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axsim Wednesday, November 03, 2010 05:13 PM

Pakistan: "change, revolt, revolution or what?"
Lot of debates are going on these days to bring a "change". PM Gillani said: no army, no dissolution of National assembly. No political party is ready to move resolution against PM. PML-N said: there should be a charter of Pakistan. Is really something going to happen?


Tipu Shah Wednesday, November 03, 2010 06:22 PM

[QUOTE=axsim;234512]Lot of debates are going on these days to bring a "change". PM Gillani said: no army, no dissolution of National assembly. No political party is ready to move resolution against PM. PML-N said: there should be a charter of Pakistan. Is really something going to happen?


Nothing will happen more worse than past.

the least step is martial law nothing else.
near future there is no chances of martial law at all.

game on Friday, November 05, 2010 12:59 AM

change we need.but, hold on.The kinnd of change we are looking for such as military coup or in-house change is not going to benefit us at all.Rather it would weaken PAKISTAN further.Its true that incumbent faces have proved to be a great failure in heeling what ails pakistan but we, for a time bieng, have to cry over spilt milk, atleat till 2013.what happens afterwards is still mystery but one can hope for the good.

Electing the same class of politicians over and over again and expecting a change sans logic.change we need.But, hold on.The kind of change we are looking for such as military coup or in-house change is not going to benefit us at all.Rather it would weaken PAKISTAN further.Its true that incumbent faces have proved to be a great failure in heeling what ails pakistan but we, for a time bieng, have to cry over spilt milk, atleat till 2013.what happens afterwards is still mystery but one can hope for the good.

axsim Friday, November 05, 2010 02:22 AM


Like me many other people ask this question to others, if not others than at least I am sure to them self that how the "change" will come. Many debates we have heard in every news channel about “change”. A change that will bring something good to us. What it will be and how it will appear? Mr. Gillani said no army, no dissolution of parliament, and no mid term elections than what will happen? PML-N said “A charter of Pakistan”; I question, what charter of democracy did? I ask the political parties opposing the government, have they given any agenda to work on, for "change"? Are they leading the people as they say them selves the so called "leaders"? Who is the leader and where He exists? Than why they are talking about the change? Only to come in powers or they really are concerned with the problems faced by a common man?

Yes change is necessary in our old bogus system of administration and politics. The change in the behavior of politicians and even in ourselves. I also question the people of Pakistan and the civil society that are they much civilized and educated that they deserve the change? Nothing the dictators gave us, nothing the democrats and am feeling sorry to say (because I myself was in long march), nothing the judiciary did for a common man!

I believe there is someone who is driving Pakistan, who is sincere to Pakistan and to the people of Pakistan and brought it 63 years ahead in presence of different horrible crises and difficulties those still continues, who can give us the powers to protect Pakistan and to work for its prosperity for 1000 more years! Oh Allah, Help us to help Pakistan! "A change".

Tipu Shah Friday, November 05, 2010 02:45 AM

Change is inevitable, but why we are waiting for change? why we are demanding change from anybody else? why we are keeping our finger crossed that anything will be change for us and we will enjoy that positive change?

I think, if we need change than, first of all, we have to change ourselves than everything will be automatically changed. If, we are sitting and waiting than somebody will come from the sky and give us prosperity and happiness than it is not more than a midnight dream.

We have to change our behaviours, we have to change our mindset, we have to change our attitude. If, we succeed to do all these above than all the system controlling us will be changed automatically.

Gun Does not Matter, what does matter person behind the gun. Therefore, it does not matter that there is dictatorship or democracy, what does matter that how we behave in any condition. So many countries are going ahead with dictatorship i.e Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and some other arab states. So many countries are developing with leaps and bonds under the democratic system i.e. America, China, Britain and many more.

Therefore systems are not failed, the persons who run the system or who are the part of the systems failed. Every system has some benifits in it and it depends upon us that how we extract that benifits from it.

So, nothing will change untill and unless there is no change in everyone's personal life. Change brings through this procedure will be long lasting and progressive.

So, try the change from now..........

unsolved_Mystery Friday, November 05, 2010 09:17 PM

[QUOTE=Tipu Shah;235070]
if we need change than, first of all, we have to change ourselves

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]This is the only solution.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]If the "change" means "Nawaz Sharif" OR "Army", let the current system be continued :oo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

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