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Princess Royal Friday, October 15, 2010 06:42 AM


[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="4"]& all the best for the next stage


Anne the anonymous1 Friday, October 15, 2010 08:51 AM

My heartiest congrats to all of u. U did a grt job!!!!!!!!!!!
Those who couldn't make it; plz dont lose heart. Never Give Up!!!!!!!!
God must have smthing better in store for you!!!!!!!!!
and those who cleared; plz dont ba complacent. Its job half done. So take a deep beath,sit down with all the buks etc, Go back to that rigorous study mode cz its do or die now.
Especially those who stayed away frm buks after exams n were out of touch with newspapers like me:) its high time u read that pile of newspapers, magazines etc. So go ahead. i wish u guys best of luck.

sidrah A Friday, October 15, 2010 09:29 AM

By the grace of Almighty Allah i have qualified written examination 2010....I just cnt express my feelings...Heartiest congartulations to all who qualified especially Noorish, Khurram Khokhar, Shirazah85, Faiqa, Izaz4u, Rishzzz Dr.Adnan, Maliasghar, Xenia, Mansoor 1983, Redhawk, eng. Afridi, Sakk, Khurshid Mehsud, Marilatif, and all those who make it through..

Best wishes ahead........
& to Hunain, Courageneveries, salman5, mortal sin, crownprince an all those who cudnt qualify, dnt give up n try ur best for the nxt attempt...All the Best wiishes n Prayers are with u ppl

I qualified it under roll num. 03118

what about neo1, jav_ria, Xenia, Y.rehman n my other thoread fellows, plz share ur results,,,I hope u are all among passed ones :) waiting anxiously for ur response

mangat Friday, October 15, 2010 09:34 AM

[QUOTE=sidrah A;226057]what about neo1, jav_ria, Xenia, Y.rehman n my other thoread fellows, plz share ur results,,,I hope u are all among passed ones :) waiting anxiously for ur response[/QUOTE]

i heard sumbody congratulating jav_ria i think she had passed the exam i want to know about neo1 did he passed?

Ayesha Mahmood Friday, October 15, 2010 09:41 AM

[COLOR="Purple"][B][I][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][CENTER][SIZE="7"]Congratulations![/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/I][/B]
[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]To All The Successful Members![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]
[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Best Wishes For You Interview and Recruitment Too![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR]

marilatif Friday, October 15, 2010 09:42 AM

[QUOTE=redmax;225545]Cordial felicitations to all those who made it through CE-2010 Written Exam.

Special Congratz to my dear Friend "ABDUL LATIF MARRI" under roll no. 01935.


thanks dear redmax. infact it is the happiest event of my life. i never thought that i will qualify this exam and that too in such a tough result where only 20-25 candidates from sindh R have qualified.

so again thanks for ur congratulation.

khuram_khokhar Friday, October 15, 2010 09:48 AM

[QUOTE=msalmanapr;225655]Guys good wishes who qualified the exam
I did not make it this year but will try next time again[/QUOTE]

msal thanx a lot. and inshaAllah ap next time zror kamyab hon ge!!!!!!!!

[QUOTE=Izaz4u;225934]khurum by congratulationsssssssssssssssssssss:clap[/QUOTE]

Thank u veeeeery much and simmilar sort of feelings for us as well.:clap:clap:bow:bow

@ Ayesha Mahmood

Wonder of Thanx Aysha:bow:bow:bow

@ sidrah A

Musch Thanx to u Sidra and simmilar feelings for u as well:bow:bow

@ Princess Royal
Thanx a lot mam

samighumro Friday, October 15, 2010 09:55 AM

Heartiest Congratzz
Bundle of Congratzzz to all those who have qualified CSS-2010.Specially to Mr.Latif Marri for his brilliant Success.:vic:vic:vic

sidrah A Friday, October 15, 2010 09:58 AM

[QUOTE=mangat;226058]i heard sumbody congratulating jav_ria i think she had passed the exam i want to know about neo1 did he passed?[/QUOTE]
mangat wt abt u?

mangat Friday, October 15, 2010 10:30 AM

[QUOTE=sidrah A;226086]mangat wt abt u?[/QUOTE]

i didnt mak it this time sidra.......but im all geared up for the next attempt and this time i will INSHALLAH make it through...css is my passion and i will work more harder to get to it INSHALLAH....do pray for me sister....

04:32 AM (GMT +5)

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