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UltimateCSP Saturday, August 06, 2011 10:32 AM

New province..... Saraikistan
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]The news for the announcement of new province 'Saraikistan' on 14 August is in the air, though Mr Zerdari has negated the statement. Why N league is so reluctant to formulate it? and it seems as if PPPP has played the card of new province quite in time, as keeping an eye on the massacres in Karachi? It might be a best way to divert political attention.
What is the probability that Punjab Assembly will approve the bill for new province and if ever there will be Saraikistan, how long it will take to establish its boundary and government?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

junaidayaz Saturday, August 06, 2011 02:42 PM

In my point of view,
PPPP Government is throwing thier last card before the next elections to increase their voting quota especially in the people of saraiki speaking.Moreover, PPPP Governement has failed to provide good governance and also failed to make any good coalitoin partners as they do not want to share power and exercise the power as the Centralized Authority as Dictators do despite of Democracy.
So PPPP Governement are using tricks like these to be on the safe side.

Impending csp Saturday, August 06, 2011 03:12 PM

MLN is also working on its plan to counter this strategy. they may present a bill for the formation of new provinces through out the country. as there has been a demand for Hazara and Karachi provinces. Karachi province is a long standing demand of MQM and PPP is a stiff opponent of this demand.
The MLN reasining that the new provinces should be framed on administrative basis has a sufficient stance in it. PMQ is using the issue as a trap to secure its Chief ministership in the saraiki belt.

aariz Saturday, August 06, 2011 04:18 PM

I , personally, believe that there should be more provinces in the country. The PPP is creating Seraikistan to divide the PML votes not on the basis of administration. Second, the ruling party wants to give a positive gesture to the Seraiki people that the party is sincere for the development of the area. In short, it is the preparation for the next general elections. By creating a province in the Southern Punjab, PML will be restricted to the upper, and from the upper region, its votes will be distributed among PML Q and PTI. In result, the PPP will be back in the provincial governments with the coalition of PML-Q and N will be out of the scene.
If the resolutions is passed in favor of Seraikistan, It will take at least one year for the election commission to demarcate new constituencies, and the new government will be in charge after the general elections.

@ultimate. U will have quota in the federal services. U must be happy.

UltimateCSP Saturday, August 06, 2011 04:56 PM

[QUOTE=aariz;337180]@ultimate. U will have quota in the federal services. U must be happy.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]yeah:angle:angle:angle
But i afraid our slow political proceeding will not declare this quota for the year 2012..... if ever they announced Saraikistan in 2011....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

rizwan6610 Saturday, August 06, 2011 05:19 PM

I think the best way is to designate the provincial powers to Administrative Divisions. This will have two fold effects. 1st, the oppressed people of saraeki belt can be appeased and they will heve ready made remedy. 2nd, the furitive plans of those who want to cajole the masses by this issue can be chided in this way.

Maha Khan Saturday, August 06, 2011 05:25 PM

[QUOTE=UltimateCSP;337090][SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]The news for the announcement of new province 'Saraikistan' on 14 August is in the air, though Mr Zerdari has negated the statement. Why N league is so reluctant to formulate it? and it seems as if PPPP has played the card of new province quite in time, as keeping an eye on the massacres in Karachi? It might be a best way to divert political attention....
What is the probability that Punjab Assembly will approve the bill for new province and if ever there will be Saraikistan, how long it will take to establish its boundary and government???????[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
Im in favour of Sariakistan but its a time taking process.People of south punjab have suffered alot...their brilliant students have no quota in Central or Provincial services...Every politcal party wants to increase its vote bank..if PPP wants to break PML(N)'vote bank then its not surprising..According to Jawaid Hashmi."Punjab should be divided into four provices-Central Punjab,south Punjab,Bahawalpur and photohar region"...it means all politicians from south punjab favour "Saraikistan"...Punjab Assembly can approve the bill but offcourse pml n will oppose the name of the new province"Sarikistan"...in my point of view,Mr president will never make any annoncement about new province on 14th Ausgust..Parliament will solve this issue now.

rizwan6610 Saturday, August 06, 2011 06:01 PM

[QUOTE=Maha Khan;337197]..According to Jawaid Hashmi."Punjab should be divided into four provices-Central Punjab,south Punjab,Bahawalpur and photohar region"...

Javeed Hashmi is a real maverick. he does things his own way. I like his brazen nature. :)

Ahmed_2007_Cool Saturday, August 06, 2011 08:34 PM

I think this is a step in the right direction.

For too long has the Pakistani state suppressed the regional identities of its citizens, hoping to substitute them by promoting a supposedly safer pseudo-religious "umbrella" alternative.

In 2008, the election issues were about democracy, the judiciary, the war of terror, etc but the political parties have realized that ethnicity-politics will play a major role in the coming elections.

[LIST][*]A Seraiki province makes a lot of sense (though we don't know whether or not the city of D.I.Khan would be included in it). Seraikis are the fourth-largest ethnic group in Pakistan.

[*]As for the Hazara province, although there are only some 4 millions Hazarawals, I don't see it as a lost cause. A Hazara province can potentially become a center of prosperity.

[*]Furthermore, the northern belt of Balochistan should be merged with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa so that all of Pakistan's Pashtuns can live under the same provincial government. Doing this would also create a Balochistan that is more than 90% Baloch instead of the present Balochistan, which just over 50% Baloch.

[*]Creating Mujahiristan/Jinnahpur out of Karachi and Hyderabad is not feasible for three reasons: a) Muhajirs now represent only 40-45% of Karachi, b) the people of Sindh are violently opposed to the idea of partition and c) 'Muhajirs' are not an ethnic group.[/LIST]

Administrative provinces would leave everyone dissatisfied and hence serve no purpose. At the same time, creating such provinces would enable the locals to promote their language and culture, controlling their resources whilst still within the federation of Pakistan.

sarang ali shaikh Saturday, August 06, 2011 10:30 PM

in my opinion creating provinces on ethnic base would be disastrous, we all know we are already divided we can't handle more hatred and fights over muhajir/sindhi and punjabi/siraeki etc secondly i don't know environment of punjab but in sindh there will be great lose of innocent people , lot of people will die JSQM and MQM both are terrorists they will not even think whom they are firing at and throwing grenade. i have heard that in 1990s (during operation and ethnic problems) workers(of political parties) raped each others women so if it is true then it can happen even now. to be honest i personally think Zardari is very clever politician but now ..... !!!

z a khan Sunday, August 07, 2011 12:29 AM

[QUOTE=junaidayaz;337147]In my point of view,
PPPP Government is throwing thier last card before the next elections to increase their voting quota especially in the people of saraiki speaking.Moreover, PPPP Governement has failed to provide good governance and also failed to make any good coalitoin partners as they do not want to share power and exercise the power as the Centralized Authority as Dictators do despite of Democracy.
So PPPP Governement are using tricks like these to be on the safe side.
very much right

such incidents are really eye opener for all of the people

Rixwan Sunday, August 07, 2011 01:06 AM

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]in my view, these new provinces bring no good to the country but yes this will increase more fights due to ethnicity, today, we as Punjabi, Mahajir, Pathan, Balouchi and Sindhi are fighting with each other and having made new provinces will increase the groups and this will be disastrous,

I think we all have read or listen the quote,
[B]Divide and Rule[/B] or [B]United we stand Divided we fall[/B]
so creating new provinces will do no good.[/FONT]

Rai Shahzad Haider Sunday, August 07, 2011 03:06 AM

Creating new provinces
Friends what i think is that new Province/provinces is/are not going to be created till 2013. All political parties will use this issue to get more votes in 2012/2013 elections in those areas considered for division. New promises will be made to our fellow countrymen. They will be misguided and deceived in order to get votes. At least i do not expect sincerity from the present political elite.

sajidnuml Sunday, August 07, 2011 03:27 AM

Every province should be divide into four provinces, but who will hear our suggestions. Since the political parties are fighting to serve their own interests. And they can go to any extent even to break Pakistan in four independent entities provided That it serves their interests. Their is no hope for Pakistan so long these parties ruled Pakistan. The educated elite is busy enjoying the perks offered by recent corporate boom, the poor earning his livelihood, the politician is busy in corruption, army civil services doing the same, and the Mullah is increasing his following in the people by offering people Jannah, and the youth has its mobile. Who cares. You people should come ahead, opt politics like civil services as a career and do something to rid this nation of the demagogues who have come to threaten our existence now. May Allah give us the courage .....

imran saifi Sunday, August 07, 2011 03:26 PM

My own analysis.....
This is all politician's game. They want to be in power in the next elections and they are just constructing their agendas to befool the people for the next election.

I have been visiting the areas which are supposedly to be included in the Saraikistan. The masses are uneducated and poor, and they lack the modern ways of development and progress. Only the main cities are somewhat resourceful. If a new province in the Saraiki belt is somehow produced, it will be a set back for so many people due to lack of sincerity on the sides of the political elites. I can quote lots of example here where the politicians in the area behave like gods. It will give more power to the landlords as the culture there accepts it.

It came to my mind just now that almost same was with the people here in Pakistan at the time of creation of Pakistan.

Moreover, the issue of NFC Awards has always (with exception of the last time i guess) been a fight between the four provinces, will it not be even more severe? Will the distribution of waters (which is already an issue between upper n lower Punjab) not become an apple of discord?

Additionally, creating new province means ammending the constitution of Pakistan and this needs 2/3rd majority in the centre in both the houses and same in the concerned provincial assembly. This is not that easy to get it passed in the the Punjab Assembly where PMLN opposes the creation of Saraikistan.

Administrative or ethnic, both are justifiable reasons for creation of new provinces but other things have to be considered. Creating new provinces out of nothing is disastrous in my views. If we have to create new provinces we need to have proper prior homework for them so that the new provinces could sustain and maintain their progress rather than to face a decline.

And the final words are that the existing provinces or the new provinces can score progress and prosperity only with the sincerity of the administrative and political elites. Someone suggested above for joining the politics as we join civil services as a profession. It is really a good idea. One of my friends is preparing for CSS only because he doesn't want to quit and leave his (expected) seat to be occupied by some corrupt person. This can be an inspiration for us all.


khuwajaramiz@hotmail.com Monday, August 08, 2011 01:14 PM

New Province ..... Saraikistan
It is invalid to make the new province on ethnicity bases:Constitution of Pakistan.
It is nothing but the political turmoil in which beloved Pakistan suffers.

afaq_hunts Friday, August 12, 2011 01:28 PM

Well Dear Friends....

I m not in favour of making any more provinces on the following grounds:

1. Our Economy cannot afford its expenditure costs.

2. If they agreed on Saraiki Provinces then they have to make Hazara and Karachi Provinces too. which will worsen the situation.

3. This will create disparity in the country and our dear countrymen will be divided on ethnic bases. the spirit of brotherhood will be smashed.

4. There will a tussle again on the NFC award.

5. The politician just want to have their own province just to have a monopoly there and avoid tough competition. Tough competition is good for democracy to flourish.

6. the feudalism and tribal system has worsen the situation so much, it will make more problems then before.

7. We want to Unite the country, not to further divide it.

chemguy Friday, August 12, 2011 05:03 PM

Why do you suppose PPP all of a sudden took up the issue of new provinces? And why do you suppose Nawaz Sharif is giving away 100,000 laptops to "high achievers"?

It's the election's foreplay. PPP is gerrymandering, period. That party doesn't care whether a particular ethnic group gets representation or not. It is calling to arms what Seraiki people never had in their wildest dreams - Seraikistan. PPP already has the support of Sindhi people (Mirza calling to arms the nationalists of Sindh), though it is under a dark cloud. But don't worry, for Sindhis bygones are bygones (No offence). After Seraikistan, even Seraiki people will support them.

PML-N is playing it conscientiously. It wants the government to form provinces on administrative grounds. It is a reasonable demand. Because a province based on ethnic/lingual ground will ensue ethnic/lingual tensions. Don't forget that it's not just a new boundary - new regulatory laws and policies must also be formulated, something that our myopic politicians don't care about. They have their eyes on election.

In the off chance if Karachi does become a province, the violence that will entail in Sindh will be unprecedented.

SADIA SHAFIQ Friday, August 12, 2011 10:55 PM

some facts about Bahwul pur province or sarikistan....

[B]why province is needed on what grounds[/B]

1.51% of it's population lives under the poverty line, which is highest in any region of Punjab. On the contrary it was among the higher per capita regions in India before partition. Today it is Punjab's poorest region by far.

2.The infant mortality rate in Bahawalpur is 142 for every 1000 births, highest in Punjab. As compared to that in rest of the Punjab it is 72 deaths per 1000.

3.Literacy rate of Bahawalpur is 34%, where as in the rest of Punjab it is above 57%.
4.Bahawalpur province produces 44% of Punjab's total cotton, 22% wheat, 18% sugarcane, 20% rice, 45% mango and 35% of the total live stock.

5.The region was given a 12% quota in the civil services, which has now been reduced to 3%.

[B]For the first time Punjab government announces an allocation of 36% of total developmental budget the Southern Punjab districts this year. Although 52 billion is not enough, but it is a small victory nonetheless. How much of it will actually be spent on the underdeveloped areas remains to be seen.[/B]

[B]why I am not in the favor of this province[/B]

1.It is strange provinces have been divided only 4 political purposes. On 1 occasion all provinces was merged in past and an at an other time divided.division has become tool just to manipulate power and win majority of seats in election

2. MQM now,involvement in the Punjab and its division will affect only Punjab other parts because "more division means " more need of mismanagement and budgets allocation.GDP ratio of Pakistan is very poor/low. Pakistan masses consist of landlords --not educated people and educated people are not foresighted enough to handle the economy.we have to call foreign technocrats in order to run the economy or in administering a new project.So new province is not a lolly pop that will be made and after fulfillment of their ambitious designs ,it will be more deprived then ever before except metropolis
we have to make new mimsiters for provincial assembely,CM house and high court and judiciary and all what needed money .The fact one must know ministers are just parasites to our economy and cause for corruption.It is bureaucracy which run the administration

[B]plz read this site also[/B]

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