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wajihazia Saturday, July 17, 2021 04:31 PM

KPK PMS Philosophy
Can anyone here who has opted philosophy, explain what is "grounds of belief induction" in Philosophy 1 syllabus.......or suggest any internet source where I could search this topic?...I am preparing from Copi's book, but the book doesn't really explain what is "belief induction"?

GhazMar Saturday, July 17, 2021 09:53 PM

[QUOTE=wajihazia;1121971]Can anyone here who has opted philosophy, explain what is "grounds of belief induction" in Philosophy 1 syllabus.......or suggest any internet source where I could search this topic?...I am preparing from Copi's book, but the book doesn't really explain what is "belief induction"?[/QUOTE]

I think you should search for IAS (Indian civil service) philosophy subject. Its one of the most highly opted subjects there and you'll find a lot more material, notes, online lectures etc.

Sahibzada Umair Ahmad Tuesday, August 03, 2021 04:39 PM

Can you share Capri book link?

08:11 PM (GMT +5)

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