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exclusively Thursday, July 09, 2015 11:41 AM

Is NAP~a tyrannical act or anti-terrorism move?
Hi guys,

What do you thing is National Action Plan really workable and is it not violation of human rights and humanity?

ARISTOCRAT Thursday, July 09, 2015 12:38 PM

[QUOTE=exclusively;845367]Hi guys,

What do you thing is National Action Plan really workable and is it not violation of human rights and humanity?[/QUOTE]

As it is clear from the term. " National" . It definitely is exhaustive in nature. If govt's intention is positive Nd they are determined about its workability , then there are no hindrances . Obviously doable. Our country is facing extra ordinary situations , so Nap must be initiated in its full essence. Human rights are terms used for a very ideal situation , that is not in Pakistan right now.

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Shehla malik Thursday, July 09, 2015 02:06 PM

Extra ordinary situations demand extra ordinary measures.

Considering the situation prevailing in Pakistan, since more than a decade, NAP was needed even earlier. Though, its never too late. In my opinion, NAP is doable and consistent with the law related situation in Pakistan. Its all 20 points are the life lines for Pakistan.

However, government seems apathetic regarding its implementation in letter and spirit.

iamauk Thursday, July 09, 2015 02:20 PM

NAP had been fruitful if implemented completely. We have drawbacks and NAP is having a huge public critics due to its one-sided implementation. Whereas if we consider there is some good the way we are going. Like most people are criticizing that strict action is being taken over some particular political parties but simple question is that what if only some particular parties are having most of the crime hand ? Like this some people say that only Karachi is being taken under this action ! unaware of the fact that it was Karachi having highest rate of crime/terrorism.

Mehria Thursday, July 09, 2015 08:40 PM

First tell what is NAP and what is its purpose.

ARISTOCRAT Thursday, July 09, 2015 10:34 PM


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informer59 Saturday, July 11, 2015 12:33 PM

[SIZE="3"][B][CENTER]National Action Plan[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]

[COLOR="blue"]1. Execution of convicted terrorists[/COLOR]
Most of the terrorists in our country are from Jihadi groups and they do suicide bomb attacks in the name of Allah. These terrorists do not fear in exploding themselves. Will they fear hanging? I don't think so.

[COLOR="blue"]2. Establishment of special trial courts[/COLOR]
Special trial courts more precisely military courts. Everyone knows how they are working. The family members of so-called convicted person even have no knowledge about the allegations which are registered by boys in boots. Moreover, military is not trained for running courts.

[COLOR="blue"]3. Ensure no armed militias are allowed to function in the country.
4. Strengthening and activation of NACTA[/COLOR]
Regarding 3 and 4, I consider these as the duty of law enforcement agencies. There wasn't need to include these things in NAP.

[COLOR="blue"][COLOR="blue"]5. Countering hate speech and extremist material[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Yes that's new and Government should counter hate speech.

[COLOR="blue"]6. Chocking financing for terrorist and terrorist organization
7. Ensuring against re-emergence of proscribed organizations.[/COLOR]
6 and 7 are included in the duty of government.

[COLOR="blue"]8. Establishing and deploying a dedicated counter terrorism force[/COLOR]
Don't we have any anti-terrorism force already?

[COLOR="blue"]9. Taking effective steps against religious persecution[/COLOR]
Good step. The elements that use religion as a political weapon should be punished.

[COLOR="blue"]10. Registration and regulation of madrassas[/COLOR]
Excellent step initiated by the Government.

[COLOR="blue"]11. Ban on glorification of terrorism and terrorist organization through print and electronic media.[/COLOR]
Again, a very good step.

[COLOR="blue"]12. FATA reforms[/COLOR]
No idea

[COLOR="blue"]13. Dismantling communication networks of terrorist organization[/COLOR]
For what agencies were getting paid?

[COLOR="blue"]14. Measures against abuse of internet and social media for terrorism[/COLOR]
Let's hope the government would take measures against abuse of internet. To me, it seems difficult.

[COLOR="blue"]15. Zero tolerance for militancy in Punjab[/COLOR]
Why only Punjab? Why not in whole Pakistan? This makes us assume that militancy will be tolerated in other provinces.

[COLOR="blue"]16. Taking the ongoing operation in Karachi to its logical conclusion.[/COLOR]
Establishment just want to change the leadership of MQM. It does not want to eliminate terrorists in MQM party.

[COLOR="blue"]17. Balochistan reconciliation[/COLOR]
That's impossible. Most of the natives of Balochistan are insurgents and this is the establishment who has made them so.

[COLOR="blue"]18. Dealing firmly with sectarian terrorists[/COLOR]
What the hell para-military forces and agencies were doing for so long? Were they waiting for them to do carry out their activities so that we can feel the importance of para-military forces and agencies?

[COLOR="blue"]19. Policy to deal with the issue of Afghan refugees.[/COLOR]
Policy making job is always carried by military with the cover of civilian government. Hope that whatever policy will they make, it will be beneficial for state.

[COLOR="Blue"]20. Revamping and reforming the criminal justice system[/COLOR]
Reforming criminal justice system, how? By intervening military in judicial system?

Muhammad T S Awan Saturday, August 08, 2015 09:18 AM


As stated by informer, there were lot of things in NAP, which were already being done, but i feel that NAP directed efforts of government (military being part of government) and action sped up.

As regards human rights violations, there may be some slight incidents of human rights violations but in greater context one has to compromise on small things for achieving big targets.. A prosperous Pakistan can only be assured after effective and successful counter terrorism strategy.


muntaha mughal Tuesday, August 25, 2015 01:16 AM

Why zero tolerance for militancy only in punjab? Why not in other provinces?

Man Jaanbazam Tuesday, August 25, 2015 08:21 AM

[QUOTE=muntaha mughal;856049]Why zero tolerance for militancy only in punjab? Why not in other provinces?[/QUOTE]

This is the real battle zone where nurseries of religious extremism, sectarianism and militancy have thrived for far too long.

Muneeb Raza Tuesday, August 25, 2015 02:59 PM

NAP is a welcome setup but lacks De-radicalization, reintegration and de-weaponization

muntaha mughal Wednesday, August 26, 2015 02:27 PM

[QUOTE=Man Jaanbazam;856070]This is the real battle zone where nurseries of religious extremism, sectarianism and militancy have thrived for far too long.[/QUOTE]

If punjab is real battle zone then why karachi is under zarb e azab operation ? Karachi is suffering ahead more than punjab !

Man Jaanbazam Wednesday, August 26, 2015 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=muntaha mughal;856429]If punjab is real battle zone then why karachi is under zarb e azab operation ? Karachi is suffering ahead more than punjab ![/QUOTE]

You missed the part "[B]nurseries of religious extremism, sectarianism and militancy have thrived for far too long[/B]".

sincere khan Wednesday, August 26, 2015 02:47 PM

All the Credit goes to Choudry Nisar Ali Khan, a real Tiger of Pakistan, Insha Allah He will finished the story of terorrism from Pakistan

Monk Thursday, August 27, 2015 02:45 AM

[QUOTE=sincer khan;856439]All the Credit goes to Choudry Nisar Ali Khan, a real Tiger of Pakistan, Insha Allah He will finished the story of terorrism from Pakistan[/QUOTE]

Nisar Ali khan? Really? How?

Establishment of military courts is certainly the sheer violation of human rights. It has rightly been said by someone that justice is to military courts what military music is to music!

So what would have been the alternative to military courts? To address this question one need to delve deeper into the causes of establishment of military courts. Why do we need military courts ? Because we want to hang terrorist. Why cant we hang terrorists? Because they are not convicted? Why they are not convicted? Because prosecution is too weak. Why prosecution is too weak? Because lawyer and law both are dumb and judges are too afraid to convict terrorist. So who will reform prosecution and law and who will provide security to judges? Answer is military court. Really? Military courts will fix this all?

Now come to the second point which is linked with first one. Why we need to hang terrorist? Because they are terrorist. Alright how they became terrorists? Owing to scant avenues for education they were brainwashed by some so called religious organisations. So who will provide education to younger lot and clamp down religious demagogues who spew venom? Yeah military courts will fix this all and rest will be cleaned by Raheel. Forget if you are thinking that violence breeds violence after all extraordinary situation demands extraordinary measures!

Happy hunting folks! While NAP minus military courts is taking a NAP

sincere khan Thursday, August 27, 2015 01:12 PM

I agree with you, but the main question you asked that how Nisar ali Khan is involved in this situation so my answer is that He controlled the internal situation very efficiently. He is an expert in this type of activities. the only person in PML n who is more competent, He and current army chief handled the situation very well
Salute to both of them

Monk Thursday, August 27, 2015 01:16 PM

Is NAP~a tyrannical act or anti-terrorism move?
[QUOTE=sincer khan;856674]I agree with you, but the main question you asked that how Nisar ali Khan is involved in this situation so my answer is that He controlled the internal situation very efficiently. He is an expert in this type of activities. the only person in PML n who is more competent, He and current army chief handled the situation very well

Salute to both of them[/QUOTE]

He is only good at doing press conferences and raising his finger. Can't you see that internal security arrangements of big cities have been taken over by core commanders and our incompetent political leaders are only licking the boots of Khakis. It's a bloody coup

muntaha mughal Thursday, August 27, 2015 05:06 PM

[QUOTE=Man Jaanbazam;856437]You missed the part "[B]nurseries of religious extremism, sectarianism and militancy have thrived for far too
true i agree

Similar plans should be implemented in balochistan.

sincere khan Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:32 PM

I agree that Army commanders did their job very well but But the government's role is very important and without the help of Govt it is impossible to control the internal situation, the main example is Zardari Govt where he was not serious in this case, i am not in favor of PML N but Nisar Ali khan is best

Monk Friday, August 28, 2015 02:42 AM

[QUOTE=sincer khan;856832]I agree that Army commanders did their job very well but But the government's role is very important and without the help of Govt it is impossible to control the internal situation, the main example is Zardari Govt where he was not serious in this case, i am not in favor of PML N but Nisar Ali khan is best[/QUOTE]

Kiyani was not serious at the time of zardari, Raheel is serious so he is making government work.

sincere khan Friday, August 28, 2015 09:54 AM

[QUOTE=Monk;856872]Kiyani was not serious at the time of zardari, Raheel is serious so he is making government work.[/QUOTE]

Yes Kiyani became a part of Zardarism therefore they didn't control terrorism in Pakistan. But Now Situation is Changed, Pak Army Lead By Great Raheel Sharif and Civilian Govt Lead by expert Nisar Ali Khan and with the Help of ISI DG Rizwan Akhtar the game will ends soon Insha Allah

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