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CommittedSoul Thursday, March 10, 2016 09:28 PM

study on ha
Mates, ce-2016 was my first attempt and as you know that the proposel of age relaxation has been rejected so i am back on this forum, alhumdulliah!
nowadays i am living in an european country and soon i am coming back to Pakistan for Ce-2017. Now i have a lot of time and i dont wanna waste even a second of my time.
I wanna do masters but having confusion in which subject the masters should be done?
I have three options including with;
M.A English
What should i do ? Which subject should be chosen? In my first attempt i opted I.R as the one of my optionals lakin es nay dil tor deya hai
i don't seek my career in any other govt jobs just CSS hua toh hua warna bahir hi sari life apna business smalana, so M.A English karna chaiye?
My last option is political science as I am thinking of to replace I.R by Pol Science.
What should I do? Kindly help and share your views
One more thing is I don't wanna share my information so suppose, I did my B.a from Punjab university , I am going to submit my admission form in the first weak of the April and first part of exam going to conducting in June/July. Now my quarry is can I appear in first annual exams of UOS? Will my registration in P.U be cancelled?
or if can they put any objection?

01:25 AM (GMT +5)

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