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Viceroy Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:06 PM

Judaism Vs Zionism... (Where the line separates?)
[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Judaism Vs Zionism... (Where the line separates?)[/SIZE]
By Emaad Qureshi[/B][/CENTER]

On 29 January 2009 hundreds of Orthodox Jews marched against Zionism and state of Israel outside Marriot hotel in New York USA, where members of AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) were holding a fund raiser. Jews protesting against Israel? Intresting isn’t.!! I know this news is surprising for many of you but this is truth. [URL="http://www.nkusa.org/activities/Demonstrations/20090129NYC.cfm"](Watch video)[/URL]

Lot of people think that Zionism and Judaism are synonymous but fact of the matter is that there are many orthodox Jews who are against Zionists and they have declared them heretics who have rebelled against traditional Judaism. According to the traditional Judaism, Jews are not allowed to create their own state instead they are in state of exile for centuries and this concept is called Diaspora, which is a Fundamental concept of Judaism.

Zionism is an atheistic nationalistic movement rather than a religious movement which it claims to be. According to a Jewish Rabbi, Zionists always wanted to transform Jewish identity from spiritual entity to a secular nationalistic entity and all the rabbinical authorities around the world think totally opposite to Zionism.[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znm4Gn0wO5Q&feature=related"] (Watch Video)[/URL]

What is Zionism? Who are Zionists?
If traditional Jews are not in favor of Zionism, then the question is who Zionist are and what are their basic ideas?

Zionist movement was created by Theodor Herzl in 1897.Before the Holocaust the movement's central focus was the creation of a Jewish National Home and cultural centre in Palestine by facilitating Jewish migration. After the Holocaust, the movement focussed on creation of a Jewish state, attaining its goal in 1948 with the creation of Israel. After the creation of Israel, the Zionist movement acted to support Israel, assist persecuted Jews and worked to encourage Jewish emigration to Israel.

In the start of Zionist movement many orthodox jews were with zionist movement because they thought it is a spirtual movement but gradually as time passed on they realized that its eternal motives are matieralistic rather than spirtual.

Who is helping and funding them?

Pertinent question here is who really are the funders of zionists and why zionists are so strong that no one can challenge their authority and for 60 years Israel is killing palestine children,women and men without any fear of anyone,and they even influence the foreign policy of USA.Below is detail of some funders and supporters of Israel.

(i) AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

It is an American lobbying group that advocates for pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States. Furthermore, AIPAC advocates strongly for a hard line against Hamas and countries Syria and Iran. It is currently one of the most powerful and connected lobbying groups in Washington.AIPAC ( American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) which is mainly funded by Sheldon Adelson who is CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation and is third wealthiest American according to Forbes magzine.

(ii) United States of America

United States of America is also a funder of State of Israel,according to figures Israel approximately receives annually over $ 2 Billion from USA,this shows how strong Israeli lobby is in United States of America.

(iii) Christian Zionists

Christian Zionists are also great supporters of state of Israel and Zionists in USA,this movement gained momentum in early 19th century. Christian Zionists are the people who believe that Jews must return to holy land to establish their Kingdom of Israel from Nile River in Egypt to Euphrates River in Iraq and religiously they are allowed to use any means to achieve their goal

Christian Zionists or for that matter Zionists have huge penetration and influence in political parties of USA,Joe biden the vice president of USA admits he is a Zionist.. He says

“You don’t have to be Jew to be Zionist” [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUxjI8-DUHg&feature=related"](Watch video)[/URL]

While addressing AIPAC President Obama in Washington supported Israeli views and he was also getting emotional about Israel,he said

“As President I will never compromise when it comes to Israel’s security” [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1UTuYyACSA"](Watch video)[/URL]

Ex-President Clinton is also a staunch supporter of Israel once he said

“The Iraqis ever cross over the Israeli border for aggression, "I would personally get in a ditch, grab a rifle, and fight and die."
(President Bill Clinton, speaking at a Toronto Jewish Fund Raiser, July 30, 2002)

Israelis know very well that Media is very important tool to control anyone’s thinking and perception in today`s world , so they have hired top US PR firms as image consultants to coordinate its media and political campaigns which are monitored by nine Israeli consulates in USA.Zionists have huge penetration in US media e:g Peter Chernin Chairman and CEO of Fox Entertainment Group is a jew.Sumner Redstone owner of CBS and Viacom is also a Jew andRobert Allen Iger CEO of Walt disney company is a jew.

In the end we want to advice Classical Jews to come forward and tell whole world that these Zionists are heretics and they rebelled against Judaism and Jews should work together with Muslims, Christians and people of other religions for durable peace in the world because this is the first step on the way of road to the peace

Additional readings :

Jewish Websites against Zionism

(i) [url]www.nkusa.org/[/url]
(ii) [url]www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/index.cfm[/url]
(iii) [url]www.jewsnotzionists.org/[/url]

Book about Zionism
(i) Real enemy of the Jews by Alan hart

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