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Ainuddin Kibzai Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:23 AM

Oxymoronic Democracy.
There are 40 thousand people living in a region.
There are 6 contestants in the elections for the particular seat.
Results are as follows.
Candidate A = 10,000
Candidate B = 7,000
Candidate C = 8,000
Candidate D = 4,000
Candidate E = 6,000
Candidate F = 5,000
And the winner is Candidate A on the basis of Democracy. He has got the support of 10 thousand voters and the opposition of 30 thousand voters.
Where is Democracy?
Where is the rule of the majority?

Invincible Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:50 AM

[QUOTE=Ainuddin Kibzai;520040]There are 40 thousand people living in a region.
There are 6 contestants in the elections for the particular seat.
Results are as follows.
Candidate A = 10,000
Candidate B = 7,000
Candidate C = 8,000
Candidate D = 4,000
Candidate E = 6,000
Candidate F = 5,000
And the winner is Candidate A on the basis of Democracy. He has got the support of 10 thousand voters and the opposition of 30 thousand voters.
Where is Democracy?
Where is the rule of the majority?[/QUOTE]


B wins by 7000 vs opposition of 33000

C wins by 8000 vs opposition of 32000

D wins by 4000 vs opposition of 36000

E wins by 6000 vs opposition of 34000

F wins by 5000 vs opposition of 35000.

[SIZE="3"]Still A leads if we follow this formula. [/SIZE]


ibrarkhan Saturday, December 01, 2012 01:09 AM

[QUOTE=Ainuddin Kibzai;520040]There are 40 thousand people living in a region.
There are 6 contestants in the elections for the particular seat.
Results are as follows.
Candidate A = 10,000
Candidate B = 7,000
Candidate C = 8,000
Candidate D = 4,000
Candidate E = 6,000
Candidate F = 5,000
And the winner is Candidate A on the basis of Democracy. He has got the support of 10 thousand voters and the opposition of 30 thousand voters.
Where is Democracy?
Where is the rule of the majority?[/QUOTE]

Let me correct you my friend, In the said case the candidate A wins on majority(Vote) basis(Not democracy). Actually you are misunderstanding the electoral system in this case. I'm sure you would know their are various types of voting system such as simple majority rule(Pakistan), proportional representation(Switzerland,Turkey etc). Pakistan has first past-the-post system where candidate securing majority votes wins the elections. Although it can can be amended for instance in the above case a run off election can be held between candidate A & B until any one of them secures minimum 50% of the votes cast.

08:42 AM (GMT +5)

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