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LEO1 Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:25 PM

War on terror
Crying inoocent faces, searching for their parents, carnage every where, grieves in hearts ,choatic atmosphere and ferocity among people are all births of terrorrism.

Terrorism has taken its strong roots in nseveral parts of the world especially in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where every day a new fatal activity takes place and estranges blood relationships.

However, terrorism widely speeded after destruction of twin towers in new york by terrorist organization called AL-QAIDA, from the time war against terrorism began as well when America nad other countries took steps to stop such activities.

As far prevailing situation is concerned Muslim countries are more affected of terrorist accidents, but more it is concentrated in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq where anger of every country is thrown , consequently these nations have been languishing.

Many efforts have been taken to halt/cease this infectious disease but all is in vain, no any considerable change is seen.
America continually made drone attacks within boundaries of Pakistan and laid arduous efforts , eventually she became fatigue and claimed “We are fighting with rocks!”, on the other side Pakistan claims its Army to be master of situation in tribal areas, but media reveals truth, a picture was printed newspaper showing Taliban happy , armed and dancing in their respective areas in dependently, this is indication of useless efforts.

Dancing around the fire is not a solution of any problem but bearing its warmness, intending to extinguish it brings out solution.
Strong and solid steps must be taken to face challenges of terrorists, as this war can be won peacefully and without any further massacre.
In order to achieve peace and prosperity media, nation, government and all defence forces of Pakistan must be viberant and challenging to cure this infection mutually.

Sociologist PU Wednesday, March 10, 2010 08:20 PM

You are right sir !
Only those ppl. who are affacted by terrorism know how it shatters their lives and change them forever. I am collecting the glass peices from my house for last three days as my house is situated near to the blast site of monday morning in Model Town. All the window panes of my house are broken but luckily all family members are unhurt.
I am thinking of the the neighbours who suffered more loss then me and who lost their dear ones. I am thinking of the Police men who were on guard duty on that building and i used to see them daily standing alert while going to office in morning. They are no more in this world. :cry
There is no solution of this mence in sight so far and ppl. are looking towards God almighty for help.
May God help Pakistan come out of this situation.

06:38 PM (GMT +5)

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