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nageen Friday, January 01, 2010 11:56 PM

Confusion regarding Women's earnings
I don't know whether it is to discourage the women from working or what;I heard some people saying that women's earnings don't hold any blessing from Allah.They say that how much a woman may earn it never suffices;while a man's little earnings is under the auspices of Allah ,so it's sufficient to fulfil the needs of a family.

So, members I need authentic info about it.Does the idea have any ground?

Asad ullah Saturday, January 02, 2010 12:11 AM

Well,the point that u ve raised is a version of those short-sighted ppl who misinterpret the teachings of Islam or of any religion for that matter.I quote just one example.Had it been a true case,then why Holy Prophet(PBUH) decided to marry with Hazrat Khadeja(May Allah be pleased with her) who was a very succeful merchant of her time.
With Regards,

nageen Saturday, January 02, 2010 12:31 AM

@ Asad ullah

Bro, irony is that they are not against their work but they need that women should be more attentive towards their household.Examples are given to support that working women can neither be good at work nor at household.

I'm not against women's taking care of their homes but isn't it degradation of their work?

Maha Khan Saturday, January 02, 2010 01:02 AM

islam hs gyven full opportunities to women to earn...its clear. But tragedy z tht our ppl r still conservative about the women status...majority of ppl,living in backward areas of the country, whethr thy r men or women reveal such type of behaviour...in ths modern era,whn its becom quite difficult 4 a common man to make its both ends meet,ths debate should b abolished,,,and such type of mindset&atitude shuld b changed...we shuld not take islam as a religion.which only imposed restrictions on"woman",,,rather it makes her a "full human being"..

Sociologist PU Sunday, January 10, 2010 08:55 PM

I am not against their earnings but some one said above that they cant give full attention to their office work and i am agree with it. I have observed in all Gov. offices that they come late and left early and try to avoid any responsibilty.

sameen Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:02 PM

Naturally female has got prime responsibility of managing domestic affairs, like child rearing etc. If she can manage her naturally bound responsibilities and spares time to earn livelihood then there is no harm in it. But most of the females forget their prime responsibility.

Sociologist PU Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:44 PM

Ya........... and who are in service forget their official responsibilities as well.

sameen Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:47 PM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;163548]Ya........... and who are in service forget their official responsibilities as well.[/QUOTE]

Can't agree on your service point. Because females serve better than male in the organizations. Exceptions are of maternity leave, and lesser late sitting in the offices.

nageen Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:52 PM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;163527]I am not against their earnings but some one said above that they cant give full attention to their office work and i am agree with it. I have observed in all Gov. offices that they come late and left early and try to avoid any responsibilty.[/QUOTE]

So you mean that all the males never get late for their offices,never leave early,never shirk work?

[QUOTE]Ya........... and who are in service forget their official responsibilities as well.[/QUOTE]
A bigoted opinion.

Black Avenger Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:05 PM

Women all over the world are regarded differently.It does not matter what post are they appointed to,In North America they still make a lot less money then there male counterparts.No matter how cool their resume' is ,they always have to fight friction.They reach to a certain point in their career;a real fruitful one but after that there is usually a glass cieling.which means that if they could go beyond that point into the often male dominated top if they were MALE.They could have better qualifications,better resumes' but "hey,sorry you are not male"That is why you will see a lot of women lawyers but a very few women judges , lot of women teachers but a few principals ,lot of professors but a few chancellors. I am talking about North America and Europe here. In Africa things are worse. I think pakistan is still a better place for women if they want to succeed and go forward in life but then male chauvinism,discrimination,cheap jokes about women and the usual mentality to expect women give the best to everything and expecting almost everything from a woman and not giving them enough respect of what they truly deserve is despicable.




From these articles you will get a clue of what is happening in these secular countries.In Pakistan people use the stick of religion to undermine women,In secular world,men use the stick of majority to rule women.That's how it is.

All over the world,the top paying professions for women remain prostitution and modeling irrespective of many prostitution control laws in place.So you can see the gender disparity.

11:27 AM (GMT +5)

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