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samraa Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:43 PM

fake degrees of MPA and MNAs
Many MNA's and MPA's of Pakistan are found having fake degrees. It is very interesting that in Pakistan that many well educated (degree holders) Pakistanis are wandering in streets, jobless. While in the same country many illiterate (with fake degrees) persons are ruling over the educated ones.:blush:
There are many parliamentarians who are unveiled but there may be many other in the national and provincial assemblies who are still enjoying the authority of the government. My focus is that how these politicians have dodged the government and people of Pakistan. Who are responsible for such affairs?:thinking:

versatile_bhutto Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:24 PM

This is the reason,these our ruler are not interested in education, bc they know they can manage degrees over night.

These crooks will make policies of our country.

Sociologist PU Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:38 PM

We all are resposible for this sorry state of affairs !
we elect them inspite of their doubtfull credentials and not once but again and again (remember Dasti ? ) Our PM openly sides with him in the public meetings. Actually, they play the game of politics with ill intention to make money and invest a lot to win election.
Perhaps , that is why the Pakistan has been placed at No. 10 in the list of failed states by a prestigious research organization recently.

Maha Khan Wednesday, June 23, 2010 07:17 AM

In Pakistan literacy rate is extremely low..according to a report only 0.6% persons are graduate..in the remote areas of the country like Muzaffargarh(my native city) People are used to give importance to their basic necessities instead of Education..No doubt,Mr Dasti is enjoying fame in Muzaffargarh becuase of his humble atitude and simple style of living,.People of Muzaffargarh are used to call him as "15"because he himself attends their calls and helps the people on the spot...so,sometimes degree doesnot hold importance,people rejected MR Khar despite of having higher degree:shy..

Sociologist PU Wednesday, June 23, 2010 07:46 AM

There are many Robin Hud like character like him in our politics who do one thing good for making their credabilty and do 100 things wrong to make money.
And poor people think they are our benefoctors. :nono Instead of correcting the system they take advantage of their problems and help them out of the way(to win their votes) as they attacked on Doctors in Muzaffargarh. Can this type of person contest and win election at a place like Lahore, karachi ?
In fact they are taking advantage of the ignorance of their people and would like them to remain ignortant/illeterate so that they continue winning election every time.

Invincible Wednesday, June 23, 2010 01:39 PM

[B]These fake degree holders should be send behind the bars. Neither they have scrupulous character nor visionary eye to lead this nation.People who live in urban areas are equally to blame because they enjoy holiday on election day by sitting idle with a cup of tea in their bed rooms,watching movies and abusing this system. Nothing better can be happend by sitting still.

Regards. [/B]

Sociologist PU Wednesday, June 23, 2010 05:28 PM

@ maha

Sorry maha, hope your feelings are not hurt. It came in my mind after posting that you are die hard supporter of PPP. But truth is truth and we should face it with courage.

sana_krn Friday, June 25, 2010 05:55 PM

wel all r equally responcible for that we knew thst person has fake degree inspite o that we elect thm gave thm vote make thm sit in parliament this shows overall charecter of our nation there is hadith rulers are reflectors of the nation'
we all r morally ethically not strong dunt take stand on principle so we deserve such ruler
wen allah is anoyed with a nation he apoint weak n chraterless rulers on that nation n v r suffering with this issue
hope no one will mind but fact is our ruler n elites are corrupt bocz as nation we are corrupt

shameel17 Sunday, June 27, 2010 11:01 AM

recent post of AD-bs17 in mintry of defense and PPP
i have given the exam for the assistant director in ministry of defense.

After preparing for it thoroughly, now i am running for REFERENCE and on top of it i have been asked for 15 lac rupees after negotiation..

this is the truth of our government. i am not blaming only PPP

if any other party would have been in power they would have done the same with only one small difference. that is: the rate would have been with concession 10 lac :sad

the rate may be more or less but the planning/intentions/corruption mindset is similar. .............

parties are constructed on CAPITALISTIC and FEUDALISTIC mindset of people... plus these people only know to rule and earn.. fake they are fake they possess fake they project.. for them degree is only a piece of a document.. like a cinema ticket to enter the cinema (parliament) and entertain themselves.. those who have done struggle know the price and value of knowledge and how to implement it practically.....

Sociologist PU Sunday, June 27, 2010 11:06 AM

Very sad, it means all the reports of corruption and bad governance are true. :ohmy:

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