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Qurratulain Wednesday, April 12, 2006 08:02 PM

Men are from Mars Women are From Venus
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]************"Men are from Mars Women are From Venus…..They can’t live with them, they can’t live without them! " is originally written by John Gray.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I've simply re-written the idea in my words (because i didn't have resource for copy/paste)*************[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Life on Mars[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Martians value power, professionalism, competency, efficiency and achievement. They believe in ‘things’ and ‘objects’ rather then ‘feelings. They do things to prove their efficiency. Every thing on Mars reflects their competence, i.e. engineers, cab-drivers, police officers, soldiers, businessman, scientist.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]They do not read magazines like ‘Psychology’, ‘Today’, ‘Self’ etc, instead they are more interested in outdoor activities like hunting, fishing, business, racing cars etc. They are careless about romance, novels and self-help books. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]An important way of life on Mars is that, they do not ask for help, and do not share what they feel. Instead they try to solve their matters themselves. If a Martian asks for help, at that time he’s considered to be the weakest person. In other words asking for help is not in Martians’ nature. Here no one renders her services(help) until he’s asked for that.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Life on Venus[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Life on Venus is totally opposite of that of life on Mars. The most influencing element of Venusians’ life is ‘feelings’. For them professionalism, competency and achievement are of secondary importance, first importance goes to feelings. They are very conscious about their dress, even they express their feelings by their colourful dresses. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]They are much concerned about indoor activities and spend most of their time in reading magazines, novels and books to improve their selves. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Unlike Martians, Venusians believe in sharing of feelings. Even if no one can help them out, they feel better by sharing their matter. On Venus if a woman is upset, all others leave their work and go to share her problem and give her suggestions. For a woman, her problem is half solved if it is shared.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]How did they meet?[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]One day Martians were looking at Venus through their telescopes. Suddenly they saw remarkably beautiful creatures there; they immediately fell in love with them. So they decided to go to Venus . They prepared a space craft and took off towards Venus. Finally they landed on Venus. When women on Venus saw them they also fell in love with them, they spent a long time there trying to understand each other’s way of living, needs, thinking, and they succeeded. They learnt empathy, care, love, and understanding each others point of view. They also learnt that they are from different planets and hence they have different life styles, so one must not interfere the others way of thinking and behaving. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Why they have conflicts?[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]One thing which was common in both the creatures was their restless nature. After spending a long time on Venus, both Martians and Venusians felt bore, so they decided to go to another planet named ‘Earth’. They used the same space craft to travel. Their journey was very pleasant until they were away from the Earth’s atmosphere. When they entered into Earth’s atmosphere, there came a sudden change in them. Their memory erased and they forgot everything that they have understood about each other. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]When they landed on Earth they forgot that they are from different planets, and they have different way of thinking and behaving. Men demanded women to behave professionally. For men women should behave in a competitive manner and think in men’s style. On the contrary women demanded men to behave in their style, to understand feelings and to leave competency.[/SIZE][/FONT]

Khuram Wednesday, April 12, 2006 09:32 PM


What a comprehensive mythology of 21st century!

Muskan Ghuman Thursday, April 13, 2006 01:49 AM

:laugh: Nice stuff Quratulain....
thanx for sharing & keep it up....
with regards,

Qurratulain Friday, April 14, 2006 02:05 AM

Thnx Muskan and Khuram,
@ Khuram, i'll appriciate your explaination of "Mythology of 21st Century".


Khuram Friday, April 14, 2006 05:01 PM

@ Khuram, i'll appriciate your explaination of "Mythology of 21st Century".


Well! Humans happen to have two different types of life. First one is their ‘physical’ life. Humans are not unique in this world in having this form of life. Obviously, other animals also possess this type of life. The real distinction or uniqueness of humans in this world is due to their having a second form of life also, which is their ‘mental’ life. Human needs are not restricted to just food, clothing, housing etc. These needs relate only to the ‘physical’ life aspect of them. Due to having the ‘mental’ life, humans also are in NEED to get ‘theoretical explanations’ of whatever they observe in their surrounding environment. Thus humans had always been in such needs as to get some theoretical understanding of their environment, their own selves, about the world, about universe, about their own relationship with the universe, about their own purpose or role in this universe, about the role of universe for them and so on, throughout the time when they first might had started their ‘conscious’ life in this world.

Presently, humans possess mainly two types of ‘theoretical understandings’ of above-mentioned things which are (i) Divine told Explanations and; (ii) Humans self made Explanations.

In this way, the God Almighty Himself has told the theoretical knowledge of true religion to humanity whereas rest of the theoretical knowledge is man made.

Humans always want to get some theoretical ‘explanation’ of whatever phenomena they observe because they are RATIONAL beings in character and essence. Remember that as opposite to the Existentialist’s opinion, human ‘essence’ really comes first, due to which they feel the need of getting ‘theoretical explanations’ of observed phenomena. It is also due to having this ‘essence’ that they want to make ‘choices’. Coming back to the point, humans can ‘explain’ the things only on the basis of (i) whatever information (may be even incomplete or incorrect) they already possess and; (ii) what ‘approach’ they follow in the process of making interpretations of already possessed information. I shall explain this point later on.

Thus humans, due to their particular essence, always tend to explain not only the material world which they observe, they also tend to explain their own feelings, emotions, thinking, imaginations, dreams and so on. Here, we can refer to the material world as ‘external world’ and those feelings, emotions etc. as ‘internal world’.

I already stated that humans can explain the things only on the basis of whatever information they already posses and by following some approach for the interpretation of that already possessed information. In Anthropology, these ‘approaches’ are generally classified as:

1- Animism
2- Mythology
3- Religion
4- Philosophy
5- Science


This happened to be the earliest form of approach of looking at various matters when humans still were in their early stages of conscious life. They must have found themselves in material environment and they must have developed some incorrect explanations using whatever limited information they possessed in those days. They also must have encountered with such quite strange things as although they used to sleep, let’s say in caves, but during sleep time, i.e. in dreams, they could find themselves in jungles, they could see and meet their dead relatives and so on. To form somewhat explanation about material things must not have posed much problem for them. But the matter that they used to sleep in cave and in this way could wonder about in jungles and could meet their dead relatives, must have been much difficult for them to properly explain. Keeping in view the type of information which the possessed in those early days, they might have reached such type of ‘rational’ resolution that they assumed the presence of ‘something’ inside the human body. So they might have explained this complicated matter in a way that they thought that ‘something’ could separate from the body during sleep and could come back when awakened. In addition to this, those early humans must have noticed that their life was dependent upon breathing. They must have noticed that when this chain of breath stops, human dies. So they must have reconciled this chain of breath with that ‘something’ which could leave their body during sleep and could come back when awakened and they must have called it the ‘Spirit’. That ‘spirit’ finally became a real object for them.

It is also important to consider that to properly distinguish between ‘internal’ and ‘external’ world might have been near to impossible for those early humans just because due to the much limited information which they possessed in those days. Even today wild uncivilized tribesmen and children make no difference between their ‘internal’ and ‘external’ world. Children sincerely think that external world events are dependents on their own thinking and emotions and so they sincerely think that their own thoughts and feelings can affect the physical world. When some event does not occur as per their emotional feelings, they cry and weep. Children also tend to think that toys are alive just like them. So they clothe them and ‘marry’ them. In the same way ancient humans had been considering lifeless objects to be conscious in the same manner as they themselves were. So they sincerely thought that all those lifeless objects also ‘feel’, or that, they also had ‘emotions’. Those ancient humans could not differentiate between external, internal, objective and/ or psychological factors or things.

These type of objective situations resulted in the emergence of Animism, which is a belief on ‘spirits’; that other lifeless objects also possess ‘spirits’ and that external world events occur as per the will of those ‘spirits’ etc.

This Animism was the first ever attempt of human kind to get themselves ‘theoretically’ and ‘emotionally’ relate with the Universe and this belief have had an everlasting impact on all the coming times.

A complete uneducated human mind, just like that of a small child, tends to believe that external world events are dependents on one’s own feelings and emotions. It is interesting to point out that throughout early history to even the present modern times, humans always have tried to ‘control’ the external world events using their own emotions and feelings.

When a small child sincerely believes that certain event must happen according to his/ her own emotional desire, it is just the case of ‘innocence’ of that small child. There is another interesting common notion of ‘children’s world’ (There is a Children’s digest also with this title --- I used to study it in my childhood). What is this ‘children’s world’? How it is different from the ‘real world’? This ‘children’s world’ actually is a way in which a child identifies the relationship between his/ her ‘internal’ and ‘external’ world. For a child, the external world is filled by his/ her own emotional objects such as fairies, Ghosts, kind prince and princesses and so on. Similarly, for a child, the external world events must depend on his/ her owns emotional (innocent) feelings. For example, in my childhood, as I can remember even now, I used to think, “Kal school se chutti ho gi – just because I wanted this”.

This ‘children’s world’ approach should be differentiated with the ‘realistic’ approach, where a ‘realist’ person clearly identifies the difference between internal and external world and he/ she knows that events of external world are dependent on rigid and constant laws of nature i.e. physical world and are not dependent on his/ her own thoughts or ideas. Here this thing must be kept in mind that ideas do have impact on external world but only in a realist sense. For example a person first conceives the idea of doing some business. Then he realistically translates that idea into reality thus affecting the events of external world.

Children of our era normally come out of the ‘children’s world’ not just because they grow up. They come out of the ‘children’s world’ due to the fact that they have been provided with sufficient education and they also have got the experience of living in a realistic society. If a child is not given proper education or if he does not get the experience of living in a realistic society, he/ she will continue living in that ‘children’s world’ throughout his/ her life. HE/ SHE CANNOT BECOME ‘REALISTIC’ BY HIM/ HERSELF.

Now consider those ancient humans who were in the initial stages of self-consciousness. They just like a child believed that entire world was filled up by their own emotional object, which was ‘spirit’. And what they could understand of external world events was just that those events must be dependents on their own emotional feelings. When a small child tries to ‘control’ the external world events by just his/ her emotional desires, we call it ‘innocent’ behavior. But when grown up people develop some formal method using which they suppose themselves to be able to control the external world events as per their own emotional desires, we call this ‘strategy’ as ‘magic’ (or witchcraft). These formal methods are of course various ‘jantar mantar’ or other methods. I try to explain this ‘magical’ approach by differentiating it with the ‘realistic’ approach. Suppose a ‘realistic’ person wants to kill his enemy. What he shall do? Most direct method would be to get a gun, then to go to that enemy and then to shoot him with that gun. Enemy shall die in this way. What a magician would do. A real prevalent practice for doing this task is something like that the magician makes a small statue of the enemy. Then he would dig in many needles in the body of statue. In this way magician supposes that real enemy shall die. Although it is quite un-realistic way of killing the enemy i.e. by just using a formal method to effectively utilize the ‘powers’ of one’s own emotional desires but even in this case, if enemy happens to be a superstitious person and if he also has been informed in some indirect way that magician has did this sort of thing with his statue, that enemy can really die in this case. He would die just because of psychological reason and not because of any real effectiveness of that magical method.

As I already mentioned that throughout from the early history, to the modern times, humans always have tried to control the flow of external world events using the ‘powers’ of their own emotional desires. So this ‘magic’ is still prevalent but mostly in the vast lower strata of about every present day human society. This ‘magic’ seems to be more ancient than Animism itself. People had been trying to control the external world events by using their own emotional desires without using any formal method i.e. just like an innocent child. But with the emergence of Animism, role of ‘spirits’ also entered into this magic. Magic took another shape. Now spirits were classified into two categories i.e. (i) evil spirits and; (ii) good spirits. Now the role of magician was to call for ‘evil spirits’ for such purposes as to destroy the enemies and to call for ‘good spirits’ with the purpose to provide help to the friends. This magic however had a great role in the evolvement of present day’s sciences. Both magic and science have similar purpose i.e. to control the flow of external world events in the desired way. The only difference is that magic offers such methods for this purpose, which now have been proved to be wrong whereas science offers realistic methods for this purpose. Emergence of modern science however would have been quite impossible if humans never would have tried to control external world events using the incorrect method of magic. Actually it happened to be many failures of magical method, which led the clever people to try to find some realistic methods for the purpose. And remember that these realistic methods are now known as ‘science’.


I have discussed Animism in detail because this Animism happened to be the primary basis of most of the ancient mythology. It is clear that for the ancient humans, the entire world was filled by their own emotional object i.e. ‘spirit’. With the passage of time, as a result of many social interactions, many ‘stories’ about those ‘spirits’ emerged. Some of the spirits were appointed as chiefs of rest of spirits. Later on those chiefs became the gods and goddesses. Those stories were aimed at the satisfaction of HUMAN NEED OF GETTING THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS about the formation and structure of universe. These stories, which are now known as ‘myths’ or ‘mythology’ described, in interesting way, the role of various gods and goddesses in the formation and daily functioning of the universe. Those ancient humans kept blind faith in those myths and they could not doubt in the truth of those stories.

Now about “Mythology of 21st Century”:
Humans still like to tell new and new ‘interesting stories’ about the formation and functioning of universe. Since now they have different type of information in their possession, so role of gods and goddesses has been eliminated in this type of new myths. Now there is role of scientific information. Now humans are able to include the role of ‘rockets’ in explaining how humans first came to this ‘planet’ earth. Ancient humans did not know that they were actually living on a planet. They also had not seen any ‘rocket’. So their mythologies did not include these things.

Your post is also an interesting story whose aim is to explain this THEORETICAL PROBLEM of how men and women, who are quite different in their approaches and features, live together on a single planet. This is “21st century mythology” because it is based on 21st century information. But another aspect of this modern myth is that no one, even the author of this story, is going to attach any serious meanings to it. This has been written in just funny way and its ultimate purpose is to just draw our attention to this fact that how these two different type of beings i.e. men and women are living together on a single planet. It is comprehensive because it tries to leave no lope hole. When both men and women reached on earth via that rocket, they at once lost their previous memory. So I should thank you for reminding us that lost previous memory. :pipe:)

Waheed khattak Friday, April 14, 2006 10:24 PM

Baat baree saada se hay
" God made women beautiful so that men love them He made them stupid so that they love men"

Mr Ghayas Friday, April 14, 2006 11:01 PM

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Men demanded women to behave professionally.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]mere khayal se zayada ter merd nahi chahtey k un ki wife professional ho, merd chahta he k un ki wife saada, [SIZE=5][B]khoobsorat[/B][/SIZE] aur sughar ho[/SIZE][/FONT]

Qurratulain Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:56 AM

First of all Thnx for your explaination of 'mythology' and 'Animism'
Secondly i want to clear one thing that my post is just reflection on first chapter of the book'men are from mars women are from venus' by John Gray.
it is not only to gimmick people's attention towards the topic, but in next chapters he's also proposed some suggestions in a comprehensive manner.
(i'll definitely share those.....but right now exams are important so i hate typing at this time)

@Waheed Khatak
[quote=Waheed Khattak] Baat baree saada se hay
" God made women beautiful so that men love them He made them stupid so that they love men"
Mr Khattak..........God has not created any human 'stupid'. he's blessed all humans with intellegence. now this intellegence has variety in its nature, it may be musical, spacial, mathematical, verbal etc.
it is not neccessary for an individual to have all kinds of intellegences within himself. but its true that he must possesses any one of them. and person having all or nearly all kinds of intellegenc is considered to be genius.
secondly the topic is not associated with 'wisdom/stupidity' or 'beauty/ugliness'. the main theme of the topic is different approaches of thinking and behavioural uunderstanding of men and women.

@Mr Gayas

May be you are talking about a particular group of people. your mentioned condition does not apply universally. secondly the term 'professionaly' is not only associated with some kind of profession. professionalism is actually 'proficieny' in any descipline.So if men (only Asian) demand their wives to be 'sughar' it means they demand them to be proficient in a particular descipline.


Khuram Saturday, April 15, 2006 01:44 AM

First of all Thnx for your explaination of 'mythology' and 'Animism'
Secondly i want to clear one thing that my post is just reflection on first chapter of the book'men are from mars women are from venus' by John Gray.
it is not only to gimmick people's attention towards the topic, but in next chapters he's also proposed some suggestions in a comprehensive manner.
(i'll definitely share those.....but right now exams are important so i hate typing at this time)[/QUOTE]

You already had mentioned that you have reproduced the main idea of the work of John Gray in your own word. So my understanding was that your post must be the summery of complete work.

Since I am not familiar with the complete work so may be I am wrong in perceiving this work as "21st century's mythology" -- within those meanings of 'mythology' which I described.

Now I want just brief reply of following two things:

1- If your post is considered a summery of complete work then what is your assessment about its status as "21st century mythology" -- i.e. with this condition, can this post be considered to be 21st century mythology or not..?

2- Since you are familiar with the complete work, so do you think nature of complete work can be considered to be a modern mythology?

--- please be brief in reply


Qurratulain Saturday, April 15, 2006 02:48 AM

Salaam Khuram,

[quote=Khuram] Now I want just brief reply of following two things:

1- If your post is considered a summery of complete work then what is your assessment about its status as "21st century mythology" -- i.e. with this condition, can this post be considered to be 21st century mythology or not..?

2- Since you are familiar with the complete work, so do you think nature of complete work can be considered to be a modern mythology?
1- yes, if my reflection is considered as complete work then it may be titled as '21st century's mythology'

2- i think nature of work is not 'modern mythology' in its totality. look if we consider only the problems explained by the writer, it may be a 'modern mytholgy' to some extent. (as writer didn't explain all the problems using myths but a great part consists of 'modern mythology') Secondly if we examine the strategies and solutions proposed by the write, to a great extent the work is scientific + philosophical.


Khuram Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:57 AM

[QUOTE]Secondly if we examine the strategies and solutions proposed by the write, to a great extent the work is scientific + philosophical.[/QUOTE]

There was a movement in literature, named: "symbolic movement in literature". I think old essay-papers include one essay on this symbolic movement.

'Symbolic literature' also included interesting stories, where, although the story moved around ordinary characters but those characters were presented in such manner as to symbolize some other crucial matter.

Since I am not familiar to the complete work so I am not in a position to decide whether or not this work has come from this movement.

And when (after exam, of course), you shall write the complete work, then please do not forget to post it on PHILOSOPHY section.:dd

Waheed khattak Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:32 PM

Mr Khattak..........God has not created any human 'stupid'. he's blessed all humans with intellegence. now this intellegence has variety in its nature, it may be musical, spacial, mathematical, verbal etc.
it is not neccessary for an individual to have all kinds of intellegences within himself. but its true that he must possesses any one of them. and person having all or nearly all kinds of intellegenc is considered to be genius.
secondly the topic is not associated with 'wisdom/stupidity' or 'beauty/ugliness'. the main theme of the topic is different approaches of thinking and behavioural uunderstanding of men and women.
@Dear Quratulain,
i didnt mean to offend anyone.it was a light comment on ur post in form of quotation by Lord Byron. If u mind it then i withdraw my quotation/light comment.

Qurratulain Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:52 PM

For Mr Khattak!
[quote=Waheed Khattak] @Dear Quratulain,
i didnt mean to offend anyone.it was a light comment on ur post in form of quotation by Lord Byron. If u mind it then i withdraw my quotation/light comment[/quote]

Mr. Khattak, thnx for your explaination(if yu think that my tone was'nt appropriate,i pardon for tht)


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