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Emaan Tuesday, July 26, 2005 03:02 AM

Question?Plz answer
[B]Zaban e Yar man Turkey[/B]
[B]Wa man Turkey nam.e danam[/B]

[B]cant understand the above verse,Plz traslate [/B]

Argus Tuesday, July 26, 2005 03:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is Farsi Couplet of Khusrau,the complete couplet is

[b]Zabaan-e yaar-e mun Turkie, wa mun Turkie nami daanum, [/b]
[b]Che khush boodi agar boodi zabaanash dar dahanay mun.[/b]


[b]My beloved speaks Turkish, and Turkish I do not know; [/b]
[b]How I wish if her tongue would have been in my mouth.[/b]

Bobak Saturday, November 17, 2007 04:37 AM

its a play on words (zabaan= language, tongue) it means:

My sweetheart's language (tongue) is turkish, And I do not know Turkish
How good it would be if her tongue (language) was in my mouth!

Is anyone sure about the last two words? I read the urdu attachment and it reads dahaan-i man, why doesn't he use dahaanam (same meaning) so that it would rhyme with nemidaanam?

Yusufzai Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:05 PM

[QUOTE][B]Zaban e Yar man Turkey[/B]
[B]Wa man Turkey nam.e danam[/B]

[B]cant understand the above verse,Plz traslate [/B][/QUOTE]
Some Farsi Couplets of Khusrau [url]http://www.alif-india.com/shayr.html[/url]

12:59 PM (GMT +5)

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