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White Lilly Tuesday, May 05, 2009 07:10 PM

Constitutional Law KPK 2008
Time...3 hours

Atempt any five questions..

Q.1 The Directive Principles of State Policy(Principles of Policy) confer no legal rights and create no legal remedies:Explain the signifiance of Principles of Policy in the constitution of Pakistan.

Q.2 Are you in favour or opposed to revive Article 58(2)(b) in the constitution? Support your arguments by the cases decided by the courts.

Q.3 Explain the concept of "Sovereignty of Parliament". What are the limitations on the sovereignty of British Parliament? Explain.

Q.4 "The British Constitution is unwritten". Do you agree? Explain your anwers by citing examples.

Q.5 Describe the provision of personal rights in the constitution of the Soviet Union. how far have they proved effective in practice?

Q.6 How does the principle of "checks and balances" work in the relations between US President and the Congress?

Q.7 "The Indian constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit". Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

02:08 AM (GMT +5)

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