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shallowwater Saturday, September 12, 2009 01:48 AM

One year of President Zardari; Pakistan on the way forward.
Its now been an year since Zardari has become the president of Pakistan and it has been an year to remember. When Zardari assumed the office of president, Pakistan was faced with numerous challenges on various fronts. I would analyse the achievements of President Zardari in this period:

First of all on the political scene, there was great uncertainty about the longevity of the democratic regime. There were rumours that the system would collapse in next six months, but due to wise decision making by the Zardari the system not only survived the initial hiccups but is now on the move. Its a great achievement in itself to get rid of Musharraf's anarchic rule; but what makes it an exceptional performance has been the smooth functioning of the democratic institutions since the departure of Musharraf. Musharraf used to boast of himself that only he could keep Pakistan afloat; but that proved to be a mere hoax. Zardari has taken along all the political parties while taking decision on any national issue, the most recent example being the army operation in Swat. Judges were restored through an executive order and country was saved from another round on political wrangling. Mr. Shahbaz Sharif has been allowed by the supreme court to work as the C.M. Punjab; the cases of Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif have been discarded by the discord. Thus the president has a reconciliatory mindset rather than a vindictive mind.

Secondly on the law and order front, when Zardari took office law and order situation was pathetic. There were suicide bombings occuring every other day even in the heart of the Federal and Provincial Capitals. Zardari took stock of the situation and a grand strategy was evolved for the army operation. As a result of the success of this operation we see that now there is a considerable improvement in the security situation in the country. All the political parties were taken into confidence regarding the Swat operation. Foreign investment will come only if there is better law and order situation. Thanks to the leadership provided by Zardari, it is now a dream come true that Pakistan has been saved from the most ferocious of the terrorists; those terrorists who killed our armed forces, our children, our men and women. Its has been a great victory against those terrorists who maligned the name os Islam for their nefarious designs. Islam has no relationship with wanton killing and brutality. we salute the armed forces of Pakistan who laid down their lives to save the future generations of Pakistan.

Thirdly on the economic front; When Zardari assumed presidency the economic was in a shambles. The country was faced with the chance of going bankrupt on its debt repayments. But thanx to the excellent decision making by those at the helm of affairs now the economy is back on track; but not on the move yet. Pakistan had to engage itself in an IMF programme. Zardari toured the world and told the world powers that Pakistan has sacrificed a lot for the world peace, now its the turn of big powers to help Pakistan. As a result of his efforts big powers promised to give Pakistan millions of dollars.

I hope the members would agree with my views.

niazikhan2 Saturday, September 12, 2009 08:16 AM

A year of Zardari

Sardar Mumtaz Ali Bhutto

The present dispensation is the direct result of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto's murder. It is believed that the deal sponsored by the Americans between Musharraf and her, was "Plan A." She deviated from this on her return to Pakistan and had to be eliminated. This is a view recently supported by Gen (Retd.) Aslam Baig, former chief of army staff. Thus, the standby "Plan B" came into operation and her long-estranged husband came on the scene. A controversial and often-questioned will emerged, according to which Asif Ali Zardari was made co-chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party.

It is not astonishing or surprising that Plan B has worked. The rot that set in with Zia's success in corrupting not just politics but the very mindset of people, and is a practice advanced by all his successors to facilitate a shortcut to power. Thus even the most sceptical elements in the PPP found it expedient to climb onto the Zardari bandwagon. High offices, membership of assemblies, advisory positions and access to the corridors of power was just around the corner, and it became imperative to pretend that the emperor was fully clothed. "Democracy is the best revenge" was the absurd slogan coined to bury the murder of Benazir, while referring the matter to a UN tribunal was done to seek a permanent closure of this sordid chapter.

Thus began the journey to Olympus at the foot of Margalla Hills fuelled by the endless use of the "Jiay Bhutto" slogan and crocodile tears for Benazir. Meanwhile, people continued to be fed the stale promise of not only their supremacy but the forty-year-old clichés of roti, kapra aur makan and that democracy was gospel and Parliament sovereign. To this was added the concept of reconciliation and change of the system. So at the end of a year of Zardari's presidency, let us see where we stand:

The negation of the promise of the supremacy of the people is the unkindest cut of all. They have been abandoned to murderers, thieves, kidnappers and highly corrupt jiyalas and bureaucrats who are on the rampage. Instead of making policies and initiating reforms that bring progress and prosperity, addiction to begging is being spread through the Benazir Income Support Programme. For a paltry one thousand rupees a month, men and women are made to prostrate themselves in the heat and dust, most of them returning empty-handed. As for provision of cheap flour this is nothing short of an insult to the people since the majority get nothing even if they are lucky enough to escape a beating by the police. Moreover, this is not enough: when they get home there is no electricity and water while education and medical treatment remains only for the fortunate. Other basic amenities are also scarce and the whole administrative edifice has collapsed. Yes, there is plenty of roti, kapra aur makan, but only for the rulers and their sycophants.

As for democracy, there is none. What we have is only a change of faces from the Musharraf days. Almost two years have passed but both the 17th Amendment and Article 58 (2)(b) of the Constitution are still there. The repeated promise to restore the superior judges was fulfilled only after the pressure of the long march was too much to bear. As for the powers of the president and the prime minister, currently they are being exercised all by the president. The president undertakes trips to sign commercial deals, which is normally the job of federal secretaries. He has taken trips to China where he received no presidential protocol. He went to France to sign an agreement to purchase submarines, even though it was reported in the newspapers that cheaper subs were being offered by Germany, and that such a deal was reportedly in its final stages. And then there are the frequent mysterious trips to Dubai and London. All this raises serious question since on many trips the president is accompanied by individuals who in the past had been accused of corruption, and some were even convicted – but then exonerated thanks to the immoral and unconstitutional NRO.

As regards the supremacy of Parliament this has become a cruel joke. Laws are continuously being made not by legislation but by presidential ordinances – and this is being done even when Parliament is in session. Another issue is the prosecution of Musharraf under Article 6 which, for some reason, has been made contingent upon a unanimous resolution in Parliament despite the fact that the consent of the institution's members is not at all need for such action.

Vital problems, issues and questions of policy, relating to the dismal and rapidly deteriorating state of affairs in the country, are not brought on the floor of the House, which is also debilitated by the doctrine of reconciliation. This has all but put to rest the safeguards and checks provided by a valid and effective opposition, and the result is that the government has a free run to do whatever it likes. At the same time, another consequence is that Parliament is reduced to just being a heavy burden on the exchequer with each member enjoying pay and perks amounting to around half a million rupees a month. Ninety ministers and advisers in the centre alone, where only twenty have been enough, with each costing a hundred thousand rupees per day, is also an aspect of this "reconciliation."

As for the change of system, it seems that for the president this means to replace all of the Musharraf era's favourite officers with his own. The country is still caught in a highly centralised and dictatorial mode of governance – something which has led to its break-up in the past and which is generating dangerous fissures now as well. Pakistan is no longer free. It is sinking deeper into foreign control and into a war in its northwest which is not of our own choice and can never be won. The writ of the central government does not operate in Pakhtoonkhwa, Balochistan and Punjab, while Sindh is in the grip of criminals as personified by the late Rehman Dakait. The government is totally helpless – and there is no better example of this than its abject failure in controlling the price of sugar and advice by ministers to eat less sugar (on the apparent grounds that it is bad for health).

Some other shocking facts are: The country is barely surviving on earnings of Pakistanis abroad and internal and external loans. No aid is available despite the president's overseas visits (with a begging bowl, of course). The Friends of Pakistan Forum, set up to bail out Pakistan, has not been forthcoming in its help and is also said to be having doubts on how Pakistan will spend the funds given to it. As for aid from America, it is now being promised in small instalments, and only after each instalment has been checked with regard to its utilisation. Transparency International has disclosed that in 2004 around 45 billion rupees were lost as a result of corruption and that by 2009 the figure will have risen to 195 billion rupees. The Fund for Peace located in Washington has placed Pakistan at number ten on the list of failed states while previously it stood at number 12, reason for this being lack of leadership and dubious measures such as NRO.

This epitomises one year of Zardari's rule as president – quite possibly the worst this unfortunate nation has endured in its sixty-two years of existence.

The writer is chairman of the Sindh National Front

Maha Khan Saturday, September 12, 2009 08:53 AM

we all must knw tht the writer of THIS article z the bittr enemy of
PPP,&Mr Zardari,thtswhy its obvious tht he has totally biased approach.
dURINg THE last one year of presidency, Mr Zardrai hs done well,despite
all the notorious compaign against him launched by PML(N),&ISI,he promoteed the
culture of tolerance.suicide bombing incidents ve been controlled,
according to a foriegn magazine,Pak econonmic condition z getting
better,...i knw tht he z nt apopular leader,cz of hs media trial,yet
i ve totally unbiased approach...we r living in a true democratic
country...so i ve right 2 express my views,..

Muhammad T S Awan Saturday, September 12, 2009 09:12 AM

I tend to disagree... because of paucity of time i wil try to make brief points;

- when musharaf came the loan of Pakistan was around 30 billion $ and when he went it was 38 $ dollar and now after one and half year it soared to 52 billion $

- when musharaf went the maximum rate of electricity was around Rs.5 and it was moreorless available, now it is scarce and maximum unit rate is around Rs.8. now inshALLAH after signing of rental power projects we will be purchasing electricity for Rs.15 per unit and this is government claims, as per private claims the rate will be around Rs.18... further around 400 million (i heard it is $) have been taken as bribe/processing fee, whatever we say it...

- rate of wheat per mound was aroudn 650 and the current great regime increased its price to Rs.950 with the slogan to empower poor farmer, but in fact we can assume who gets benefit and who is to bear the brunt.... as per state bank around 40-45 % of our population is living under poverty level, this was 30 % around 5 years ago... hail to government.... it means poor people will have to purchace a bag of 20 kg for around Rs.500....

- petroleum prices in whole globe were reduced but in our country they increased.... bravo.

- ex mill sugar price was Rs.28 and it jumped in a month upto Rs.45-47... one minister says to reduce consumption, other minister says the government had amicably reaced on a point with the mill owners to sell sugar at Rs.45-47 ex mil rate but lahore high court has taken an ill effective decision by fixing price at Rs.40... great....

- the kind president formed friends of pakistn forum.... and a fleet of people use to go to attend its meetings and stay in comparatively cheaper hotels and it looks from our behaviour that instead of asking for funds/grants/loans we are going to give funds to other nations

- we saw how bravely the government agreed to stablize chief justice and his team after long march.. if there wont have been any long march there wont be ch. iftikhar as chief justice now....

- cement cartel is in offing....

- balochistan issue is worsened, people are getting missed and hatred is increased...

- in swat government was kind enough to sign nizam-e- adal, later we saw its repurcussions.... in my idea thanks needs to go to general kayani for taking bold step of action...

- government claims to pay subsidized rate at utility stores and after lining up people near aata trucks... but this is not their ehsaaan it is their responsibility to provide things at cheap rates...

- a common man having 5 to 6000 salary per month have to look after his family, his wife, his school going childern, his infants, his old parents, health care and so on so on, how he could manage? plz ask urself... perhaps v can afford but can others? certainly no..... last month normal expenditure of my home went upto 50 k with no lavishness, nothing new purchase, no health bill and it was normal thing.... oh God.....

these are some of the things which are in my mind now, perhaps some body can add up the list........ apparently these are small points but these issues are enough to show how successful we are going.....

my heart pinches a lot, and i tend to make special dua at iftari for my country and for my people..... and get relief by thinking that some time back i read in a book that roots of our country are embeded in Madina.... i m very optimistic and sure that the roots of any thing which goes to Madina never suffers... but what will Madina walay do if we dont want to mend our own businesss????

Saleeqa Batool Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:13 AM

Opponents canot bear Zardari Sahab in President House. A media campaign of defamation is being sponsored against him and has been portrayed as the worst person in Pakistan. It always happen with PP Leadership. When Shaheed BB was alive, she was presented as a security risk to country. Ruthless efforts were put in to oust her from Political Scene. Mian Nwaz Shareef Sb influenced judges to convict her guilty and she was imprisoned for 5 years and stood disqualified to participate in Politics. Afterwards a recording of the conversation between Judges and Mian Sb was produced in the court and supreme court declared the conviction as biased and unjust. Resultantly the guilty judges, Justice Qayyom and Rashid Aziz, Had to quit their offices.

During her second government, issue of HUBCO power was projected in such a defamatory manner that majority of people believed it as a Corruption Project. It was one of the allegation to dismiss her Govt. But now it is believed ,that if she had not started that projects, electricity would have disappeared from our country.

Recently appeared story s of IJI formation must be eye opener. The so called noble Politicians accepted public money to defeat PP. however they will remain clean because of strong influence in Media.

Recent Media trial of Zardari Sb is continuation of previous policy to defame PP leadership and disintegrate the party having influence in all the provinces.

I believe that Zardari is a brave man. He valiantly faced the prison for 11 years and not even a single charge could be proved against him in spite of ruthless use of public money. He stood before the might of dictator. He was lured to get released from jail and become Prime Minister but he refused outright.

Zardari Sb saved Pakistan by raising slogan of Pakistan Khappay. He did the politics of reconciliation and forgiveness. PP assumed the charge of Govt when clouds of despondency were hovering over the country. Law and order situation was pathetic and sense of deprivation amongst the small provinces was a menace to federation. He fought on multifaceted challenges and its results have started appearing. Militancy has been crushed. Anti-federation emotions are being defused. Economic recession is global phenomenon but our economy is on the way to recovery. Obviously it is not matter of days or months to address the mountainous challenges, it will take time but it will be possible only if democracy is allowed to continue .It is the time to learn from the past. We must recognize and discourage the destabilizing forces responsible for plight of our country. It is the only way to survival.

Muhammad T S Awan Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:57 AM

please be realistic and keep in mind that realism demands honesty...

this is not media war, we need to take issues academically instead of emotionaly.. so far as PPP is concerned tu i remained an ardent beleivr of party through my family since the party was established... my father had worked as a student leader in 1968-69..... and there used to b a big flag at my house during elections and so on... but v Pakistanis should not be fools , we must open our mind, where are we going... come on wake up dears. nation cannot bear such things any more.

niazikhan2 Saturday, September 12, 2009 05:23 PM

@maha khan
well you are free to express your views......but big problems facing by pakistan are same as was in musharaf era.....as far as suicide attack is concerned,they have not controlled yet..but relief during these days from suicide attack is the result of agreement, gonig on between pak.army and Taliban.....and now come to any issue resolved by zardari led govt.????..Balochistan...frequent breakdown of electricity,long lines to take flour,,,sugar price control,.......17th amendment,,58(2b)......drones.....blackwater.....highly inflation...unemployment.......what he did in his whole year...but like a tourist made frequent visit to america,Saudia,China,Turkey,DUBAI,lONDON.....???he spent 4 months in foreighn visit(forget its expenses:roll ).........ther was Malakand operation,2.5 millions IDPS WERE in his nation...and he was so serious in eliminating taliban that he was on 22 day foreign visit.... give me example of this type in human history not of present world that people of country are hungry in tents and president with his smiling face on foreign tour......it is ground reality....not propaganda....if you claim that it is really people party then your action should be for people........

F.S. Saturday, September 12, 2009 05:43 PM

[QUOTE=Tabassum Shabbir Awan]I tend to disagree... because of paucity of time i wil try to make brief points;

- when musharaf came the loan of Pakistan was around 30 billion $ and when he went it was 38 $ dollar and now after one and half year it soared to 52 billion $

- when musharaf went the maximum rate of electricity was around Rs.5 and it was moreorless available, now it is scarce and maximum unit rate is around Rs.8. now inshALLAH after signing of rental power projects we will be purchasing electricity for Rs.15 per unit and this is government claims, as per private claims the rate will be around Rs.18... further around 400 million (i heard it is $) have been taken as bribe/processing fee, whatever we say it...

- rate of wheat per mound was aroudn 650 and the current great regime increased its price to Rs.950 with the slogan to empower poor farmer, but in fact we can assume who gets benefit and who is to bear the brunt.... as per state bank around 40-45 % of our population is living under poverty level, this was 30 % around 5 years ago... hail to government.... it means poor people will have to purchace a bag of 20 kg for around Rs.500....

- petroleum prices in whole globe were reduced but in our country they increased.... bravo.

- ex mill sugar price was Rs.28 and it jumped in a month upto Rs.45-47... one minister says to reduce consumption, other minister says the government had amicably reaced on a point with the mill owners to sell sugar at Rs.45-47 ex mil rate but lahore high court has taken an ill effective decision by fixing price at Rs.40... great....

- the kind president formed friends of pakistn forum.... and a fleet of people use to go to attend its meetings and stay in comparatively cheaper hotels and it looks from our behaviour that instead of asking for funds/grants/loans we are going to give funds to other nations

- we saw how bravely the government agreed to stablize chief justice and his team after long march.. if there wont have been any long march there wont be ch. iftikhar as chief justice now....

- cement cartel is in offing....

- balochistan issue is worsened, people are getting missed and hatred is increased...

- in swat government was kind enough to sign nizam-e- adal, later we saw its repurcussions.... in my idea thanks needs to go to general kayani for taking bold step of action...

- government claims to pay subsidized rate at utility stores and after lining up people near aata trucks... but this is not their ehsaaan it is their responsibility to provide things at cheap rates...

- a common man having 5 to 6000 salary per month have to look after his family, his wife, his school going childern, his infants, his old parents, health care and so on so on, how he could manage? plz ask urself... perhaps v can afford but can others? certainly no..... last month normal expenditure of my home went upto 50 k with no lavishness, nothing new purchase, no health bill and it was normal thing.... oh God.....

these are some of the things which are in my mind now, perhaps some body can add up the list........ apparently these are small points but these issues are enough to show how successful we are going.....

my heart pinches a lot, and i tend to make special dua at iftari for my country and for my people..... and get relief by thinking that some time back i read in a book that roots of our country are embeded in Madina.... i m very optimistic and sure that the roots of any thing which goes to Madina never suffers... but what will Madina walay do if we dont want to mend our own businesss????[/QUOTE]

@ Tabassum Shabbir Awan

Salams, all details which u'v presented r good for academic discussion, but the culprit is not Mr. Zardari, but Musharaf. this government has only inherited all these problems...

we need not to judge present dispensation so soon...

Muhammad T S Awan Saturday, September 12, 2009 08:24 PM

Dear F.S. ... Hope u r fine... brother lets suppose musharaf had done every thing, thn is one year for our president and one and a half year for the government not sufficient to mend all odd things???... in furtherance thn why dont they hang or trial him? why they are providing him protection?.. ... is'nt it not strange???

Khakan Saturday, September 12, 2009 08:48 PM


we cant blame Mr.Zaradri to clear the dump of last 62 yrs. He is a bst n seasond politicin n it wil take time to ovrcome da blundrs of Musharaf in 9 yrs. we shdu giv him chnce we nevr seen a prson who cn chnge the life style of a nation n just 1 yrs.

it is our bad luck or somthng else tht we dont leave a prson to work. he is politicain n representativ of the nation we seletctd him n he is going bst. he restored the judiciary n launched a full fledged operaton agaisnt terrorism n he achievd success.

Mr. Zardari's tours r considred to be victoroius for changing the worst situation of our country he is president of a country n he shud not b criticizd for such n small issues.

rise of prices is not due to his one yr rule it is since establishmnt of our country n he is not sole responsible for this

it was musharaf wo mishandled da balochistan issue not Mr.Zardari.

shortfall of electricity is gift of musharaf regime he didnt produce a single MW how can Zardari make overcome it in one yr which musharaf cud not in 9 yrs. we need 1000 MW evry yr to produce but mushraf failed to generate 9000 MW in his reign.

07:38 PM (GMT +5)

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