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aariz Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:59 AM

It means TTP is under fire. I dont understand one thing which is that journalists from all over the country approach TTP leaders but the intelligence agencies can not capture the militants' leaders. :thinking

qayym Sunday, August 09, 2009 01:19 AM

Mehsud was just a mere puppet of CIA, who was used to full extent and now they finished up.
My point of view is :-
a. Mehsud is alive and hiding, because he is not following the US agenda any more and escaped from the scene to save his life.
b. His death news is a rumor propagated by Taliban to help there leader’s safe escape.
c. The Americans ordered him to go out of the current scenario.
d. Mehsud really killed by CIA due to the reason of para a above. As Americans, now, consider him a danger for future and to close the possibility of leaking the secrets between them.

Penalty of things are not as, as they were on the front screen. The bull’s battle is not over yet. How can we the simple Pakistanis read the original script of such a high-class theater centrally organized by the Jews and CIA?

I am asking my forum members to plz look into the whole situation of last 3 to 4 years and what the Mehsud was doing inside Pakistan.
Then observe the effects of bomb blasting and suicidal attacks on innocent Pakistanis and PAK ARMY. You will observe the gradual behavior changing in your own nation about Taliban and Afghan Jihad. Couple these things and you will definitely get the answer that what’s the American Agenda in Pakistan.

aariz Sunday, August 09, 2009 01:26 AM

How can you say that he was an agent of CIA? Taliban leaders are denying the killing of Baitullah but the media and the Govt. has confirmed his death. :dry:

qayym Monday, August 10, 2009 01:40 AM

How can you prove that he is not an CIA agent??? can you????

Dear i personally worked in Afghanistan for atleast a year in recent past and keenly observed the working method, proceedures and tactics of Americans and NATO very closely. I also have a vast experience of working in the multinational environment outside Pakistan. So its my observation or an opinion.

Thats why i write that he is a puppet of CIA and penalty of things are not as, as they were seen on the front screen.

In last 2 year atleast 13 times Pakistani agencies pointed the exact location of Mehsud to American/ NATO forces but not a single fire from them on him. Why not they targeted him ???? What it means??? Imagine.... Americans announced a 5 million reward for a person and even getting 100% correct information of his presence, he was not fired. Why??? (Dall may kuch kala hai na)

All drone attackes are jointly carried out by Americans with the ground information of our agencies. Why he was not targeted even a single time, when he was buzy in killing of innocent Pakistanis. Thinkkkkkkkkk

Saqib Riaz Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:31 AM

Pakistan to seek Mehsud DNA proof
Pakistan to seek Mehsud DNA proof
Baitullah Mehsud (2004)
The controversy over Baitullah Mehsud's death persists

The Pakistani government says it intends to provide conclusive proof that Baitullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistani Taliban, is dead.

"All the credible intelligence I have from that area does finally confirm [his death]," Interior Minister Rehman Malik told the BBC.

But the government says it hopes to get DNA evidence to back up its claims.

Baitullah Mehsud was reported to have been killed in a US missile strike last week in his remote tribal stronghold.

The BBC's Aleem Maqbool, in Islamabad, says that the Pakistani government is growing increasingly confident that it will soon be able to prove that Baitullah Mehsud was killed in the attack.

In Washington, US National Security Adviser Jim Jones put the level of US certainty that he had been killed "in the 90% category".

But Taliban sources have denied these claims, insisting he is still alive.

DNA efforts

Mr Malik said the government was working to obtain DNA evidence to establish that the Taliban commander had been killed.
See a map of the region

The government had previously said that it would be extremely difficult to get DNA proof of his death.

But Mr Malik told the BBC's Urdu service that they did have DNA from Mr Mehsud's brother, who was killed a few months ago.

However, correspondents say that getting hold of Baitullah Mehsud's body in the remote and hostile terrain of South Waziristan could prove to be a stumbling block.

The Pakistani interior minister has challenged the Taliban to prove its leaders are still alive - something the Taliban commanders dismissed as a ploy to flush them out into the open

Taliban turmoil

On Sunday a key aide of the militant commander said that Baitullah Mehsud was gravely ill and had not been injured in the missile attack.

It is thought that in making the statement the Taliban are preparing the ground for an announcement that Pakistan's most wanted man is in fact dead, correspondents say.

But the fate of the entire leadership of the Pakistani Taliban is subject to intense speculation, after days of conflicting reports about its fate.

Mr Malik has said that he believes the next tier of Taliban leadership is in turmoil, after it was reported that up to two potential successors were killed in a gun battle.

Senior Taliban commander Hakimullah Mehsud - who contacted the BBC on Saturday to say his chief was alive and well - was one of those reported to have been killed in the alleged fight over the succession.

However he got in touch with the BBC on Monday to say that he was in fact alive.


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Officials have constantly emphasised the difficulty of getting accurate information from the remote region.

The interior minister said the government was determined to pursue the remaining Taliban leaders encamped in the area.

"We are not going to stop our law enforcement action until the last Talib is flushed out. They have no option except to get killed or surrender," he said.

But Mr Malik expressed concern about the possibility of al-Qaeda moving in to fill any void that might have been left by the death of senior Taliban commanders.

"They are trying to find someone to install him as chief terrorist in area," he said.

Saqib Riaz Tuesday, August 11, 2009 05:41 AM

Hakeemullah asks govt to prove Baitullah is dead
PESHAWAR, Aug 10: A top militant commander challenged the government on Monday to prove that Tehrik-iTaliban Pakistan chief Baitullah Mehsud was dead, insisting that he was alive and denying reports of a deadly shooting over succession.

Hakeemullah Mehsud, a deputy of Baitullah, made the comments in telephone calls to foreign news agencies, compounding confusion that has surrounded the TTP chief’s reported death in a US missile attack last week.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik had said on Saturday that the government was investigating reports that Hakeemullah had been involved in a shootout with a rival for the Taliban leadership, Waliur Rehman, and that one of them had been killed. Intelligence officials and the media reported that Hakeemullah was most probably dead.

“Rehman Malik is propagating false information in the media -- using the media as toy. I am alive and prove I’m alive despite government claims that there was a shootout for Baitullah’s succession,” Hakeemullah told AFP.

He said Baitullah was only “a bit sick”. “Amir sahib (Baitullah) is alive. He is healthy and he will come before the media soon. There is no succession. There is no shura,” he said.

“He (the interior minister) challenged us to prove amir sahib is alive. I’m proving I’m alive. Now the government should prove that amir sahib is dead,” he said.

Talking to Reuters, Hakeemullah said there had been no Taliban shura meeting as Baitullah was alive. “Both I and our amir Baitullah Mehsud are alive.” Hakeemullah also spoke to an AP reporter who was familiar with his voice.

He said the Pakistan Taliban were united despite government reports of infighting.

Waliur Rehman, the other militant leader purported to be involved in the shootout, had also denied on Sunday that any tribal council meeting had taken place to decide on a successor to Baitullah.—Agencies


Saqib Riaz Tuesday, August 11, 2009 05:44 AM

US rejects claim Baitullah alive
WASHINGTON, Aug 10: US National Security Adviser Gen James Jones has rejected claims that Baitullah Mehsud is still alive.

“The Pakistani government believes that he is (dead), and all evidence that we have suggests that,” the general told Fox News.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan chief Baitullah Mehsud’s aide Maulana Noor Saeed told BBC earlier Monday that rumours about Baitullah’s death were unfounded.

He said Baitullah was alive but ill and will soon issue a video message to disprove speculations regarding his demise.

Asked to comment on another report that two top Taliban commanders had also been killed in an infighting that followed Baitullah’s death, Gen Jones said: “We’ve heard stories about that. We can’t confirm it. But it certainly appears to be that there was some dissension in the ranks. That’s not a bad thing for us.

“And it goes to show that I think the strategy that we’re engaged with Pakistan is actually having some effect. And that’s good.” All these developments showed that the Pakistani government and the army “and our relationships with the army were having good effect (too), and I think that we’re moving in the right direction”.

The US national security chief described Baitullah Mehsud as “a very bad individual, a real thug”, who was responsible for a lot of violence and had killed many innocent people.

“And I think that if there’s dissension in the ranks and that if, in fact, he is, as we think, dead, this is a positive indication that in Pakistan things are turning for the better.” “Regardless of who’s in charge, there’s still up to 20,000 Taliban fighters inside Pakistan. Is this a key moment for the Pakistanis to go after them? And are we pressing the Pakistani government and military to do just that?” he was asked.

“Well, for the last several months, we’ve had a very, very good engagement with the Pakistani government. The Pakistani army has acquitted itself quite well in the Swat region, showing sensitivity for refugees as well,” the general said.

Zarlasht Wednesday, August 26, 2009 02:31 PM

[QUOTE=Silent Spectator][B]Asslamulaikum,[/B]

[B]Media is just promoting violence, nothing confirmed yet, we are not that much advanced, we have to wait for the statements of Taliban. If they approve it, then it is true, else false.[/B]


In a recent statement from Hakimullah Mehsud (The new TTP leader), Baitullah Mehsud has been killed b4 two days. Therefore two things are confirmed.
1. That Baitullah Mehsud is dead.
2. Taliban can not be relied always tat thy speak truth.

06:54 PM (GMT +5)

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