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UmarFarooq Saturday, September 20, 2008 08:36 PM

Terrorists among us and the New World order 3/10/08
[B]Terrorists among us and the New World order 3/10/08[/B]

Like a sidewinder slithering and folding across the desert floor in its strange “S’ shaped motion, Islamic terrorism has managed to strike hard and furiously against all non-believers and enemies, who really know nothing about the “horned rattlesnake” (similar to the intel' community)

Moving swiftly while folding its body in-and-out like an accordion, it is a clumsy looking evil, but deadly to those who do not understand it and take it lightly, believing their latest weapon and gadgetry will keep them safe (computer modeling- face recognition etc)

Like sidewinders Islamic terrorists know who are rodents to be bitten, released then tracked down, and who are lizards to be held until the venom takes full effect, before enjoying a meal (strike the U.S. then feed later, maybe after numerous strikes)

Common to our Southwestern deserts a sidewinder's light colors of gray, pink, tan, with dark gray and black patches help in camouflage, similar to the white, black, brown and yellow skin colors of Islamic terrorists among us - (the "homegrown" whatever the hell that means).

So forget about racial profiling as the following photos of so called "homegrown terrorists" show, terrorists like sidewinders can be of any color, and Islamic terrorists like sidewinders, have plans on when, where, why and how to trap their prey hiding in little rat holes under creosote bushes, to bring about their own version of World Order.





Now Islamic terrorists are a step above the sidewinder as a species unfortunately, making them more dangerous, ruthless, and crafty, with loftier ambitions of World Domination sanctioned by the powers of a deity (Allah), killing to satisfy the tenets of the Koran, while the lowly sidewinder, all he wants to do, is kill to survive

So Islamic terrorists have come up with a phased plan, consisting of 6 to 9 Stages for implementing Dar ul Islam and World Domination that follows a somewhat accordion-like motion of events, depending upon the state of affairs on a geopolitical forum and who is playing the accordion (U.S. or Russia)

Stage 1 Awakening! 2000-2003
Islam, to dominate by 2020

2000 – 2003 Awakening!

* “strike at the head of the serpent and encourage it to behave chaotically”

* 9/11, embassies, Cole
* U.S. drawn back to Muslim lands – closer and easier targets. Removal of Hussein, who would’ve been the greatest asset in fighting Islamic terrorists

* Message heard everywhere Stage 1 successful

Stage 2 Opening Eyes! 2003 - 2006

* Slaying of Shias, (Hindus, Buddhists) and portrayal of West as anti-Islam, Visa restrictions, etc
* War with Israel. Israeli soldier kidnapped to provoke war in Lebanon, Gaza etc. Hamas from Gaza, Hizbullah from Lebanon
* Electronic jihad – give answers & ideas to those who have learned enough at their local mosques

Stage 3 Rising and Standing Up 2007 - 2010

* Lebanon to break apart, Sunnis, Shias, Druze, Maronites to take sides with or against Syria and each other
* Syria to be overtaken by Sunnis, removal of Assad. Russia supplying arms


Stage 4 – Collapse of hated Muslim states 2010 - 2013

* Burn Arab oil, weaken Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE. Fuel shortages in West
* Use gold rather than dollars. Dollar value to fall


Leaves Israel to fend for itself. Next Yom Kippur war

Stage 5 Declaration of Islamic State 2013 - 2016

* West weakened
* Sunnis (al-Qaeda enter Iran)


Stage 6 Total Confrontation 2016 - 2020


Don’t be fooled by the size of the tiny sidewinder and its low venom content, it has numerous brothers-in-arms like the Western Diamondback, which, like Ossama bin Laden always warns before it attacks.

So before the ABC, XYZ intelligence (oxymoron) agencies, who let us fall into the situation we are in, start patting themselves on their backs, lets understand Islamic terrorism and hold those super 007 Agents (at the "Desk" and "Units", not field agents) accountable for dereliction of duty, and the death of all innocent Americans at the hands of Islamic terrorism.

While we are at it, the 911 Commission members should also be held accountable for letting those responsible for our safety jeopardize our lives, and then start anew as if they the government knew nothing, and stop using the worn out mantra “Lets not point fingers…” Why not? Is there something to hide?

Accountability should be the new American motto (alas they're all crooks until caught).


11:16 AM (GMT +5)

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