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Waseemtabish Friday, June 22, 2007 09:56 PM

An Informative Article About Ants
While there is much obsession with finding life in outer space, there are about one million different kinds of denizens of the animal world that breathe without lungs or gills, yet all have the same three body sections, six legs and antennae. I'm sure that up close, their appearance will out do any special effect space alien. Ants are just one kind of these.

Webster's Dictionary states that King Solomon was noted for his wisdom. Thousands of years ago, Solomon wrote: "Go to the ant, consider its ways and be wise".

A Typical Ant Nest

Worker ant scouts returning to nest
Egg laying Queen...........AND.......... Larvae

The ant eggs hatch into larvae. The larvae latter grow to become full grown ants.
The typical ant colony is usually centered around one or more egg-laying "queens". The smaller worker ants care for the queen and her eggs

The smaller male ants and the larger queen ants all have wings. The male's life-span is short. Only the queen begins a new colony

A typical queen ant will usually fly to a new location to start a new colony by herself. She will not need to fly any more, so she sheds her wings

With their combined weight greater than the combined weight of all humans, ants are the most numerous type of animal

Strong in relation to their size, ants can carry 10 to 20 times their body weight. They work in teams to move extremely heavy things.
Ant brains are largest amongst insects. Mushroom shaped brain appendages have function similar to the gray-matter of human brains.

It has been estimated that an ant's brain may have the same processing power as a Macintosh II computer.

What happens when ants are painted with color dots?

Colored dots painted on the backs of ants according to the type of work they are observed doing show that ants have specific jobs.

So yellow dotted ants would concentrate on cleaning. Teams of green dotted ants forage outward for food. Orange dotted ants would take care of the young.

After a few days or weeks, the ants may change their jobs as they take on new skills.

Sometimes when a catastrophe occurs, the ants respond by quickly adapting their duties to overcome the problem



herd aphids & "milk" them for nectar-like food


growing underground gardens for food


feeding young & providing intensive nursery care


teaching younger ants the tricks of the trade


maintaining a strict 77o F. for developing ants


changing & learning new careers


responding with massive group projects


raising an army of specialized soldier ants


warding off other ants, insects, and animals


move at least as much soil as earthworms


maintain ratio of workers, soldiers, & reproductives


tunnel from 2 directions & meet exactly midway


complex tactile, chemical communication system


incorporate water traps to keep out rain


inter-relationships more symbiotic than coercive

samreen Monday, June 25, 2007 10:50 PM

Ants are social insects. Other category of such a type of insects are honey bees, wasps etc. They live in form of colonies. In case of honey bees the colony has drones, queen and workers. The live in coordination and perform their duties. Every indiviual performs it,s own specific task like in the case of honey bees queens are for raising the progeny. very interesting thing is that queen is like worker initially.Any individual which is genetically more strong and fed on speical food called "Royal Jelly" is transformed into queen. some workers collect the pollens and nectar for making honey, some build hive, some are gaurds they protect the hive from enemies and some perorm the task to clean the hive
Honey bees and ants gives us the lesson hardwork and unity

Nice post. thanks 4 sharing and keep sharing.

03:54 PM (GMT +5)

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