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imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:40 AM

Umar On his Death Bed
From the mosque Umar was carried home. When he regained consciousness he asked who was his murderer. He was told that his murderer was the Persian slave Firoz. Thereupon Umar said, "Praise be to God that I have not been murdered by a Muslim".

SYEDA SABAHAT Sunday, May 22, 2011 11:04 AM

join you soon!
GOOD attempt mr.bindas,i was also thinking to make notes of islamic his. from the begining. i am busy with my geo. notes now,but i will INSHALLAH join you in islamic histroy thread soon.

keep it up:). regards sabahat:))

one more thing bindas if you dont mind plz make bullet points so that member can understand it easily.and highlight important points. these are my suggestions if you like these.

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:18 PM

Review of Great Hazrat Umar's(RA) service to Islam
The period of Hadrat Umar's caliphate undoubtedly is the "Golden Age" of Islam in every respect. He was a man of extraordinary genius who not only moulded the destiny of the nation but made history of his own. He followed the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to the fullest extent. It was Umar under whose rule Islam became a world power and the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine (Eastern Roman) crumbled before the arm of Islam. Within ten years of his glorious rule, the whole of the Persian Empire, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and a part of Turkey came under the banner of Islam and the nations entered the fold of Islam. He was not only a conqueror but also an exemplary administrator who originated an efficient system of administration, and thus he was the real founder of political system of Islam (to be discussed in brief in the next chapter). He enforced Divine Law (Shari'ah) as the code of a newly formed International Islamic State; he safeguarded the internal safety by introducing the police force: he gave stipends to the poor; he constructed cantonments and forts for the safety of Islamic armies; he founded new cities for the growth of Islamic culture and civilisation; he improved agriculture and economics of the Islamic State; he founded the educational system in an Islamic State; in brief he was the founder of a great Islamic State. We would discuss his achievements more elaborately in the next section.


He was a very pious Muslim. His success lay in two things-fear of Allah and his love for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He never used even oil from the Bait-ul-Mal (Public Treasury) to burn a lamp at night for his personal needs. Whenever he finished the official work he put off the lamp. He used to patrol in the city at night to find out the needs and requirements, and conditions of the people. He did not hesitate to take his wife to work as a midwife for a poor woman. The salary he got from the Bait-ul-Mal was so low that it was hardly enough for him and his family's needs. When some of the eminent Muslims requested him to increase the amount he, said, "The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) has left a standard by his personal example. I must follow him".

Hadrat Umar was the most just ruler in the Islamic History. All the citizens, including the Caliph himself, were equal before law. Once he appeared before a court at Medina to clarify his position against a complaint. The Qadi (Judge) wanted to stand in his honour, but he did not allow him to do so, so that there would be no distinction between him and an ordinary person before Law. He was really the founder of modern democratic system.

In short he was the best example of an ideal character, and was the greatest "Khalifah" of Islam after Abu Bakr (R.A.). He selflessly devoted his whole energy for the cause of Islam. Muslims will always be indebted to him for his great achievements. As a matter of fact a separate book is required to describe his character and his services to Islam.

Hadrat Umar (R.A.) as a great scholar[/B]

Before the advent of Islam there was no tradition in Arabia of reading or writing. There were only seventeen people among Quraish who could read or write at the time when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) started to receive Divine revelations. Hadrat Umar was one of those seventeen persons. His writing and lectures are still found in some old books. The first address he gave as a Caliph is as under

"O Allah, I am strict, make me soft. I am weak give me power. The Arabs are like refractory camels, I will endeavour to bring them to the straight path"

He was also interested in poetry and sometimes he composed verses. Umar (R.A.) was one of the most fluent Quraish. Arabic knowing persons can appreciate the fluency of his writings and addresses. Many of his sayings became aphorisms of literature.

He was a great Jurist and Theologian of Islam. Because of the fear of making any mistake he did not quote many Ahadith (Sayings of the Holy Prophet) even though he was fully conversant with them. He never allowed a person (companion) to quote any Hadith which was not well known without producing any attestator in support of it. If somebody quoted a Hadith before him which he had never heard, he at once asked him to bring a witness failing which he would be punished. He was expert in deriving laws from the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. A full volume could be complied out of the verdicts and judgements given by Hadrat Umar (R.A.). As a matter of fact he opened a new door of Ijtihad' "(Disciplined judgement of a Jurist) in the history of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, and settled a number of disputable cases during his caliphate.

[B]Preaching of Islam[/B]

As the viceroy of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) his foremost duty was to spread and preach Islam. As mentioned above, the aim of various battles and wars was to clear the way for the Muslims for preaching Islam. Whenever any army had to attack a place it had to call the inhabitants of the place to Islam. Hadrat Umar was very strict in this respect and he had given standing orders to the commanders not to start war unless they had first invited the people to Islam. If they accepted it, there was no question of war and if they did not, then the war was fought only with those who were not giving a free hand to Muslims to preach the Right Path. No Person was ever forced to forsake his own faith and accept Islam.

The method adopted to preach Islam was demonstration by actual practice. For this purpose he ordered Muslims to establish their own quarters and present the practical shape of Islam before the population. Seeing the truthful way, the inhabitants of the glace were attracted towards Islam. No soldier was allowed to take any property or anything by force from the conquered people.

Because of fair treatment by the Muslims sometimes the whole army of the enemy accepted Islam. After the battle of Qadisiya a battalion of four thousand Persians accepted it. After the victory of Jalula, the chiefs of the place entered the folds of Islam along with the inhabitants. A commander of the army of Yadzgird, named Siyah accepted Islam with his battalion during a battle in Persia. All the inhabitants of the town of Bulhat in Egypt accepted Islam at one time without the use of any force only by seeing the piety of Muslims. A rich merchant and the chief of a place in Egypt, named Shata, accepted Islam with all the inhabitants of the place only after hearing about the character and piety of Muslims at the time when Muslims had not even reached that place. These are orally a few examples to show that Islam spread because of the character of Muslims at that time.

Umar (R.A.) was very strict in ensuring that no Muslims forced any non-Muslim to accept Islam. Through his advice, letters and addresses he made it clear to all the Muslims that they had to adhere to the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) which was the only method to preach Islam.

[B]Wives and Children[/B]

Hadrat Umar (R.A.), married the following women during his lifetime

1. Zainab (R.A.), she accepted Islam but died in Mecca. She was sister of 'Uthman bin Maz'un. 'Abdullah Abdur Rahman (Ist) and lady Hafsah (wife of the Holy Prophet) were the children she bore to Hadrat Umar.

2. Malkiah bint Jarwal, she did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H. according to Islamic law. She gave birth to'Ubaidullah.

3. Quraibah bint Abi Ummiyah, she also did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H.

The above three marriages had taken place before Umar (R.A.) accepted Islam. After accepting Islam he contracted marriages with the following
4. Ummi Hakim bint-ul-Harith, she gave birth to a girl named Fatimah.
5. Jamilah bint Asim, she gave birth to a son who was named Asim. Though she was a Muslim she was di-vorced because of some other reason.
6. Umm Kulthum bint Hadrat'Ali (R.A.), she was married in the year 17 A.H. She gave birth to Ruqayyah and Zaid.
7. 'Atikah (R.A.)


1. Umm-ul-Mu'minin Hadrat Hafsah (R.A.) the chaste wife of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) .
2. Ruqayyah, she was the youngest daughter of Hadrat Umar.
3. 'Abdullah........son
4. 'Ubaidullah...........son
5. 'Asim...........son
6. Abu Shahmah.......son
7. 'Abd-ur-Rahman.......son
8. Zaid........son

[B]Umar the pioneer of the Islamic democracy[/B]

Hadrat Umar (R.A.) was the pioneer of modern civilisation to form a state based upon the Islamic democratic system, the system which was incorporated in the West as late as 19th and 20th centuries. He was the greatest democratic administrator whose example is unparalleled not only in the history of Islam but also in the history of modern civilisation. A vast part of the Middle East, Persian Empire and Byzantium, was conquered during the ten years of his "Khilafat" (Caliphate) which he consolidated into a state governed by Islam i.e. laws. "As an administrator", says Prof. K. Ali, a Muslim writer, "he remained a model for all great Muslim rulers during the whole Islamic history". Another famous historian, Amir Ali says, "During the thirty years that the Republic lasted, the policy derived its character chiefly from Umar both during his life-time and after his death."

The constitution of Islamic caliphate during the time of Hadrat Umar (R.A.) was based entirely on the Islamic democratic system. All matters were decided after consultation with the "Shura"(The Council of Advisors) the details of which would be given in the following pages. He remarked, "It is essential for a "Khalifah" to consult his "Shura". Once he said, "I do not desire that you may follow anything that arises from my caprice". Hadrat Umar had clearly stated on various occasions that he should be obeyed as long as he was obeying Allah and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

Muslims and non-Muslims were treated alike. Although the Arab peninsula was declared to be purely an Islamic State, his attitude towards the non-Muslims was very tolerant. He allowed the Jews and the Christians, living in the Peninsula, to stay there if they so wished and nobody would interfere in their religious affairs. To those who desired to migrate he ensured safe journey up to the borders. Hadrat Umar (R.A.) also gave compensation for their properties and other facilities.

[B]Islamic Republic based upon "Shura"
As stated before all matters were decided after consultations with the "Shura", the Advisory Council during his time. There were three main types of "Shura". The first "Shura" consisted of very prominent and popular Companions like: Hadrat Uthman, Ali, 'Abdur Rahman bin Auf, Mu'adh bin Jabal, Ubayy bin Ka'b, Zaid bin Thabit, Talha and Zubair (R.A.). They were permanent members of the "Shura". All the important matters were decided in consultation with these persons. This "Shura" could be named as the Higher Advisory Council.

The second "Shura" was the General Advisory Council which consisted of many companions from amongst the Ansar and Muhajirin (R.A.). The Companions who participated in the battle of Badr were given priority in this "Shura". All matters of general interest were discussed with this "Shura". In this "Shura" were also included the chiefs of various clans and tribes.

The third type of "Shura" ranked in between the Higher and the General Advisory Councils. It consisted of some selected Companions among the Muhajirin and Ansar. Matters of special interest were put before the "Shura"

Whenever a "Shura" was called everyone of its members was fully allowed to give his opinion without any fear or hesitation. On various occasions Hadrat Umar said, "I am but an ordinary person like you. I can only request you to co-operate in the work with which I have been entrusted by you".

The way to call the General "Shura"[/B]

Since the Special "Shura" comprised only few members there was no special way to call it. The way to call the General Council of Advisors was that a man used to call the following words loudly: "As-Salatu Jami'ah," in the Prophet's Mosque from at high place. Hearing this call the people would know that a meeting of the "Shura" has been called and assembled in the mosque. Hadrat Umar first of all offered two raka'at Nafl (optional) Salat and then put the matter before the "Shura" Every person was allowed to give his opinion. Decisions were usually taken on the basis of unanimity or sometimes by majority. But the Khalifah was not bound to accept the decision of majority. In the interest of Islam and Muslims he could use power of veto if he considered it proper.

[B]Freedom of Opinion[/B]

Freedom of opinion was not only allowed at the time of meeting of the "Shura" but on all occasions. As a matter of fact Hadrat Umar’s period was an exemplary period as far as this principle of the democratic way of government is concerned. There is no other example in history when people gave their opinion so freely, and criticised the ruler (i.e., the Government) so openly.

The Caliph had himself introduced this principle, novel in those days, through his addresses. A part of one of his addresses is quoted as under

"0 people! I am but a trustee of your property and wealth, like a person who is trustee of the property and wealth of an orphan child. Had I been rich I would not have taken any allowance for my services. In case I needed I would have accepted only to the extent of the need. Friends! you have certain rights over me and you are fully allowed to claim your rights anytime. One of such rights is: Don't allow me to misappropriate the Indemnity Tax and the Booty. You have the right to check that the poor, the needy and disabled person amongst you should get allowances for their livelihood. You have the right to make sure that the borders of the State are safe and that you are not in danger."

[B]Introduction of Islamic Calendar[/B]

For the first time in the history of Islam, Islamic calendar was introduced in the present form by Hadrat Umar (R.A.). The date of start of this calendar was fixed as the date of the "Hijrah" (Migration) of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Thus the calendar is also known as the Hijrah Calendar.

Umar's (R.A.) Period was the GOLDEN AGE of ISLAMIC History[/B]

Thus we see that Hadrat Umar’s period was the Golden Age of the Islamic history when Islam was practised in its true form. Hadrat Umar (R.A.) Initiated 41 good practices during his period, which were based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). These are known as "Awliat-i-Umar (the Initiations Of Umar). The details can be seen in the books of Islamic History like Tabari, Ibn-i-Athir, and Tarikh-i-Khulafa etc. Most of these initiations have been mentioned in the preceding pages in brief. Actually Hadrat Umar (R.A.) was the founder of ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). [B]The words of the Holy Prophet are very true




imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:20 PM

AGRICULTURAL reforms of Umer(RA) The Great
[COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="2"]He introduced far reaching reforms in the domain of agriculture, which we do not find even in the most civilized countries in the modern times. One of these was the abolition of Zamindari (Landlordism) and with this disappeared all the evils wrought (produced) on the poor tenants (lessee) by the vested landed interests. When the Romans conquered Syria and Egypt, they seized the lands of the tillers of the soil and allotted these to the army, nobles, churches and the members of the royal family. Hazrat Umar, on conquest of these countries, returned these properties to the local inhabitants who were the rightful owners of the land. The just and benevolent (kind) Caliph was exceptionally generous to the local tillers of the soil and even issued strict orders that no other persons including the Muslim soldiers who were spread all over these countries, should not be granted any piece of land for cultivation purposes. Such steps taken by the Caliph not only restored confidence among the local populace, but also gave a great impetus (force) to agriculture in these countries and contributed to the enormous increase in agricultural output. The tenancy became prosperous and their standard of living was much raised. It led to the easy realization of land revenues by the custodians of the state. According to a French historian, “the liberal policy followed
by the Muslims in the fixation of revenues and their land reforms have greatly contributed to their military conquests.” It was due to this liberal policy of the second Caliph that the Christian Copts of Egypt who were farmers always sided with the Muslims in preference to Roman Christians. The Caliph was not content with these reforms. He worked out beneficial schemes for the advancement of agriculture and constructed irrigation canals, wells, tanks and reservoirs in his vast dominions. He established a public welfare department which looked after such construction works and furthered these beneficial schemes. The celebrated historian Allama Maqrizi says that more than one lakh twenty thousand laborers were continually employed in such works through out the year in Egypt alone. A number of canals were constructed in Khuzistan and Ahwaz during this period. A canal called “NAHR-UL-AMIRUL MOMINEEN” which connected the Nile with the Red Sea was constructed in order to ensure quick transport of grain from Egypt to the Holy Land.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:00 PM

REFORMS of Caliph Umer(RA) the Great
[B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]In a short space of 10 years, Sayyiduna Umar (radi Allahu anhu) had been well-known for his outstanding achievements and reforms in Islam. Some of these reforms were:-[/COLOR][/B]

[B]1- He established the "Baitul Maal" (People's treasury for the state and public).

2- Judicial courts of Justice were set in the country. Judges and Magistrates handled all cases.

3- Establishment of an army headquarters for the defence of the country.

4- Construction of roads and canals.

5- Schools were established. Salaries for Imams, Mu'azzins and Ustaads were organized.

6- Masjids were improved and built in Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawwarah. This included facilities for the Haajis.

7- Police Stations and prisons were built.

8- Establishment of the first Islamic Lunar calendar beginning from the Hijrah.

9- Proper weights and measures introduced.

10- Population census established.

11- Built orphanages and welfare homes.

12- Established proper punishment system and banned slavery.

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:02 PM

[B]Sayyiduna Umar (radi Allahu anu) was a strong disciplinarian. He noticed the tremendous popularity of Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (radi Allahu anhu). He felt that people will lose trust in Almighty Allah and put all their trust in Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (radi Allahu anhu). He feared that the people may think too highly of him, thereby possibly increasing the self-esteem of Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (radi Allahu anhu) which would also breed arrogance, so he removed Sayyiduna Khalid (radi Allahu anhu) and appointed Sayyiduna Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (radi Allahu anhu) as the Commander in Chief of the Muslim army.[/B]

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (radi Allahu anhu) happily accepted the orders of Sayyiduna Umar (radi Allahu anhu) and then served as an ordinary soldier. This is an example of the Islamic teachings of obedience to leadership![/COLOR][/B]

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:07 PM

Hazrat Farooq e Azam (Radhiyallaho 'anh)
[B]Ibn Kathir writes: During the khilafah of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him, the governor of Egypt wrote to 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him, asking for help as the river Nile had failed to flood. 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him, wrote a letter in return and addressed the river itself. This was then placed in the Nile, and no sooner as this was done, the Nile's water began to flood.

[Tarikh Ibn Kathir, volumes 1 and 8, chapter on Rivers and chapter on Khilafah of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him.][/B]

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:09 PM

Shaitaan was so scared of Hadrat Umar(RA) the Great
[B] Shaitaan was so scared of Hadrat Umar (Rady Allahu Anhu) that there is a Hadith where the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu Ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) said, “If Hadrat Umar (Rady Allahu Anhu) is walking on a street and Shaitaan approaches him, Shaitaan will run away and take another street”. He was very brave. Sayyadina Umar (Rady Allahu Anhu) received the title “Farooq” which means the one who distinguishes truth from falsehood. He took part in all the battles with the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu Ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) including the battle of Badr.

imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:11 PM

Hazrat Umar's Devotion to the Beloved Prophet(PBUH)
[B]Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) stood by the side of the Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) in all battles and expeditions. Great was his love for Allah and His Beloved Apostle (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam). He never allowed any blood ties or friendship to stand in the way of this love.

The death of the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) was a stunning shock to Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu). He could not believe it, so much so that he drew his sword and swore that he would cut off the head of the man who said the Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) was dead. He was overwhelmed with grief. Life without the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) was unthinkable, he thought. And if the Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) was really no more, as people said, what was going to happen to Islam and the Muslims? These dark thoughts blotted out all reason from Umar's (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) head. Not till Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) had reminded him of the clear verdict of the Qur'an al-kareem on the point did he come to himself.

Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu), during his calpihate, depended on Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) for advice. That was because the Master, in his life-time, gave great weight to what Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) said.


imbindas Sunday, May 22, 2011 07:13 PM

Great Umer(RA) Caliphate (634 644 A.D)

Just before Abu Bakr passed away, he consulted some prominent Muslims regarding a suitable successor. Everyone suggested Omar's name, who was then nominated to be the next Khalifah.

As soon as Omar took the office of Khilafat, he continued with the expansion of the Islamic state initiated by his predecessor. During the period 633 642 A.D., the Muslims fought a number of battles against the Persians. Some of these battles were:

Battle of the Chains fought during Abu Bakr's time
Battle of Namaraq
Battle of Jasr
Battle of Buwaib fought during Omar's time
Battle of Qadisiya
Battle of Jalula
Battle of Nihawand

In the last battle of Nihawand, the Persians were finally defeated and large parts of Iran came under the Muslim rule.

On the Syrian front, Muslims had already defeated the Romans in the battle of Yarmook, fought during the time of Abu Bakr. After the fall of Yarmook, the Muslims laid siege to the city of Jerusalem. A treaty was eventually negotiated between the Muslims and the people of Jerusalem according to which:

o the inhabitants' life, property and churches were given protection

o Islam was not to be forced on them

o the inhabitants were to pay the "jizya" or poll tax

o the Greeks were to be turned out of the City

In the year 639 A.D., Amr bin A's was sent towards Egypt. After a siege of seven months of the fort of Fustat and a heavily fought battle at Alexandria, the whole of Egypt came under the Muslim rule.

Omar not only conquered a vast area during his ten year Khilafat, but also implemented a great system of administration. Omar governed the state of Islam on the principle of democracy. Some of his administrative achievements are given below:

o He formed a Consultative Body of advisors called the Shura, and sought its advice and help in all important matters

o For the sake of convenience of administration, he divided the empire into provinces and appointed a governor for each province

o He strictly forbade the Arabs from holding or owning any land in the conquered territories

o He introduced a system of old age pension

o He introduced the Muslim era of Hijrah

o He established a department of finance

o He founded schools and mosques in different parts of the Islamic state

In the year 644 A.D., Omar was fatally stabbed by a Persian slave while he was saying his Prayer in the mosque. Omar bin Khattab was truly a great man. His, brilliant conquests, personal bravery and able administrative qualities, helped greatly in putting the young Islamic state on the right footings. He was very simple, honest, impartial and fore sighted. He was extremely strict in the following of Islamic principles, yet very kind and sympathetic at heart. He lived a very simple and unostentatious life.

Omar was always concerned about the proper discharging of his duties as the religious and political leader of the Muslims. He used to walk the streets of Medinah at night to make sure that the people were sleeping well and not in need of anything.

At Tabari, the great Muslim historian, narrates a conversation Omar had with Salman which shows the genuine fear of God the great Khalifah had in his heart. Omar once asked Salman: "Am I a King or a Khalifah?" To this Salman replied: "If you have collected a tax of even one dirham from the people and applied it unlawfully, you are a King, not a Khalifah."

On hearing this Omar is reported to have wept.[/SIZE]

08:55 PM (GMT +5)

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