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Xeric Saturday, March 27, 2010 06:35 PM

Pakistan – Policies and Motives

[I]Dear members,[/I]

[I]I want to know the demands of Taliban – TTP. What they want and what are the steps taken by government to prevent country from terrorism apart from using force? Who are supporting Taliban of Pakistan and despite their small number, what is the reason that they are not eliminated yet? [/I]

[I]Why Pakistan don’t change the Afghan policy. Pakistani nation always paid the price of establishing friendly government in Afghanistan. Instead of spending huge amount on Afghan Policy – can’t we prevent Pak-Afghan Border irrespective of any government in Afghanistan whether friendly or not?[/I]

[I]Why Pakistani government failed to solve the Kashmir issue so far? What was the solution as mentioned by Pervez Musharaf’s back door channel diplomacy? Is there no solution? If yes please share your plan for the solution of this core issue between India and Pakistan. [/I]

[I]Who is the real ruler of the country and what is establishment? Is there Rule of Law in our country? Do you think that Judiciary is independent? Can we now consider the Parliament sovereign? Do you think we have our own rule – Democracy?[/I]

[I]Why the government does not exploit natural resources of Pakistan? Why government failed to generate energy despite the huge opportunities in our country? Is there no any solution to Balochistan Issue? [/I]

[I][B]These are some questions in my mind and I request the intelligentsia of CSSForum to come forward and share your viewpoint honestly. I shall be thankful to all of you. [/B][/I]

DEADLYDOCTOR Saturday, March 27, 2010 07:39 PM

honestly when i think of these questions,i find a mystery in front of me.i can see everyone and point out everyone but cannot actually explain it.
i think it is destined to be like this.
Afghanistan looks to me as our protecting shield from west. we never want to leave it and never will. its more because of tribes and their strong relations,we cannot protect borders with Afghanistan.it looks like our strategic depth in Afghanistan but now everything looks skeptical.
Kashmir Issue cannot be solved by dialogues. i don't think india is ever going to leave/solve this issue. we failed because we are weak,both in leadership and diplomatically.only when international laws force india then she will resolve. i think kashmir issue is like just a case of property ,either u have it or go to court and wait.from court here i mean united nations.or compromise on current loc, which is at least not acceptable to me as a Pakistani.
real ruler? honestly i think its army and bureaucracy but army has more power.establishment is an amalgam from these two sectors.judiciary is showing to be independant. but no , i don't think it is independant. it has many invisible shackles.parliament is not sovereign and i see army back in power in 2012.
natural resources extraction require a lot of efforts but govt is not given enough time and power to start any project.we also don't have that technology.we are dependant on foreign companies they are real parasites.
balochistan issue can be solved by slow and steady developing the province.so sardars become weak and people get power. increase of middle class balochis is need of hour. this will stop manipulation both by internal and external factors.
TTP are small in number but they have more influence because they are among the common people and are supported by external forces.Govt or army knows who they are where they are, but will only finish them when required or use it in a strategic way.
things are moving at a slow pace but soon it will increase in speed towards solution.
[SIZE="1"]these are my personal views and in no way applicable to anyone.these are just views and i don't want to start a discussion over these.

09:29 PM (GMT +5)

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