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STRAIN2 Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:13 AM

[quote=daniel]please read the book "khutbat e Bahawalpur" written by Dr Hameed ul Allah in regard to status of music in Islam. thanks.[/quote]

Brother can you please make your point as we could not get this book readily.

Invincible Sunday, July 29, 2007 05:45 PM

[B]AoA to all,
This is our main reason of failure as a Umha, tht we write voulme of books on issues, practically do nothing. Y r we just champions of words not actions? This is a worst sin in the eyes of Allah to preach tht thing which u dont actually practice, not even try to get rid of it. We condemn Corruption, dishonesty and injustice but as soon as we get any opportunity , We do same. Our Words must be followed by our action other wise nothing is going to happen. [/B]

STRAIN2 Sunday, July 29, 2007 06:32 PM

Food for thought !!!
[B][COLOR=blue]@ Invinsible[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=black]Dear Brother[/COLOR]
One should not get reluctant of the FACT by finding escapes.
If you have concluded from above mentioned Ahadiths and finally has come to the truth, all you need it is ACCEPT it. No matter how many people are accepting it or not. How many people are practicing it or not.
You only think in a way that after all you are going to get Allah's raza. The person who have conveyed you the right thing and himself not acting upon it will be held responsible of his act.
Again give a thought to this;

[B]"Then as for him whose measure of good deeds is heavy, He shall live a pleasant life. And as for him whose measure of good deeds is light, His abode shall be the abyss. And what will make you know what it is? A burning fire."[/B]
[B][I](Chapter 101: Verse 6~11)[/I][/B]

And finally food for thought:

[COLOR=blue]We may find it difficult to act upon certain commands of Allah. The mistake is ours, not Islam's. We have to be big enough to accept that we are wrong, ask Allah for guidance and forgiveness. Trying to justify our mistakes is hardly the correct attitude. We have to change according to Allah's will, [B]Allah's commands will not change according to our will.[/B][/COLOR]

Fatima Ali Tuesday, July 31, 2007 03:17 PM

hi there
apart from what we are taught in our religion, the thing first comes from within ourselves,,,,the purest part of a human being is something whose hunger is selfless....religion defines the set of rules and our true ZAMEER, is its implementation...

here by music i mean a rythm and flow ofmatur's creations,,birds sing, clouds give beautiful thundering sounds,,rain drops tapping on the floor....

apart from what the religion says, wouldn't it be be an extremist thought to state that music is a MAJOR SIN without any logical,firm reasoning,,religion never imposes things on us that are illogical, what i mean to say is that this whole universe is in motion having some sort of rythm in it, although we can't "listen",now th point comes whats the difference between a rythm and music??
apart from music anything leading to a thought or feeling against what natue has defined for us is haraam...we should broaden our vision and be firm in our faith..my faith shouldn't tremble after listening to music...the actual strength of faith is to be powerful against all evils not by being away from them but being within such evils and still retain our "BANDAGI TO ALLAH" and love for HIM.
if shaitan can distract us only through music then aren't we weak in our faith???sur or rythm is the ceation of GOD,,and there are plants that respond to special music stumilii,,and thats used for there treatment,,,this is what ive heard from an agriculture specialist...whats this then??plants can never be deceived by shaitann.....

no doubt all of time is for ALLAH,,,we should spend our time for ALLAH but we can't say that a musician is doing against ALLAH,,may be he's expressing his love to ALLAH through his music (not that vulgar music tat we c on MTV or any other music chanel), by music i mean a good rythm or flow of sound...

our faith should be so so so strong that any little thing like music shouldn't affect our belief....

everything depends on how we perceive things,,,in today's world of bomb blasts and unknown explosions if i listen to some good peice of music just to relax my mind isnt a BIG deal for ALLAH i think :) isnt it??? He loves us..
wel i feel i sound like im dfending music but actually im trying to emphasise on the reality of how strong my faith should be..

STRAIN2 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 04:01 PM

Faith & Limits Imposed By Allah
AOA Dear Sister Fatima

Religion always puts certain limits of DO and DONTS. Otherwise there is not even a single purose of religion.

Faith combined with submission towards the commands is the true faith.
[B][U]For example:[/U][/B]

1. I know that PORK and WINE is prohibited in Islam. If i challenge you that i can eat pork and drink wine, and nothing can stop me in remembering Allah. DO you think its OK? There are so many people who eat PORK and drink wine, but still they pray..isnt it? They go to churhes, they even beilve in GOD, they pray. What is wrong? DO YOU THINK IT IS PERMISSBLE?

2. A person says PARDA has nothing to do with you inner Haya. Even if i wear no DUPATTA, i'm always God fearing person, i donot take part in wrong activities and i'm close to Allah. I say my prayers 5 times a day. What is wrong? DO YOU THINK IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO WALK AROUND WITHOUT DUPATTA?

3. In one of the TV programme one stage dancer (i will not mention the name) was asked that you have recently performed HAJJ and the other part is that you are doing semi-nude dances (mujra's) also. Isn't it odd? She replied in a very confident way " Hajj Allah ke liyey hai....aur doosra dance waghera, yeh meri apni zaati zindagi hai".
With your approach sister, can you please comment on her statement and prove that what she is doing is wrong? Even though she says that i say my prayers and perform hajj also. can you challenege her (with your approach)?

4. Last but not least. Allah ordered Adam (as) not to go near forbidden tree and not to eat from it. What was wrong in it?

[B]We said, "O Adam, live with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom generously, as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you sin."[/B]
[B][I](Chapter 2: verse 35)[/I][/B]

How can eating a fruit can be a SIN (according to your approach)?


Fatima Ali Tuesday, July 31, 2007 08:32 PM

dear members i also want your views on what i think,,and i'll be pleased to know where im wrong and HOW???

wel dear thnx for going thru my thoughts,,,but uve got me wrong...
i just want to say live and let others live,,,,our vision should be broad enough so that such issues must not confuse us...the examples that u gave is totally different from listenng to music...how can drinking be equivalent to listenig music????
and dear u can never claim that a burka wali will enter heaven and without dupatta wali will be burnt in hell...
ALLAH'S measuring scale is different from what you and i think and want to do...He can be happy at any instant from any niyyat of urz,,,NIYAT NOT AMAL and can get away everything from you that uve earned for years in a single moment when u might have thought or done to someone..
dear this is ALLAH'S job not ours,,if we are the ones t decide whos sinful and whos not then whats the day of judgment for...

i think we should grow up and think on other matters rather than this.....i want to say alot but cant just like a sarkaari channel..i respect ur love for islam so much but uve perceived me the wrong way....

music isnt a big issue,,we shold understnd the core of islam...
and i challenge you dearcan u claim that that dancer would be burnt in pit of fire???no coz this is not yuor job nor mine...:)
REMEMBER DEAR ALLAH IS RAHEEM, listening to music isnt a dealine for ur faith,,we should be flexible no rigid coz islam never imposes rigidity on you...

GORAY ASSMANNO TAK POHONCH GAYE and where we are??still confused in small matters.....

Last Island Wednesday, August 01, 2007 03:22 AM

[QUOTE]GORAY ASSMANNO TAK POHONCH GAYE and where we are??still confused in small matters.....[/QUOTE]

@ Fatima
Yaad rakhna. Goray is dunya main aasmanon tuk zaroor pohonch gaye hain lekin roz e aakhir paataal main hi utrain gay.

Fatima Ali Wednesday, August 01, 2007 08:03 PM

hi "last island"

dear how can u say that GORAZ will be burnt in hell and we because we are muslims would be sent to heaven???atleast i cant claim that a person who's non muslim wud be burnt in hell and i being a muslim would be sent to heaven....if just being a muslim(by name) is assurance for entering heaven then dear let us clear and scrath away this typical thought from our minds...
they are the GORAZ who save human lvs, do research on medicines,,,dont lie as much a s we do,,,,are not corrupt as we muslims are,,right,,,they are doing what we muslims should o,,now dear u tell me are we doing things to please ALLAH or are they????
suppose u r fasting and at afatar time a hungry begger comes to ur door,,can u give ur foood to him,,,i dont think so,,can u present ur diamond ring to a MASI at ur house on her daughter's engagement???no

would u take a LAME DONKEY lying outside ur door to the GHORA HASPATAAL???no u wont ull say wese bhi yeh janwar hai,,ass paas k aur log bhi hain y shud i??
dear being a true muslim isnt that much easy,,,we shud be humans first then a true muslim...
and i really cant claim that JANNAT MARAY BAAP KAA MAAAL HAI COZ IM MUSLIM and baqi other nonmuslims would be burnt in hellll..no NEVER NEVER...
atleast dear just think,,GORAZ dont blast themselves by the name of jihad as happening in our country...
his measuring scale is faarr faaarrrrr better than ourzzz

:) i might sound harsh dear , but thats the way i feeeeeelllll

Last Island Thursday, August 02, 2007 09:11 AM

[QUOTE] and dear u can never claim that a burka wali will enter heaven and without dupatta wali will be burnt in hell...
ALLAH'S measuring scale is different from what you and i think and want to do...He can be happy at any instant from any niyyat of urz,,,NIYAT NOT AMAL and can get away everything from you that uve earned for years in a single moment when u might have thought or done to someone..[/QUOTE]


Go through post 30.

dear how can u say that GORAZ will be burnt in hell and we because we are muslims would be sent to heaven???atleast i cant claim that a person who's non muslim wud be burnt in hell and i being a muslim would be sent to heaven....if just being a muslim(by name) is assurance for entering heaven then dear let us clear and scrath away this typical thought from our minds...[/QUOTE]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#330000][SIZE=-1]The statement "Muslims will go to heaven and Non-Muslims will go to hell." is only a generalisation because it is frequently mentioned in the Quran that those who will enter the "Gardens" (Heaven) are those who "believe and do good".[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#330000][SIZE=-1]In other words, one must believe correctly as directed by God, as well as lead oneself according to the Commands of the Creator. This opportunity is available in Islam and is described in he Quran as the "straight way". Heaven is for people who have attained the high level of spiritual upliftment while they are on earth. Otherwise, hell is the place where purification takes place to make a soul suitable for the creation called Paradise, the abode of Bliss and Eternity, reserved only for the deserving.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

[QUOTE]suppose u r fasting and at afatar time a hungry begger comes to ur door,,can u give ur foood to him,,,[/QUOTE]
I have done it several times. Even in my school days i used to give my pocket money to my class fellows staying all the time hungry at school.

Fatima Ali Thursday, August 02, 2007 03:13 PM

dear island
im happy that u go thru my thoughts and comment on them...
wel no doubt a tru muslim will definitely be dwelling in heaven BUT the question arises are we really like true muslims????whatever should be done by muslims are being done by "fair" people.....so keeping in view this situation we can never say tht we are janati and they are cursed creature of ALLAH.
i hope u r getting me,,and above all humanity lies in considering all human beings to be equal..i have no right given to me by ALLAH to say that i, being a muslim, am better than any GORA,,,just kalmaa parne se ma musalman nai banti,,they are serving humanity,,today the medicines we are using,,,the metroids that are destroyed by them,,are all their KAMAAL not ours...u r cent percent right that QURAN does emphasize on the position of a muslim after the day of judgment,,but that will be the situation only when i follow what im ORDERED BY ALLAH
and if u have given ur food to anyother hungry person then i must appreciate you,,,i liked it:)

11:53 AM (GMT +5)

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