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Concerned Thursday, April 05, 2007 11:24 PM

One solution for all the problems of pakistan!
Well i want to ask 4m all of u, what u think shud be done in order to solve each and every problem of pakistan or atleast the major ones. I will post my comments later as the discusiion proceeds. But do say a few things. And I want one drastic or non-drastic change, 1 step/ alteration. Please do post ur views.

stultified Friday, April 06, 2007 08:33 AM

it's like saying that X is suffering from AIDS , Cholera , Cancer , liver and kidney diseases .... and u are asking a disprint to cure it all .

Not a chance @
it'll take uime !

Najabat Friday, April 06, 2007 12:04 PM

In Simple Words i would Say "True Education".Once we have an educated society,we don't need others to solve our problems but solve ourselve.Standard education for all resolve both macro and micro tribulations of the society.

Very Well amplificated statement,Nice analytical answer too.It offcourse take time but dear i think by educating each other we atleast know what our rights and y we r here in this world.I like to quote here a verse of Iqbal

[B]Apnay mann may dooob kar paa jaa suraagh-e-zindagi
Tou mera nahi banta na ban,apna tou ban.[/B]

Concerned Friday, April 06, 2007 12:45 PM

[B]@ najabat [/B]
Well, very well said, just the same I wanted to share. I will be giving a detailed account of whats the power of education and how education system should be.
[B]@ stultified [/B]
Well sir, even if a person has got Aids, cirrhosis, cholera, TB, blah blah, there is a solution to cure. Give spiritual treatment or increase immunity and even transplants are available nowadays. Although it would be really difficult to cure but a doctor never loses hope. And we should try to be those doctors. And also by community awareness or preventive medicine (i.e; education here) you can prevent the further spread and can decrease the severity of the disease until its extinct.
So never say :nono

fouzia Saturday, April 07, 2007 08:45 AM

ISLAM..the true solution
well,it,s difficult to tell a single solution for all the problems in pakistan.
but if i have to choose something, i will say,pakistan is a muslim country but not in true sense....
so if this country tries to become a muslim country in true sense,problems can be solved easily......so , i think, this is the one solution.people should try to become good muslims individually and the country should as a whole present a true picture of ISLAM.
In pakistan there,s not a single problem.There is lawlessness, in justice, social inequality,class difference,illiteracy,joblessness,poverty,moral corruption etc with the individual problems of people.
so,there,s need to change the whole set up.
If islam is implemented here in true sense,problems can be tackled with...here, i,m emphasizing again and again on true picture of islam,not the picture presented by west and the propaganda spreaded by them.
In a true islamic society there can,t be illiteracy,or joblessness or injustice,or poverty,or moral corruption......etc.I have commented upon these problems in brief......all these problems can be discussed one by one with reference to Islam.And it will turn out that islamic system leaves no room for them....
well ,it can take some time but it,s possible....if we make efforts individually and collectively to change ourselves and the whole setup....
here is a verse worth quoting
hum khawab dakhain gae
duniya inqilab dakhe gee

Concerned Saturday, April 07, 2007 11:09 AM

@ Fouzia
Well gr8 thinkin' Sis. But Now I want to ask how to implement Islam. How to make true Islam acceptable to all. Many have started making their own concepts in Islam. There are many versions of Islam (of course not all are correct, infact most are the invention of non-muslims - you know what I mean). And there are so much misconceptions and disbelieves, lack of toleration even to hear others views, so how can one implement Islam truly.
well I think here too, you first have to educate ppl, make them think and make them such that they start analyzing things, not just accept things. And I believe that when u educate ppl, I mean true standard education (including Taleem + tarbeat) then not only can u implement Islam, u can make ppl even understand Islam. And if ppl just start understanding Islam that's it. That is the time we can achieve everythin'.:vic
Well as far as implementing our education is concerned it is already implemented but we have to just alter it and we have to spread it (this spread has a few problems, but it can be done)

And sis if u have some spare time, plz go to the philosophy community of orkut, there u will see new heights to ur thoughts, Its must for everyone to just visit it once.

Sahban Memon Saturday, April 07, 2007 11:41 AM

Salams to All!

hmm... Islam in its true self.. maybe yes... if not, definately not.... it will only add problems. Eg is whats happening in Islamabad at the moment. Problems are heaps, but the root is our people themselves. Maybe they want to change, but not if we need their help. Agreeing with Najabat, the only way we can fix this is education. Educate youth to start with and then awareness for the oldies. They might change but probably not, but if our youth is on the right track, we can say our future might be right. For this to happen, we need a giant jump up in school standards, which is not an easier task in itself. Not many powerful people in the country want all the people to be literate, if thats to happen, who would they rule on. Nevertheless, as with every solution there are some building blocks and each block has its own challenges.... but, there is hope! and thats all we need to move on...

That's all folks!


fouzia Saturday, April 07, 2007 02:42 PM

well, when i presented Islam as a right solution ,i also wrote with it ''in true sense''....
I mean Islam in real sense....not the way as people these days consider.
I know there,s a lot of propaganda going on in western media against it.but the picture they present is wrong one....they only talk of extremism ,as they think, is associated with Islam.
but being muslim ,atleast, we should be aware of realities.
how justice can prevail in an Islamic society, how class differences are removed in it.how poverty alleviation is necessary in Islam.how Islam saves from moral corruption...etc
As far as education is concerned, i,m not undermining its importance.But again in Islam it is our duty to gain knowledge...so again Islam promotes it.
so gaining knowledge is a duty......
But how can we go and gain knowledge in good institutions if poverty prevails all around or if there,s much class difference which makes education monopoly of the rich ones.....
so there,s need to work in many aspects...but , yes, changes should be brought on through proper channels and in proper ways.....

amy Saturday, April 07, 2007 04:06 PM

well i think ............promoting Islam can paved to way towards solution of problems.........but extremism can increase problems.

Wounded Healer Saturday, April 07, 2007 05:30 PM

[QUOTE]One solution for all the problems of pakistan![/QUOTE]

there is a simple answer to this question, i.e. ME.........hehehe

but seriously folks.........no country is perfect..........there r a number of problems in even the most developed nations........so thinking that there can be a single solution to all our problems is not correct(thats what i think).........it has to be a step wise solution plan over a long period of time, implemented by those who r sincere to this country and who also work with tireless effort.......
but i do agree with FOUZIA that at first we have to make the people understand TRUE ISLAM...........not the political version that is spread by virtue of molvis and certain other politicians...............today, islam is not the same religion that was preached by the HOLY PROPHET(p.b.u.h)
if each and everyone of us understands what islam really wants us to do and how it wants us to live our lives.........only and only then can we solve all our problems............all the other issues like extremism, fundamentalism etc. will eventually disappear by themselves.........cause people will come to know that there is no place in islam for them...........

amy Saturday, April 07, 2007 07:05 PM

@wounded healer
very nice elucidation Babar:clap :clap

Muskan Ghuman Sunday, April 08, 2007 12:34 AM

SAlaam to all,

Healthy discussion guys.

Agreed with Fouzia's point that implication of Islam in the lives of masses of this pure land is the only and only solution of our problems. Islam is a vast religion and encompasses all the spheres of life either it be the education, economy, social life or political activities, Islam guides properly in every field. So, need of the hour is to return towards our religion but not in a way as is suggested by MMA. Islam is a religion of peace and teaches that there is no force in the matter of faith.


thinking Sunday, April 08, 2007 04:12 AM

AOA All,

I thought I should also share my view on this very important topic.

Well, for those who want an Islamic system, they are living in a fool paradise. Never has been, after the first two-repeat two and not four, caliphs, Islam implemented in its true spirit and meaning to work as a system of government. If some one can quote me from the Islamic history an era which was without problems, it will be a great surprise for me. The reasons for not having an Islamic political system is very clear. First, those in the upper echelon want to use Islam (or any other religion in general, as pointed out by Karl Marx) as a tool to secure his place and mould it accordingly. Second, religion is a very subjective phenomenon. If I ask u ppl which type of Islam u want to implement. There will be quite a difference of opinions. Some of us r Sunnis, some Shiites, and others belong to some different sects..........; I mean there are a number of sects and follower of each sect think that they are the true believers and that all others are infidels. How can such system work. For me, the separation of state and religion is quite a solution although not the best. And for that matter I defy Iqbal when he said "Juda ho deen siasat say to reh jaati hai changeezi"..............

Second, some people say that education or true education as some one put it, is the solution. Ashfaq Ahmed once said in his Zawiya program that Pakistan has been destroyed by the educated class. He was absolutely right. Are our politicians, Generals, Bureaucrats and Judges uneducated? Another negative point of education in the case of Pakistan. If u look at the nationalists in Balochistan, Sindh and NWFP, U will find them the most educated. Instead it is the illiterate masses that always support and have supported Pakistan's ideology. A simple example is their support to Jinnah during Pakistan movement.

The purpose of the above two paragraphs was not to show a pissimistic view. But I wanted to give a real picture and instead search for other solutions in parallel if we r to get ourselves out of this situation. Well the solutions will not lie in a single word or statement. Our problems are many fold, and hence need a comprehensive approach.
Let me contribute a few.
First have a good political system with clear separation of powers. This is not an easy task. We have many stake holders in our system. Federal government, Provincial governments, Army, Bureaucracy, Local Government and Judiciary. To isolate army from political system, we have to keep our top generals at bay. They should be trained in a manner that they think that they are not the most important in this country. They are the servicemen like any other serving their country, just like a peon for example. I mean no one should be proud by having a high cadre job. Officer vs subordinate culture should be eliminated from every field incuding the army. Next comes bureaucracy. They should be used as researchers in the administration. I mean they should be policy makers, (but not law makers), and implementers, but under a certain limit, clearly specified by the constitution. Now let us turn to the most important problem in political system. That is fedreal vs Provinces. We should not forget that we are a multitude of different ethnicities and races. Let us accept that we are not a single nation in the true sense of the word. The best system, then, for us is a federal system, which currently we have, but only theoritically. We can follow the switzerland's example. Economy should be tickled down to the provinces. Only a few responsibilities like defence, foreign affairs, communications etc should be left to the centre. And this devolution should not be only in the economic field, but also in cultural and social fields. I strongly believe that we can use our cultural diversity to our advantage. For that matter, local languages should be given due importance. For me urdu does not make any sense to dominate other languages. Let me tell u frankly, that because of this language factor, I have some reservations about our ideology. No doubt, thousands like me have the same reservations. The point I want to make is that u should make a system agreed by every one or at least by the majority. Even if a system is better, but not agreed by many, it is certain to fail.

buddies, it's quite late and 'm going to my bed, will continue from here next time inshallah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

take care

Akram Ahmad Sunday, April 08, 2007 06:57 PM

in my honest opinion.

SHOOT EVERY PAKISTANI WHO SAYS "yahan ka system hi kaharab hai"

i dont think there's a simpler "one solution" to all the problems of pakistan.

A Rehman Pal Sunday, April 08, 2007 07:27 PM

according to me Fouzia's Islamic implementation is v necessary but here we r analyzing things in a broader aspect. We have to cater for the global powers. Do u think tht they will tolerate us in a true Islamic sense.? I doubt.....
and here i would like to second Najabat.. Education is the key to success..
but we as individuals have to mend our ways... we r nt self discplined..
so education taught with ethics and self discipline will help us out..

Olive Sunday, April 08, 2007 11:08 PM

@ Thinking

I liked your points and im waiting for the suite of your reply


s khan mohmand Sunday, April 08, 2007 11:36 PM


"empty stomach brings revolution"

i m agree with all and want to present a layman approach over the topic.

1- implementation of islam: i am 100% agree with dear sister Fouzia.
she is right to say that if we follow our religion in real sense we will never fall. why should we take care of others who dont care for us

but how to implement ?

all this needs series actions like to educate our masses vid formal and as well as in informal education . as Sir syed emphasize over the muslims that stay aloof from politics and keep education at ur top priority.............bcz he knew the shortcomings of the then Muslims....
i dont meant that we should stay aloof now but ..........

but edaction starts from the family institution. if we educate our offsprings at our houses in accordance with islamic teachings we will never fall but if we going to adopt Westren socialization process then.......

2- @ thinker ....... who says that at every stage every Calipah had some sort of problems........

it will be worth to mention that every Prophet faced a lot of hurdles in THEIR ways during preaching of Islam...........

But " Deen May Koi Jabar Nahi" ......... we cant insist any one to embrace Islam we can only guide them according to the Islamic teachings.......

and as for our Socio-Politaical and Economic problem are concrend so the best way to tackle them is by adopting Islamic System.........

minorities have thier religious rights but being a pakistani we have to Unite and fight for the only cause..........

other thing that " Ashfaq Ahmed once said in his Zawiya program that Pakistan has been destroyed by the educated class".

so have u seen these edacated people who they are?

have they got education according to Islam.............
they know what is an Islamic political , socail and economic system ?

all of them are just followers of Westren system and

thier is a lot of difference between Eat and West

how can we overcome through these problems if we have our Islamic leaders like MMA who just for the sake of their individual prosperity have blamed the whole Religion/nation.............

who give chance to Military for intervention in our politics...........our civilian leaders and now we are weaping for our future why should we........

had any one thought before casting vote .......... that to whom im nominating my leader........i will say........no.....bcz we are compelled........why....bcz....to get.... FILL OUR EMPTY STOMACHs.....................

note: its totaly layman appraoch and im really sorry to hurt any one and for any gramatical mistake.......

waiting for u people Constructive Criticism


Najabat Monday, April 09, 2007 06:00 PM


Well dear fellow I acknowledge good political system with clear separation of powers is also a pillar of a well established society. But dear don’t forget, to revolutionize the political system the main ingredient is again true education. If you don’t know or don’t have a flavor of basic features of Political System you wouldn’t be able to implement it properly. Let me take here an example of Pakistan Movement, the role of Aligarh University or Sir Syed is unquestionable and it’s a fact that if there is no sir Syed there would be no Pakistan. Since the basic need of two nations right was actually move forward by Allians or Alleges.

Secondly u argued that Supereme Nationalists activists in Baloochistan are educated and becoming cause of disturbance in the region. Well dear the reason is offcurse not their education. The simple thing is it’s only due to ignorance of the rights of the poor people of Baloochistan that they are used or played by Tribal leaders of Baloochistan. Such Tribal system doesn’t work in an educated society indeed. Well if the subordinate poor balooch are educated and have knowledge of their rights then they are not suppressed by the tyrants Balooch leaders, who accompany all assets of the region, gain seats and power by the federal lords and the poor balooch remain poor. If its not lack of education then what is it that someone suppresses your rights and still want to represent you.

Another important thing that should be crystal clear in our minds is “Education never deteriorates the society but build a society”. Well if the executive, legislative and establishment are doing harm to Paksitani society then it’s again representing lack of true education. Let me illustrate my view point with an historical example. Before partitioning of Subcontinent, ICS (Indian Civil Services) was taken as a frame of civil services placement. So after partition, when ICS listed officers applied for BCS (British Civil Services) placement. They were rejected with the statement. Sorry you are not eligible for BCS, since you are educated (In ICS) with Policy of Rule the People, but We (IN BCS) taught with policy of Serve the People. This difference can be easily observed by just taking a glimpse of Civil services handling in Europe and Indo-Pak region. Our people attitude is still to Rule the people by suppressing them, though we are physically independent but unfortunately psychologically we are still slave. So dear clear this fact that imparting True Education we can turn the tables.

Well There is unanimous agreement that in a world being well educated is necessary to compete economically and thrive democratically in the global reality of the 21st century. Increasing the number of better educated people (economists prefer the designation, “human capital”) is key to future. So I feel an emergency level program is needed to educate the people with the right attitude to learn, to flourish and to achieve the goals that time demands from us. For imparting Education I also favor my fellows who support Revival of True Islam. Well All Muslims has a single source of Truth that’s Quran Majeed and Sunnah. And Infact for Education the greatest source should be Quran Majeed and Life of Holy Prophit(PBUH). In a nutshell education is necessary to survive and to imagine prosperity without imparting true education is just a dream that can never come true.

ziaullahshah Monday, April 09, 2007 07:28 PM

Major Problems and One solution
Well Not all but most of our problems is because we have forgotton one of the three golden principles for success, which is UNITy.
We are suffering because we are divided in secterian, regional, lingual, racial and so on divisions. None of us think to be pakistani. As long as we are Pathans, Sindis, Panjabis, Baloch rather than Pakistanis we will not think of Pakistan. Instead out of rivalry and vested interests we wont even bother to harm Pakistan.
We should search out for common things among us than differences and try to be Pakistani and work for pakistan.

Wounded Healer Monday, April 09, 2007 11:58 PM

i guess the pressure is upon us to do something about all the problems that the respected members have high-lighted here................[B]we, the new generation, who talk so much and criticise so much of our own country, have to work hard, with diligence, to overcome all the problems[/B].........
we have to stop the blame game and should now start working for the betterment of pakistan.............[B]someone once said, "i dont blame anyone, BLAME is for GOD and small children to play with."[/B] ..............so we [B]must grow up[/B] and [B]assume the responsibility[/B], stop blaming everything under the sky, [B]gather our energy[/B], and [B]work together [/B]for the progress of pakistan.

so, in my opinion, [B]" one solution to all the problems of pakistan"[/B] is [B]"US"[/B]

thinking Tuesday, April 10, 2007 08:20 PM


I think some ppl got my points wrong...........
Now one can deny the importance of education,,,,,,,,,,, but the point is that there are some problems in our education system which needs to be corrected.
First we have many layers of education system. An upper echelon of british schools systems, army and cadet colleges and schools, private schools/colleges, public(govt) sector schools and colleges and on the bottom is madrassa system.....; what do u thing is the outcome of a such a complex system. A complete disaster!
Another dimension of difference in our education system is region based. Can anyone compare a govt schools in islamabad with the one in the interior of sindh or balochistan.
This type of education system is going to produce a class system. And a nation with class system is like bubles which can explose any time,,,,,,,,,
By the way our law minister is highly educated :). For me he is literate but not educated.

to be continued:::

take care

Mr Ghayas Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:16 AM

[B]the solution of all the problems as 1st step is "every pakistani has to change itself, make himslef think" basic need is education developing unbiased minds[/B]

prieti Wednesday, April 11, 2007 07:19 PM

Well its an excellent discussion going on... i am a bit late but will like to jump in...

In the above discussion by the worthy forum members, there hav been two major solutions discussed....one is islamaization and second promotion of education.....well i cast my vote in favour of [B]education[/B].i think lack of education i-e simply illiteracy is the main root cause of all the problems either social, political,or economic prevailing in our motherland....if we eradicate this problem all other related problems will vanish automatically...but by education i dont just mean western modern education only, it should definately be in connection to islam...why cant we take both these issues side by side?

In sis fozia's opinion there should be true implication of islam, but i think in the world of today, in the present scenario how can we become true/good muslims, if we are uneducated...how can we think to put into practice the principles of islam, if we are not well-informed and knowledgeable...like the illiterate talibans who are projecting our prestigious religion so dreadfully...

We know that little knowledge is always dangerous...see what these(sorry to say) so called Moulvi hazraaat are doing...most of them are the those children whom thier parents send to madrassas in their early childhood...and those who sometimes run away from houses due to several reasons.... They aquire this status(of moulvi) merely by memorizing the Holy Quran and recieting it on different occasions like Quls or khatams...these people are (again with appology) are imparting such education which hardly has anything to do woth our religion.[B]We hardly hav repectable number of truely Learned and Scholarly religious scholars[/B]....

so the point which i want to explain here is that whether it is religion or any other field of life [B]Education is Must[/B]...only a well educated muslim and learned muslim can project and promote his religion in a far more better way as compared to an illiterate.as well as he can play his part in solving other problems relating to our motherland.....so while living in an islamic state promoting islam should be the utmost responsibility with association to modern contemprary education, [B]and the domain of education should not be neglected at all....[/B]

A Rehman Pal Wednesday, April 11, 2007 09:23 PM

a real sketch of [B]maulvi saahib[/B] has been drawn.
we need to eliminate these ppl frm our society and real religous scholars should take thier place. These maulvi saahibaan has taken our religion as hostage.

Invincible Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:07 PM

[B]Well preiti n Rehman
With ur due respect --Y we always condemn n criticise maulvies for defaming pakistan. They r merely 4 percent of population. Who has embarresed us most-- these maulvies or so called educated people ie( Politicians, journals, civil servents etc) who have devoured all n left nothing for poor?. Who is responsible of polluting the minds of our youth by promotion of vulgarity in Media?
Who is amending the constitution every day? Y we dont highlight n condemn these animals in form of humanbeings?
It does not mean i support unjust steps of maulvies. But we have to be realistic n must endorse truth.

Wounded Healer Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:54 PM

further more.........what right do we have of criticizing the poor maulvis........we r the ones responsible for their creation........in ISLAM there is no such profession as that of a maulvi. [B]"MAULVISIM"[/B] took place due to necessity.........when the majority of the people in our country cant say even namaz-e-janazah........[B]we needed someone who could take care of these TRIVIAL matters.......[/B]and the result was that a maulvi was created..........most of the people forgot their true religion and were busy in looting and corruption.........the least educated and, more often then not, the mentally retarded child of a family was sent to [B]"STUDY THE QURAN[/B]".......and this gave rise to imbeciles who began calling themselves the "protectors of Islam."
i can go on and on about the origin of maulvis and our hand it in but the crux of the matter is that [B]"we r responsible for all the problems of pakistan, be it maulvism or whatever"[/B]
and some of my esteemed fellow members have said that the solution for these problems is "education".........well i beg to differ.............because education cannot be the solution to the whole problem........why , cause all the countries more educated then us , have their own kinds of problems........
so there can never be a complete solution.........but we can surely try to [B]MINIMIZE them[/B]..........and the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to make each and every individual understand the true meaning of islam...........[B]ISLAM IS THE ONLY WAY OUT FOR US[/B].............i ,myself am not a very religious person , but i try to understand my religion and so try to live my life according to its basic principles..........i am not talking about islamization of pakistan.......but rather, what i am trying to say is that all of us need to really understand our religion and live our lives according to it.........and eventually, spread it through out the country.........one cannot change the mind of all the people at once........but little by little people will change.
islam too, propogates education and if we all live by its rules, all the people will have to get education.............think of it this way........ISLAM is like a house in which education, quran, peace, justice etc. all have their own rooms.........all these rooms make up the house and all are essential for the the whole out look of the house............the house is worthless without the rooms and the rooms cannot SURVIVE with out the protection of the house...............get my point?
So, all in all...........Islam is the only option for us in order to MINIMIZE all the problems of Pakistan.............by Islam I mean TRUE ISLAM.

prieti Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:07 AM

[QUOTE=Invincible][B]Well preiti n Rehman
They r merely 4 percent of population. ,[/B][/QUOTE]

Well the issue under discussion was regarding islam and education so i gave this example...and i was expecting this criticism....according to u they are 4% of the total population...ok right.. but u must see how blindly our public follows them in each and every aspect of life.In every village whenever or even in cities when any problem arises people always run to the moulvi to seek supervision, without taking into consideration, that whether he would be able to show them the right path or not?...aur sonay pe suhaga if these people are uneducated, this worsens the situation more...

There is a concept of expected role behaviour, and there are certain behaviours which pple expect from this dignified status..people consider them as a spiritual leader....The point i made is that its not the moulvi or any particular person who is dire,what i meant to say that its lack of education which prevents any individual to perform his role in a right and just way.

[QUOTE]Who has embarresed us most-- these maulvies or so called educated people ie( Politicians, journals, civil servents etc) who have devoured all n left nothing for poor?[/QUOTE]

And whom u call the so called educated people ie( Politicians, journals, civil servents etc) hav nothing to do to guide or direct people ...Their nature of job is totally different...they hav to perform different types of jobs in different institutions...they are here to serve people in more of social context, rather religious.... but when we talk abt maoulvi it strikes in our mind that he is someone who has to perform certain duties and roles to guide common people..there are certain specific roles assingned to him. and the society expects from him...
no doubt these politicians,journals,and civil servants hav devoured all, [B]but again i would say that this is all because of lack of education...[/B]these politicians are hardly B.A....u will be remembering that issue of condition of graduation for elections(a few years back)....

[QUOTE]Who is responsible of polluting the minds of our youth by promotion of vulgarity in Media?Who is amending the constitution every day? Y we dont highlight n condemn these animals in form of humanbeings?[/QUOTE]

[B]well dear riaz, u r most welcome to condemn those whom u call animals...i hav been criticizing some people in my different posts....[B]its not the moulvis who are my first victim.[/B][/B]

prieti Thursday, April 12, 2007 01:00 AM

@wounded healer

dear babar u hav nicely explained the institution of moulvi...i do respect ur views but i hav certain points to clarify...

[QUOTE]what right do we have of criticizing the poor maulvis........[/QUOTE]

Dear this forum provides us opportunity and a platform to express our views,even if its criticisim...and criticism not for the critisims sake,but for betterment and improvement....

U used the term 'poor maulvis'.... These moulvies are poor due to lack of oppurtunities, negligance of govrnment and lack of funds towards this institution...otherwise situation might hav been different....

[B]I dont contradict ur views, but i am just trying to explain that whats wrong if these people get proper education...not necessarily modern edu, but at least religious education in its true manner...i think educated moulvis would be able to guide people in a better way.[/B]

[QUOTE]the least educated and, more often then not, the mentally retarded child of a family was sent to [B]"STUDY THE QURAN[/B]".......and this gave rise to imbeciles who began calling themselves the "protectors of Islam."[/QUOTE]

thats what i was saying that mostly such type of persons with so much unhinged and disturbed background are acquiring the status of moulvi...children who fail to get through schools or fail to pass in exams are sent to madrassas...and bm moulvi, eventually they obliterate and devastate this institution.

[QUOTE]and some of my esteemed fellow members have said that the solution for these problems is "education".........well i beg to differ.............because education cannot be the solution to the whole problem........[/QUOTE]

see babar...our country is facing manifold problems at present....every problem is linked to other...all these problems are interconnected....similarly the solutions to these problems are manyfold as well as interlinked....but but i will again focus on [B]education[/B], [B]coz i think majority of the problems hav their grassroots in illiteracy[/B]...if we find solution to this problem we will be able to inshallah solve most of our problems....

[QUOTE]islam too, propogates education and if we all live by its rules, all the people will have to get education.............[/QUOTE]

[B]dear babar bhai, i hav mentioned this point in my first post in this particular thread that what we need while living in an islamic republic is to promote islam in connection with contemprary modern education.so thats why i gave the example of an educated moulvi, which i think covers both the concept of true islam as well as an educated individual....[/B]

Wounded Healer Thursday, April 12, 2007 01:30 AM

@ prieti,
dear, u have misunderstood me:) ...........when i said that we have no right to criticize the maulvis, i meant that we were responsible for their attitude and we created them, so how can we criticize something which we helped create in the first place.i didnt say that we should'nt discuss it on the forum, in fact we should, but we should also analyse the cause frist........
[QUOTE]I dont contradict ur views, but i am just trying to explain that whats wrong if these people get proper education...not necessarily modern edu, but at least religious education in its true manner...i think educated moulvis would be able to guide people in a better way.
thats what i am trying to say..........we need educated PEOPLE both in the modern context as well as in our religion, not just EDUCATED MAULVIS..........as i said before, maulvi profession is not in islam..........in a true islamic state, every person should be a maulvi, by this i mean that we should all have in-depth knowledge about our religion as well as other worldly affairs..........anyways,as it stands right now, i think that maulvism should be abolished from our country, but then the question arises, who will lead the prayers, who will lead the eid prayers and who will lead the namaz-e-janazaah.............of course, for this we do need the maulvis cause we ourselves have forgotten our religion.
[QUOTE]see babar...our country is facing manifold problems at present....every problem is linked to other...all these problems are interconnected....similarly the solutions to these problems are manyfold as well as interlinked....but but i will again focus on education, coz i think majority of the problems hav their grassroots in illiteracy...if we find solution to this problem we will be able to inshallah solve most of our problems....
i totally agree with u on this keh all the problems r connected but , in my humble opinion, i think the broad based solution is in "OUR RELIGION", because it covers education as well...........refer to my previous post in which i gave the example of the HOUSE...........i agree that education is essential but if we take a broader view, then islam is the only option........as it covers everthing that we need to solve our problems.......

amy Thursday, April 12, 2007 08:41 AM

[B]if one has a hammer, all problems look like nails. The real trouble begins when one thinks that the hammer might be the right solution for headaches too. [/B]
that is what our govt. do which breeds more problems for them as well as for citizens also.

prieti Thursday, April 12, 2007 09:52 AM

@wounded healer

dear i think that we both are suggesting similar types of solutions to similar problems, in different words....We hav been talking abuot roles a moulvi has to perform,we discussed that there should be islamization as well as modern edu, we agreed upon the interconnectedness of different problems i-e we are trying to explain the same thing, but style of expression is different.....so i think the basic view is common.u agreed to what i stated and vice-versa....what do you think?

Invincible Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:51 AM

[B]Well Preiti n other friends
May I know 1 thing__ Wht do u mean by educated person, plz explain its definition first. U said our politicians r just B.A passed, ok agreed to some extent. But Y our most CSPs r worst corrupts? after passing high esteemed exam by dint of sheer hard work, Y thery forget every word as soon as they get appointed in civil services?
U said education is only cure to all our diseases, disagreed. In our country there r many education systems r going on, so how can we harmonise idologies of its people? Who will make this system correct? I was made to laugh when i saw our federal education minister saying " There r 40 Paras in Holy book". How can we expect any betterment from these people?
I would comment further after some time

Rana Siraj Thursday, April 12, 2007 02:41 PM

In my view the only solution is DEMOCRACY. We need a true democratic system in our country. One will feel that through process of elections our nation will think proper, the behaviours would be positive and even our judiciary will work independantly and fairly.

Najabat Thursday, April 12, 2007 03:22 PM


As i also mentioned in my last post in this thread and also in Education system thread that education in the right way with right attitude is necessary.Well dear how education is changing people is quite visible from emerging sense of women rights issue in Pakistan.Now people of small villages of rural sindh know that Vanni,Satti and KAarri customs are neither allowed in Islam nor in Human norms. Educated person is not one who has a degree from some institution but an educated person is one who has the ability to make a distinction between what is right and what is wrong and has the implementation will in him/herself. If our educational system lack this basic phenomenon of Selfrealization we need to rearticulate our education structure and it should be on emergency basis, since we are already very backward in our educational system approach.
Second thing is though CSPs placements are afterresult of heavy effort but do u think the powers CSPs have compare to their Pay structures. If u are allowed to make all money transactions of the city and u have no check and balance plus getting a relatively low pay for ur role then such corruption is an ultimate result. As i quote in my last post under this thread that our CSPs have still same thinking ideology as we have before partition that we are here to "Rule the People" but we should have motto "Serve the People". Apractical example i wana quote here that works in our society is example of "Pakistan Motorway Police". Being most corrupted profession in Asia and particularly in Paksitan, its really aspiring to see Motorway Police working on Highways. Whats the main structural changes in Provisional Police and Motorway. Two major areas are Qualification binds and good package.Hope i describe my point of view clearly.

Concerned Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:56 PM

My last post:
Assalam-o-alaikum to all:
[B]plz do do read it till the end....[/B]
I am really gr8ful to all u ppl that so many ppl want to make Pakistan better and may be the best. Inshallah we will do it. The answer to this was Us. But how? We need to change and the rest will be changed it self. Systems are made 4m ppl and if ppl are right, systems are right and when ppl are wrong systems are wrong. The simple example is Bring the people of US here and place the ppl of Paksitan there (of course I am only talking abut higher class, the bureaucracy). The US systems will tremble down like only a wall of sand without cement. But the pakistan system will be gr8ly strengthened. This is because systems are made by ppl 4 ppl, if ppl wrong no matter how right the system may be it will collapse. But if ppl of Us are here then there is another problem what abut our values, our civilization, our RELIGION, etc. That's why the ONLY AND ONLY SINGLE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM OF PAKISTAN IS that we shud make drastic changes in our Education system with true teachings of Islam incorporated with it And that's it. I was discussing something else with a person in another thread and the talks went in another direction, but I have posted there how the education system shud be and what's its imporatnce(well very briefly). But u all cud interpret. I cud not give it proper shape for easy reading but I hope u all will take up my point:

[QUOTE]Brother that was what I wanted to make out of u and all those that say studying medicine or surgery alone would make good doctors or surgeons. But [B]I am not interested in making good surgeons unless they are not good HUMANS. And to make good humans and intellects u need not only the knowledge of medicine but also the knowledge of philosophy, ethics, Law, and most importantly RELIGION. That is what I am trying to tell everybody that ur curriculum needs to be changed.[/B]
[B]We must study Religion in its true spirit with the translation and Explanation(tafseer of Quran), and also the Hadiths( especailly Sahih-bukhari and the rest of five authenticated hadiths books but this shud be minimum, and more shud be studied on ur own). We shud give the first 5 yrs of education to Religion alone (may be a bit of other languages like Arabic and English as well in their basics). After that we shud must study Philosophy in general, ethics in fullest, law applicable to common man, etc for 2 yrs. Then the study of respected fields shud be started and I tell u that u will be amazed to see how many Good intellects which are not only intellects but also good humans and good muslims will rise. But the knowledge of religion and philosophy must go on and on and on. That is all I think.[/B]
And yes abut Wikipedia Philosophy is an academic subject if u take in that way, I mean if u take it as ur major and do PHd's etc in it, but it is also the foundation of everyother discipline except one:
Here is an extract 4m the book written by Allama Iqbal that will make u clear what philosophy can cover and what it can not.

[B][I]"To rationalize faith is not to admit the superiority of philosophy over religion. Philosophy, no doubt, has jusrisdiction to judge religion, but what is to be judged is of such a nature that it will not submit to the jurisdiction of philosophy except on its own terms. While sitting in judgement on religion, philosophy can't give religion an inferior place among its data. religion is not a departmental affair; its neither a mere thought, nor mere feeling, nor mere action; its an expression of the whole man. Thus, in the evaluation of religion, philosophy must recognize the central position of religion and has no other alternatives but to admit something focal in the process of reflective synthesis."
Extract 4m "The reconstruction of Religious thought in ISlam" by Dr. Allam Iqbal. Infact u shud try to read this book, its small but in meanings its an ocean...

This was the answer to the battle that I was having with my-self. The whole thing is difficult to explain what happened but how it happened it made me stunned 4 several days. Some keypoints which extracted are... well When I was explaining I cud not... I can tell u only that KNowledge is POWER and MOST imp KNOWLEDGE IS THAT of our Religion and after that Knowledge of EVERYTHING. Its that most imp: as Quran itself says those who know and those who don't can't be equal. U will find it difficult to understand but when it will happen, it will just happen and u wil be stunned what we were doing and what we supposed to be doing. And u will realize all this when u will confront a non-believer, and if he had a greater knowledge than.... (I don't want to say). Here I must thank My brother (Jsmawais in this forum) who gave me answers to all my questions and shut-up the mouths of those non-believers, he is younger than me but in terms of intellect he is far far more superior. I know I shud have not discussed anything with them but when they start discussing topics which u can't resist then u start with them and in the end if u don't have knowledge, u are nothing... So I want to say this to all of u plz plz go and study first ur religion and then everything,.... u can, god has gifted u with all the powers, but u have to find them inside u and gaining knowledge is everything.... Even Quantum Mechanisms is to be read. Now-a-days u can find the latest books on the net, the only thing is that we don't want to, if we want to change our selves, and want to gain knowledge, no one can stop us...

[B]Again one more point to ponder is that all Muslim Scientists were great not only gr8 in Physics, bio, or etc, they were good at RELIGION, philosophy, ethics, bits of medicine, languages (linguistics + literature), law related to common man, etc. This was also the speciality of gr8 muslim rulers of India, but when they left these disciplines of knowledge they were doomed as most of us are now-a-days.
I hope u will understand what I was trying to say.
Thnx! again hope this will be benefited not only to u but may be someone else get the idea and may be he, or u or I will make an effort to get things right. And it will be beneficial to the country as well.

Well the thread is Humanity started by Maiji at CSS forums General Discussions. Hope all of u will read that too. I have added a bit of things extra in this quote but I wanted to say these as well. And hope u would understand what I am talking abut.

Well I will not be coming to this forum again, may be sometime in future or may be if i think otherwise coz now my priorities have been changed, I have to gain knowledge and I have wasted so much time, I need to catch up.
Hope if u liked the message u will spread it....And hope that all of u will Also try to gain knowledge and will also try to make a diffrence, small it may be but Qatra Qatra milke Samander Banta hai.
Allah Hafiz and take care all of u.
Concerned and Grieved and angry with himself....

Concerned Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:03 PM

And plz all of u do remember me in prayers and every other muslims and I will inshallah doing that for all of u.
And one thing more to do all this u have to be a lot dedicated, u have to give sacrifices and only then we can achieve what we want. Just as we infer the example from Socrates/aristotle (not sure) that if u want success, the desire for it shud be like the necessity u have for Air to live.
Allah hafiz and do take very good care of ur selves.

waheed94pk Friday, April 13, 2007 12:11 AM

Role of Political System in Provincial Disharmony
AOA All !

i have just singed in. Seeing the qualities of articles it seems that people participating in this forum are very learned. May God grant success to all of you.

I have a question to all of my friends that if they can throw some light on the topic

'' Role of political system in provincial disharmony''

how political system is affecting provincial harmony, how it can be created through politcal process.

i hope i will be able to get some response from my friends.

i shall be obliged.
Thanks to all in advace


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