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Fahad Ahsaan Friday, July 11, 2014 12:34 PM

Civil Servants Of Pakistan : Pride of Pakistan! Shame of Pakistan
A.A Members and seniors,
Our country is facing imense problems and 90 percent is directly or indirectly with civil servants.why?
A major portion of our country consist of middle or low middle class and about 70 percent CSP comes from these classes every year.
why they make a dilema not remedy ?
share your thought

remikhan Friday, July 11, 2014 02:20 PM

Dear Fahad basically every thing depends on system and unfortunately our beloved country system is not bad but its worse, according to system civil servants they cant do any thing by their self they have to obey their seniors and their seniors have to obey their ministers and ministers have to obey chief minister. this is basically what our system is? now you tell me how a single civil servant can do some thing for the betterment of common man, as we know he is also in hands of these bloody politicians...

smile khan Saturday, July 12, 2014 10:28 AM

Give free hand to a dco and cpo for one month only there should be no interference one could see the result in a month only

Insaf Sindhu Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:27 PM

And what is guarantee of DCO, is he/she honest?

RAO RAMEEZ Saturday, July 12, 2014 01:48 PM

When you become a civil servant it is usually said that you have married the establishment and politicians and you are their "Wife" now.
Every body here do corruption according to his "Istataat" and aptitude...From a street vendor and "Jamaadar" to Prime Minister,COAS and CJOP...I remember the person who picks the garbage of my house become the most loyal person in the world when Pay days come and after getting salary he diminishes from the horizon for 4,5 days in such a way it seems he will never come back and when his all money is finished in drinking and on his concubine he returns with the same pious and "Masoom" face and it seems he will go direct in Jannah due to the miseries he is facing in this life..

When we are doing cheating in our exams it is the level of corruption a student can do, so we do..Being a teacher when we just pass the time in class to reach home ASAP, it's the extent of corruption a teacher can do..So he does..Take each and every department and you will observe every body comes to pass the time and do corruption according to his capacity...Verily a Clerk can't sell the whole country, he can just take bribes of few hundreds to move file from one desk to other in time...

Our Administration systems should become transparent and if any officer of any rank found guilty he must face the judicial trial...The Judicial system should be fare and strict to such an extent that even if C.M of Punjab is found of guilty in killing few people in Lahore, he must face a strict trial...A civil servant should feel confidence when is going to file a case against prime minister of his country...Only then the Civil servants and each and every department of Pakistan will come on track...

As far as my "Waste Picker's" story is concerned..When I threaten him that I will tell your wife regarding your dishonest deeds.. He laughs and says " I will handle her, no problem" He must say to me "Don't do it, she will sue me and will win the case.."

zarraar Saturday, July 12, 2014 08:09 PM

Don't blame the system.It is not the system but we are corrupt. By saying the system corrupt , we only try to satisfy our "zameer ". Ma pochta hu k agar koi dco, dpo, judge ya koi gov. servant dead honest ho jay to kia system usy phansi pa latka data ha? No , never.

smile khan Sunday, July 13, 2014 10:01 AM

Corruption became a culture in Pakistan

Insaf Sindhu Monday, July 14, 2014 09:07 AM

Dear system is corrupt mean not a system. how a system can be corrupt? It means the people who are running the system are not properly running the system as a system should be.

tajmeer Monday, July 14, 2014 09:43 AM

I think it depends on us system itself not corrupt nor it is bad but how we define it that is matter. When we get benefits from this bad and corrupt system so we all are happy but if this system create hurdles for us so then we become angry on this and say bla bla. Civil servants are also a part of this society and they also have needs like all we have some what is the difference. We all pay bribes for our all day to day matters to get the result as we want. We go to extreme by all means to get what we want and we use all means to have that whether that is legal or illegal and then we blame the system and the civil servants.

Fahad Ahsaan Monday, July 14, 2014 03:25 PM

Human have many needs.one of them is the need of self esteem.every human want powers and wealth. and i think thats why in pakistan civil service is gold cave.
why a teacher have same grade and pay scale want to join civil service? i think he is better serving pakistan than a civil servant.why other noble profession want to join civil service by leaving their profession.
its game of gaining power and selfish

06:38 AM (GMT +5)

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