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aariz Sunday, March 10, 2013 03:37 AM

tolerance and peace are rare commodities in Pak society
Tolerance and peace are very rare commodities in pak society now. The nation is suffering from extremism, sectarianism, terrorism and intolerance towards other society members. The social evils have targeted major part of the country. There are no signs to curb and eliminate the menaces so far. General elections in May might bring some positive change in the lawlessness state.

fatima6pices Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:41 AM

hope for the best. lack of tolerance and patience have become the serious threat in maintenance of law and order situation. what we need is ''will, a strong will'' to alleviate these evils from our country. how can we have hope in elections if we people will not try to minimize the extemist mindset of our people. so individual efforts are need of the hour:thinking:thinking

mrs arfan Saturday, March 30, 2013 09:24 PM

we should avoid the extremism at individual or personal level and promote tolerance
in our daily routine to curb the violation from society

bilal solangi Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:46 PM

No doubt there has been great fanaticism being nourished in our society. To eradicate it there are numerous rhetoric nowadays that elections are the only source where people can find the silver lining, however, its good to be optimistic but I see it in another way. I feel that our people i.e. the common middle class people are still immature to bring the true leader, at least those living in remote areas. They are still tied to their feudal leader's aprons and are obliged to follow them by and large. They are in state of oblivion when it comes to choosing their representatives. So, all in all, the people have to carry the responsibility as well. Besides the authorities, the people also possess the stack in the prevailing situation .

very special 1 Sunday, March 31, 2013 11:43 PM

Corruption, Unemployment, Inflation and other problems like energy shortage etc snatch patience and tolerence of comon man.

with lack of patience and tolernce the people of pakistan become self centred and selfish.(behis)

will election and new leader a magic stick which change the mind set and behaviour of people? will the election bring or create leader? when the same old rotten faces will come again in power than how change will come?

unsolved_Mystery Monday, April 01, 2013 12:43 AM

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Impatience and intolerance has now become our attitude. We are prone to react rather than behave. Corruption, unemployment etc. these issues prevail in almost every country, but how the society, its mature social elders and education bring up its children make the difference. Old leaders are not going to change themselves, new ones are not going to change us. Everyone will have to look at himself. Sectarianism, terrorism and other such menaces are production of special education, the education they get from evil elements, and that education can be annulled by real education, a same kind of brainwash. Problem is that we don't bother to THINK. We have experienced a number of elections. They did not solve issues not would they do, especially in a country where Army is the sole policy/decision-makers. Its WE, who will change the course by changing ourselves. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

hadeed Monday, April 01, 2013 04:33 AM

they say charity begins at home,,,,on the other hand they also say do in the Rome as the romans do....same is of our society,,,,,being intolerant and impatient are our inherited trade these days,,,and we often seek pride in that...the responsibility fells on the shoulders of our parents and mentors and lastly to the environment which off course we are an integral part of.... so to curb these seeds of patience and tolerance are too be sown now or never

raja asad Monday, April 01, 2013 08:43 PM

tolerance and peace are rare in pak society.
Yes lac of tolerance and patience are the out comes of injustice, unemployment and other social problems.Now these attitudes has become deeply rooted in the minds of people.Of course we should first change ourselves for the elimination of such evils.But without the help of coming government we can not control or eliminate it.Because the government has the power and resources to make such type of rules and regulation which can eliminate the unemployment, social injustice and many other social evils which create the lack of tolerance and patient among the peoples.Simply i want to say that there is a time to create the awareness among the people about policies of previous government so that they are able to elect the right one.

samaziz Monday, April 22, 2013 03:15 PM

when societies lack true leadership than such acts of violence and chaos are usually seen

blood enemy Monday, April 22, 2013 03:59 PM

Well I think that these all things mentioned above creating unemployment among the society so that's why people are getting involved and succor for corruption and every false deeds by which, he could earn money for his family.

Roqayyah Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:35 AM

What a person can expect from frustrating and depriving nation? These attributes are prevailing in our society because people want to survive without any fear and insecurity. So they are abiding themselves with these traits so that nobody dare to attack on their beliefs, and actions.

ajawad Wednesday, April 24, 2013 03:59 AM

Yes, I agree that our society lacks the quality of tolerance. Peace has been a rare presence since the inception of Pakistan. However, we must explore the reasons behind such a misfortune. I personally believe it is due to the policies of subsequent military and democratic regimes in the last century. "Khaki-iztion" and "Talibanization" of Pakistan have played a major role in bringing intolerance and sectarian violence to the society. We have always sized up India as a major threat (which was true till mid 70s perhaps) and have shaped up our policies in accordance to our beliefs. The very jihadist groups, such as SSP, LeJ, JeM, who were first formed and trained to carry out jihad against India in Kashmir, are not involved in ethnic and sectarian cleansing of the nation and the monster we created has come back to bite us in the rear.

[QUOTE=Roqayyah;590535]What a person can expect from frustrating and depriving nation? These attributes are prevailing in our society because people want to survive without any fear and insecurity. So they are abiding themselves with these traits so that nobody dare to attack on their beliefs, and actions.[/QUOTE]
Roqayyah, yes and no. Yes, the society has been pushed to a point where a common man finds it hard to trust anyone. However, the systematic indoctrination of the society, through media and education by and large, has also produced a society that is intolerant towards minorities - be then ethnic, linguistic or religious.

tazimchaudhary Monday, April 29, 2013 11:24 PM

this is a vicious circle of evils in which we are trapped. have you ever seen the in our society that a person who own a factory might have 3 or 4 factories after 20 years and his grand sons will have many more.But the security guard in his factory will remain security guard even after 20 years and his grand son will also be a security guard.this is the unjust distribution of wealth which have deprived us from all kind of moral values.people who get less than what they need do not bother about tolerance, and all that and people who have excess of what they need also have same attitude in our society.

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