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White Lilly Saturday, May 09, 2009 03:52 PM

Everday Science KPK 2008
[CENTER][B]General Knowledge Paper 2
Everyday Science

Time allowed….3 hours

….Attempt any [B]TEN [/B]questions. All questions carry equal marks….

Q.1 Write short notes on any TWO of the following.
a) Atomic structure
b) Uranium
c) Big Bang Universe

Q.2 Write briefly about any FIVE of the following.
a) Sound Barrier
b) White Dwarf stars
c) Doppler shift
d) Antibiotics
e) Acid Rain

Q.3 (a) Describe the Greenhouse Effect?
(b) What is the significance of the geostationary satellites?

Q.4 Briefly account for:
a) Why water boils at lower temperature on hills than plans near to the earth surface?
b) Why do not the solar and lunar eclipses occur at constant intervals?
c) Winter in Sydney while people in England enjoy summer in August each year. Why is it so?
d) How impact printers are different from non impact printers
e) How are character transmitted from parents to offspring?

Q.5 (a) Describe the role of satellites in data communication.
(b) Compare Windows Operating System with other commercially available Operating System.

Q.6 Differentiate between the following.
a) Silverfish and Starfish
b) Nucleotides and Nucleosides
c) Butterfly and Spider
d) DNA and RNA
e) Angiosperm and Gymnosperm

Q.7 (a) Comment on Einstein’s Energy and Mass relationship
(b) Differentiate between Input and Output devices. List two devices of each type.
Q.8 (a) Differentiate amongst Plastics, Ceramics and Semiconductors. Give two examples for each.
(b) Explain how the doping of semiconductors makes them commercially more significant than good conductors.

Q.9 (a) Define Genetics. Explain its importance for human society.
(b) Define Vestigial Organs. Give five vestigial organs in man.

Q.10 Whom do u regard as the best scientists of the Muslim history.
Elaborate their achievements.

Q.11 (a)Explain Environmental pollution with special reference to ‘use of Insecticides in the field of agriculture’.
(b) How insects are beneficial to man?.

Q.12 Briefly explain the contributions of the following in the field of biology.
a) Charles Darwin and J.B.Lamarck.
b) George Johann Mendel
c) J.D.Watson and F.H.C.Crick.

Q.13 Discuss the pros and cons of relying heavily on computers.

Q.14 Enlist the renewable sources of energy.

Q.15 Designate the following in animal / plant kingdom.
a) Neurospora
b) Paramecium
c) Drosophila
d) Zea mays
e) Rana tigrina

05:27 AM (GMT +5)

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