rats and mice are:

a. Insecticides
b. Rodenticides
c. Fungicides
d. Herbicides
e. None of these

(16) Dry ice is:

a. Methane hydrate
b. Liquid Nitrogen
c. Solid Carbon dioxide
d. Frozen Water
e. None of these

(17) Chemical name of vinegar is:

a. Sodium Nitrate
b. Dilute acetic acid
c. Chloride of lime
d. Calcium
e. None of these

(18) Defeciency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin production:

a. Biotin
b. Thiamine
c. Niacin
d. Pyridoxine (known as Vitamin B6, causes anemia i.e. deficiency of hemoglobin)
e. None of these

(19) Hygrometer is used for measuring the:

a. Speed of sound
b. Density of milk
c. Humidity of air
d. Specific gravity of liquids
e. None of these

(20) Bronze is an alloy of:

a. Copper and Zinc
b. Tin and Zinc
c. Copper and Tin
d. Iron and Zinc
e. None of these

(21) Which of the following is most elastic ?

a. Steel
b. Rubber
c. Glass
d. Sponge
e. None of these

(22) Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is:

a. 88 days
b. 365 days
c. 2 years
d. 98 days
e. None of these

(23) The most splendid and the most magnificient constellation on the sky is:

a. Orion
b. Columbia
c. Canis Major
d. Taurus
e. None of these

(24) “Black holes” refer to:

a. Hole occurring in heavenly bodies
b. Bright spots on the sun
c. Collapsing objects of high density
d. Collapsing of low density
e. None of these

(25) Eugenics is the study of:

a. Altering human beings by changing their genetic components (close to the actual definition)
b. People of European region
c. Different races of mankind
d. Genetic of plants
e. None of these

Eugenics: study of the possibility of racial improvement through selective breeding and other methods

(26) The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing northern summer is called:

a. Aphelion
b. Perihelion
c. Perigee
d. Apogee
e. None of these

(27) Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element:

a. Carbon
b. Gold
c. Silver
d. Platinum
e. None of these

(28) Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?

a. Troposphere
b. Ionosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Stratosphere
e. None of these

(29) Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?

a. Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
b. Orbit of moon around earth
c. Direction of rotation of earth around sun
d. Area of the sun covered by the moon
e. None of these

(30) Television signals are converted into light signals by:

a. Optical fiber
b. Transistor
c. Decoder
d. Photo diode
e. None of these

(31) Where do most of Asteroids lie?

a. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
b. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus
c. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus
d. Everywhere in the sky
e. None of these

(32) The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is:

a. 2
b. 3
c. 0
d. 4
e. None of these

(33) The half life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long it take to reduce it from 10 mg to 5 mg?

a. 4 days
b. 12 days
c. 16 days
d. 8 days
e. None of these

(34) The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate:

a. Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.
b. Turning a star from white to blue
c. In future sun would become blue
d. Black hole was blue at its start
e. None of these

The opposite is the famous red shift which indicated the universe is expanding away from us.

(35) Kilowatt-hour is a unit of:

a. Power
b. Electric Current
c. Energy
d. Time
e. None of these

(36) Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is:

a. Uranium Oxide
b. Uranium Plutonium carbide
c. Uranium Plutonium Oxide
d. Uranium thorium Oxide
e. None of these

FBRs usually use a mixed oxide fuel core of up to 20% plutonium dioxide (PuO2) and at least 80% uranium dioxide (UO2).

(37) Monsoon is caused by:

a. Seasonal reversal of winds
b. Revolution of earth
c. Movement of clouds
d. Rise in temperature
e. Rain forests

(38) Which of the following atmospheric layers help in radio communication?

a. Exosphere
b. Ionosphere
c. Troposphere
d. Stratosphere
e. Ozone layer

(39) A moderator is used in nuclear reactor in order to:

a. Accelerate the neutrons
b. Slow down the speed of the neutrons
c. Increase the number of elections
d. Decrease the number of electrons
e. None of these

(40) Sedimentary rocks are:

a. Porous
b. Hard
c. Rough
d. Brittle
e. Volcanic

(41) Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral?

a. Manganese
b. Magnesium
c. Gypsum
d. Bauxite
e. None of these

(42) Ozone layer prevents the following radiation from entering the atmosphere:

a. Infra-red
b. Ultraviolet
c. X-rays
d. Gamma rays
e. None of these

(43) The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiations from:

a. Ionosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Stratosphere
e. None of these

Radiations are originally from Magnetosphere which collide with the atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere,however, Aurora Borealis occurs in the ionosphere

(44) Yeast is used in making bread because it produces:

a. Carbon dioxide (not sure if this is the reason but yeast does produce carbon dioxide)
b. Sugar
c. Bacteria
d. Oxygen
e. None of these

(45) Oasis is associated with:

a. Glaciers
b. Desert
c. Islands or Last Island
d. Volcanoes
e. Fertile land

(46) Quartz crystal in quartz watches work on the principle called:

a. Photoelectric effect
b. Stark effect
c. Thermionic effect
d. Piezo-electric effect
e. None of these

Piezo-electric effect
electric polarization produced in certain crystals by the application of mechanical stress.

(47) The fruits without seed, like banana, are called:

a. seedless fruits
b. parthenogenesis fruits
c. parthenocarpic fruits
d. placental fruits
e. Organic fruits

parthenocarpy (literally meaning virgin fruit) is the natural or artificially induced production of fruit without fertilization of ovules. The fruit is therefore seedless

(48) Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called:

a. Parasite
b. Scavenger
c. Predator – not our moderator
d. Mammal
e. None of these

(49) In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap tin between them because:

a. Steel can be saved
b. Accidents due to contraction in winter can be avoided
c. Air gaps are necessary for bearing the weight of running train
d. Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided
e. All of these

(50) Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine:

a. Al-Qanoon
b. Al-Masudi
c. New Renaissance
d. Tadhkira
e. None of these (I think it was "The Canon of Medicine")
51.Abu Ali Sina, Al Biruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century
10 th century
52.Bakelite, Polyester are which type of plastics
Thermosetting plastics
53.which of the following is an invertebrate
54.identify the animal,,,,rudimentary wings, long bill, lives in burrows
54.Largest organ of human body
55.Vaccine for T.B
bacille calmine gurette ( BCG )
56.Power house of cell
55. Japan is called:
Land of earthquakes
Land of rising sun
Land of rivers

56. Which of the following is used to kill rats?

57. Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star?
Venus is called the morning star because it is the brightest planet in the solar system and it is the closest planet to us.
58. What is the diameter of the earth?
The diameter of the earth at the equator is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles.
The diameter of the earth through the poles is 12,715.43 kilometers or 7,901.00 miles.
Thus the earth is 59 km or 25 miles wider than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the equator.
This shape is known as an ellipsoid or more properly, geoid (earth-like), or oblate spheroid (squashed sphere).

59. Which one of the following is not invertebrate?
(This was a wrong question which was later corrected...correct options were not given, invertebrate are those animals or insects which don’t ha backbone)

60. Opium is found in?

61. Opium is used to make the following
8)Whcih one of the following book was written by Ibn-al-haisham?

62.Speed of light is?
299,792.458 kilometers per second.

63. Which of the following energy in converted into electric in a generator?

64. Diamond is the refined form of
i) Carbon
ii) Coal

65. Dry Ice is?

66. Telephone was invented by?
Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish
March 7th 1876

67.Name the instrument used to measure electric current?

68.Ascorbic is vitamin?
vitamin, C

69. Total number of bones in human face are?
There are 14 bones in the face of a human. Obviously, it would be different for other species.

Corrections are welcome.

usmanshoaib Tuesday, November 02, 2010 04:56 PM

(1) Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient.

a. A+
b. B+
c. AB+
d. O+
[B]e. None of these
The AB+ group is considered to be universal recipient
(2) Study of life in outer space is known as:
a. Endobiology
b.[B] Exobiology[/B]
c. Enterobiology
d. Neobiology
e. Micro biology

(3) The name of the common mineral salt present in seat is:

a. Calcium Oxalate
b. Potassium Sulphate
c. Sodium Chloride
d. Iron Sulphate
e. None of these

(4) Sensitive layer of the eye is:

a. Choriods
b. Sclerotic
[B]c. Retina[/B]
d. Cornea
e. None of these

(5) Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements.

a. Nitrogen + Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen + Carbon
c.[B] Nitrogen + Oxygen[/B]
d. Oxygen + Carbon
e. None of these

(6) Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of:

a. Electromagnetic force and gravitational force
[B]b. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force[/B]
c. Gravitational force and weak nuclear force
d. Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force
e. None of these

(7) Which triplet in DNA codes for valine:

a. CTT
b. AGU
c. CAT
d. AAT
e[B]. None of these (GTT, GTC, GTA, GTG)[/B]

(8) What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterozygous normal ?

a. Zero
b. ¼
[B]c. ½[/B]
d. ¾
e. None of these

(9) Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism:

[B]a. Over production [/B]
b. Natural selection
c. Inheritance for acquired characters
d. Competition for survival
e. None of these

(10) Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on:

a. Decomposition
b. Respiration
c. Digestion
[B]d. Fermentation[/B]
e. None of these

(11) Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus:

a. Cigarette smoking
b. Using alcholo
c. Injection of heroine
d. Taking too much aspirin
[B]e. None of these[/B]

(12) Founder of modern astronomy was:

a. Archimedes
b. William Gilbert [B]
c. Nicolas Copernicus[/B]
d. Michael Faraday
e. None of these

(13) The instrument which measures very high temperature is:

a. Manometer
b. Thermostat
c. Chronometer
[B]d. Pyrometer [/B]
e. None of these

(14) The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is:

a[B]. Ethnology (branch of anthropology)
[/B]b. Morphology
c. Ethics
d. Genetics
e. None of these

(15) Chemical used to kill rats and mice are:

a. Insecticides
[B]b. Rodenticides[/B]
c. Fungicides
d. Herbicides
e. None of these

(16) Dry ice is:

a. Methane hydrate
b. Liquid Nitrogen
[B]c. Solid Carbon dioxide[/B]
d. Frozen Water
e. None of these

(17) Chemical name of vinegar is:

a. Sodium Nitrate
[B]b. Dilute acetic acid(formula is CH3COOH)[/B]
c. Chloride of lime
d. Calcium
e. None of these

(18) Defeciency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin production:

a. Biotin
b. Thiamine
c. Niacin
d. [B]Pyridoxine[/B] (known as Vitamin B6, causes anemia i.e. deficiency of hemoglobin)
e. None of these

(19) Hygrometer is used for measuring the:

a. Speed of sound
b. Density of milk
[B]c. Humidity of air [/B]
d. Specific gravity of liquids
e. None of these

(20) Bronze is an alloy of:

a. Copper and Zinc
b. Tin and Zinc
[B]c. Copper and Tin[/B]
d. Iron and Zinc
e. None of these

(21) Which of the following is most elastic ?

[B]a. Steel [/B]
b. Rubber
c. Glass
d. Sponge
e. None of these

(22) Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is:
a. 88 days [/B]
b. 365 days
c. 2 years
d. 98 days
e. None of these

(23) The most splendid and the most magnificient constellation on the sky is:

[B]a. Orion[/B]
b. Columbia
c. Canis Major
d. Taurus
e. None of these

(24) “Black holes” refer to:

a. Hole occurring in heavenly bodies
b. Bright spots on the sun
[B]c. Collapsing objects of high density
[/B]d. Collapsing of low density
e. None of these

(25) Eugenics is the study of:

[B]a. Altering human beings by changing their genetic components (close to the actual definition)
[/B]b. People of European region
c. Different races of mankind
d. Genetic of plants
e. None of these

Eugenics: study of the possibility of racial improvement through selective breeding and other methods

(26) The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing northern summer is called:

[B]a. Aphelion[/B]
b. Perihelion
c. Perigee
d. Apogee
e. None of these

(27) Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element:[B]

a. Carbon[/B]
b. Gold
c. Silver
d. Platinum
e. None of these

(28) Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?

a. Troposphere
[B]b. Ionosphere[/B]
c. Mesosphere
d. Stratosphere
e. None of these

(29) Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?

a. Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
b. Orbit of moon around earth
c. Direction of rotation of earth around sun
[B]d. Area of the sun covered by the moon[/B]
e. None of these

(30) Television signals are converted into light signals by:

a. Optical fiber
b. Transistor
c. Decoder
[B]d. Photo diode [/B]
e. None of these

(31) Where do most of Asteroids lie?

[B]a. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter[/B]
b. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus
c. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus
d. Everywhere in the sky
e. None of these

(32) The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is:

a. 2
b. 3
c. 0
d. 4
[B]e. None of these(diesel need not have a spark plug to ignite, just high compression will heat it up since its density is higher than of normal petrol or gasoline. gasoline having a lower density needs can't heat up well after compression and thus needs a spark to ignite it.
You may need to plug in the block heater depending on the outside temperature Some older trucks need to be plugged in if the temperature is near freezing.)[/B]

(33) The half life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long it take to reduce it from 10 mg to 5 mg?

a. 4 days
b. 12 days
c. 16 days
[B]d. 8 days[/B]
e. None of these

(34) The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate:
a. Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.[/B]
b. Turning a star from white to blue
c. In future sun would become blue
d. Black hole was blue at its start
e. None of these

The opposite is the famous red shift which indicated the universe is expanding away from us.

(35) Kilowatt-hour is a unit of:

a. Power
b. Electric Current[B]
c. Energy[/B]
d. Time
e. None of these

(36) Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is:

a. Uranium Oxide
b. Uranium Plutonium carbide
[B]c. Uranium Plutonium Oxide[/B]
d. Uranium thorium Oxide
e. None of these

FBRs usually use a mixed oxide fuel core of up to 20% plutonium dioxide (PuO2) and at least 80% uranium dioxide (UO2).

(37) Monsoon is caused by:

a. Seasonal reversal of winds
[B]b. Revolution of earth[/B]
c. Movement of clouds
d. Rise in temperature
e. Rain forests

(38) Which of the following atmospheric layers help in radio communication?

a. Exosphere
[B]b. Ionosphere[/B]
c. Troposphere
d. Stratosphere
e. Ozone layer

(39) A moderator is used in nuclear reactor in order to:

a. Accelerate the neutrons
[B]b. Slow down the speed of the neutrons[/B]
c. Increase the number of elections
d. Decrease the number of electrons
e. None of these

(40) Sedimentary rocks are:

a. Porous
b. Hard
c. Rough
d. Brittle
[B]e. Volcanic[/B]
A rock formed by consolidated sediment deposited in layers. Also known as derivative rock; neptunic rock, stratified rock.

(41) Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral?

a. Manganese
b. Magnesium
c. Gypsum
[B]d. Bauxite[/B]
e. None of these

(42) Ozone layer prevents the following radiation from entering the atmosphere:

a. Infra-red
[B]b. Ultraviolet[/B]
c. X-rays
d. Gamma rays
e. None of these

(43) The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiations from:
a. Ionosphere[/B]
b. Troposphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Stratosphere
e. None of these

Radiations are originally from Magnetosphere which collide with the atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere,however, Aurora Borealis occurs in the ionosphere

(44) Yeast is used in making bread because it produces:

a. [B]Carbon dioxide [/B](not sure if this is the reason but yeast does produce carbon dioxide)
b. Sugar
c. Bacteria
d. Oxygen
e. None of these
[B]Yeast turns sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide makes the bread rise. The alcohol kills any mold or bacteria that had been growing in the grain while the bread rises. That keeps the bread from becoming poisonous. If the bread does not rise, it is like eating a thin piece of wood. Go to a grocery store and pick up a box of matzo. Eat it. That is bread that was cooked without yeast. When the bread has finished rising, it is cooked and ready to eat.[/B]

(45) Oasis is associated with:

a. Glaciers
b. Desert
[B]c. Islands or Last Island [/B]
d. Volcanoes
e. Fertile land

(46) Quartz crystal in quartz watches work on the principle called:

a. Photoelectric effect
b. Stark effect
c. Thermionic effect
[B]d. Piezo-electric effect [/B]
e. None of these

Piezo-electric effect
electric polarization produced in certain crystals by the application of mechanical stress.

(47) The fruits without seed, like banana, are called:

a. seedless fruits
b. parthenogenesis fruits
[B]c. parthenocarpic fruits[/B]
d. placental fruits
e. Organic fruits

parthenocarpy (literally meaning virgin fruit) is the natural or artificially induced production of fruit without fertilization of ovules. The fruit is therefore seedless

(48) Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called:

a. Parasite
b. Scavenger[B]
c. Predator – not our moderator [/B]
d. Mammal
e. None of these

(49) In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap tin between them because:

a. Steel can be saved
[B]b. Accidents due to contraction in winter can be avoided[/B]
c. Air gaps are necessary for bearing the weight of running train
[B]d. Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided[/B]
e. All of these

(50) Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine:

a. Al-Qanoon
b. Al-Masudi
c. New Renaissance
d. Tadhkira[B]
e. None of these (I think it was "The Canon of Medicine")[/B]
51.Abu Ali Sina, Al Biruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century
10 th century
52.Bakelite, Polyester are which type of plastics
Thermosetting plastics
53.which of the following is an invertebrate
54.identify the animal,,,,rudimentary wings, long bill, lives in burrows
54.Largest organ of human body
55.Vaccine for T.B
bacille calmine gurette ( BCG )
56.Power house of cell
55. Japan is called:
Land of earthquakes
Land of rising sun
Land of rivers

56. Which of the following is used to kill rats?

57. Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star?
Venus is called the morning star because it is the brightest planet in the solar system and it is the closest planet to us.
58. What is the diameter of the earth?
The diameter of the earth at the equator is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles.
The diameter of the earth through the poles is 12,715.43 kilometers or 7,901.00 miles.
Thus the earth is 59 km or 25 miles wider than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the equator.
This shape is known as an ellipsoid or more properly, geoid (earth-like), or oblate spheroid (squashed sphere).

59. Which one of the following is not invertebrate?
(This was a wrong question which was later corrected...correct options were not given, invertebrate are those animals or insects which don’t ha backbone)

60. Opium is found in?

61. Opium is used to make the following
8)Whcih one of the following book was written by Ibn-al-haisham?

62.Speed of light is?
299,792.458 kilometers per second.

63. Which of the following energy in converted into electric in a generator?

64. Diamond is the refined form of
i) Carbon
ii) Coal

65. Dry Ice is?

66. Telephone was invented by?
Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish
March 7th 1876

67.Name the instrument used to measure electric current?

68.Ascorbic is vitamin?
vitamin, C

69. Total number of bones in human face are?
There are 14 bones in the face of a human. Obviously, it would be different for other species.

Corrections are welcome.

mhmmdkashif Monday, November 29, 2010 07:03 PM

I find these MCQs very confusing, (so I guess I should also cram some effective prayers when choosing an options in the exam hall lol). MCQs at no. 28 and 38 are apparently the same, but there is a world of difference if interpreted correctly. In no. 28, it is asked what atmospheric layer makes radio communication possible, I guess the correct option to choose for such a query would be None of these, cuz if any atmospheric layer was making possible radio communication, it would mean radio communication from space is virtually impossible, something which is not true sincce it is being carried out significantly these days. In no. 38, it is asked which layer is helpful in radio communication, here we can choose Ionosphere, cuz it reflects radio signals and thus have some kind of impact on radio communiction.

[QUOTE=Princess Royal;92560]I found this in one of my books:

[B][U]Liver:[/U][/B] The liver, often referred to by the word root hepat, is the body's largest [B]glandular[/B] organ.

[B][U]Skin:[/U][/B] The skin is the largest organ in the body, weighing about 4 kg. Though it appears uniform in structure and function, its thickness in fact varies, from less than 1 mm covering the eyelids to more than 5 mm on the upper back.

So, as per the above question, [B]skin[/B] is the right answer.

I was wondering that skin and liver both are glands as well as organs. Then how liver is the largest glandular organ and skin the largest organ? After further reading the book and searching wikipedia the conclusion to which I reach is that liver is the largest internal and glandular organ, whereas skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system and also skin itself is not a gland but there are accessory structures associated with it which includes glands.

So, if asked about the largest internal or glandular organ then that would be liver otherwise the largest organ, on the whole, is skin.[/QUOTE]

Dont forget the intestine here!!! Small intestine measures over 20 feet and large intestine also measures around 5-6 feet, so there collective size will be over 25 feet tamped down inside what we perceive as stomach.

kal3m Friday, June 28, 2013 03:37 PM

Skin is the largest organ of human body. It covers almost 22 square feet or 2 square meters. For further detail read [url]http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/health-and-human-body/human-body/skin-article/[/url]


blue sky Saturday, September 09, 2017 12:40 PM

[QUOTE=SAZ;92530]i think some answer need correction


BCG stands for
Bacille Calmette Guerin

and largest organ in the body is

liver is the largest gland

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