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yasmeen lakho Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:28 PM

A question of morality
Dear forum members.


I am an aspirant of the 2014 CSS. At the moment I am also studying LLB.

A few days back, an event took place that made me think alot. It disturbed me like it would disturb many more hardworking youth of Pakistan. And I am here for advice.

I attended a social gathering a about 2 months back, and met a few new people. Among them was a female who is currently attending 40th Common. She had taken special leave to attend this function.

I tried interacting with her and during our conversation, I found out some facts about her, which left me speechless and sad... This female and I have a common freind/cousin as well and this is why she was very easily divulging the information that i am about to share here.

When I asked her how she had managed to attend this function as CSA does not give leave to candidates so easily, she laughed and said that she lied and made up a story to get leave... When I looked shocked, she told me that this is nothing and she had even lied about some information in her CSS APPLICATION FORM and gotten away with it! I couldn't stand it and also gave her a piece of my mind politely which he rejected with travesty.

Later on it made me think which poor deserving soul would have gotten rejected because of this female. Whose seat was she illegally occupying? and the overall plight of dis-merit and youth suffering from it. It could have been me and it can be me when I appear.

How can such a person perform honestly when she has begun her career with lies? and still takes pride in lying and cheating? Who knows what kind of bigger and more serious lies she will foster in future for her own selfish goals and harm our country in the process.

It is also my understanding that when one fils the information in the application form for govt. service and lies, he/she did so UNDER OATH!! Not only is it dispicable, it is also dishonorable. What kind of a person lies in front of Allah?

My moral compass is Alhamdollilah in order! and I denounce such practices. I want to do something about it but don't know what to do, and it is eating me up from inside.

A few months back, a poor deserving boy from interior Sind incinerated and killed himself due to the gross injustice of SPSC. He, despite having cleared exams was denyed post. He was the only child and son of his family. And I feel that if I am cognizant of someone who is involved in a crime and usurped the right of another candidate, yet if I remain silent, then I am party to the crime. This is aweful and needs to be checked, If i know of such a person, I find my self morally, ethically and religious bound to raise my voice.

Please advise me what needs to be done. I WILL DO IT!!!

Beauty Tuesday, March 26, 2013 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;577672]Dear forum members.


I am an aspirant of the 2014 CSS. At the moment I am also studying LLB.

A few days back, an event took place that made me think alot. It disturbed me like it would disturb many more hardworking youth of Pakistan. And I am here for advice.

I attended a social gathering a about 2 months back, and met a few new people. Among them was a female who is currently attending 40th Common. She had taken special leave to attend this function.

I tried interacting with her and during our conversation, I found out some facts about her, which left me speechless and sad... This female and I have a common freind/cousin as well and this is why she was very easily divulging the information that i am about to share here.

When I asked her how she had managed to attend this function as CSA does not give leave to candidates so easily, she laughed and said that she lied and made up a story to get leave... When I looked shocked, she told me that this is nothing and she had even lied about some information in her CSS APPLICATION FORM and gotten away with it! I couldn't stand it and also gave her a piece of my mind politely which he rejected with travesty.

Later on it made me think which poor deserving soul would have gotten rejected because of this female. Whose seat was she illegally occupying? and the overall plight of dis-merit and youth suffering from it. It could have been me and it can be me when I appear.

How can such a person perform honestly when she has begun her career with lies? and still takes pride in lying and cheating? Who knows what kind of bigger and more serious lies she will foster in future for her own selfish goals and harm our country in the process.

It is also my understanding that when one fils the information in the application form for govt. service and lies, he/she did so UNDER OATH!! Not only is it dispicable, it is also dishonorable. What kind of a person lies in front of Allah?

My moral compass is Alhamdollilah in order! and I denounce such practices. I want to do something about it but don't know what to do, and it is eating me up from inside.

A few months back, a poor deserving boy from interior Sind incinerated and killed himself due to the gross injustice of SPSC. He, despite having cleared exams was denyed post. He was the only child and son of his family. And I feel that if I am cognizant of someone who is involved in a crime and usurped the right of another candidate, yet if I remain silent, then I am party to the crime. This is aweful and needs to be checked, If i know of such a person, I find my self morally, ethically and religious bound to raise my voice.

Please advise me what needs to be done. I WILL DO IT!!![/QUOTE]

W/Salam, i read your shared information regarding the fake woman. It has been happening in our country for many years specially in this governance. Anyone who has raised the voice against injustice he/she would have been thrown away like a mess. In our state, not just these 2 cases you are delivering. there are many other such cases which are not infront of anyone, and offcourse what will they do if they come across? nothing in response, just harassment and embarrassment. I, myself is a big example. i have done master in commerce in 2011 and got First position in the University of Sindh. even after giving many exams/tests for job, i couldn't find even the clerk job of government. iam also preparing for the css 2014, i dont know regarding the merit of css, but yes hopeful and always will. Don't make yourself depressed for any of these situations, they are not going to be change because youth is the change and they are killing themselves, if it continues, then surely change is going to kill itself and we are now at stage where our own helping hands are destroying us in the shape of our government.
If you want to do something then come forward prepare yourself for the Css2014 and get the position to change the worst situation through the power of pen, otherwise sentiments are not solution but your will power can change it.

yasmeen lakho Monday, April 01, 2013 07:59 PM

its sad that after so many days only one person bothered to reply.... speaks tons about our sense of duty towards rightousness...

Muhammad T S Awan Tuesday, April 02, 2013 04:15 PM

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;580708]its sad that after so many days only one person bothered to reply.... speaks tons about our sense of duty towards rightousness...[/QUOTE]


Sorry for a late reply. Actually I didnt see this post before.

Dear it is really a saddening state of nature and such things keep happening, but the biggest issue is the fact that nobody come forward to stop such things. Try to get some evidence or make a detailed letter and send its copy to Chairman FPSC, DG of Civil Service Academy (however, she might had been relieved from CSA for her next destination i.e. STP), Secretary Establishment, Chief Justice of Pakistan, and DGs of FIA, IB and ISI.

This may not directly fall under jurisdiction of some of above mentioned offices, but it may cause others - having jurisdiction to move for doing something to nab culprit.

Keep in mind another thing, that anonymous letters are not required to be considered, so you will be required to divulge your name, address or email etc.


nabilach Tuesday, April 02, 2013 07:12 PM

i totally agree with you Ms yasmeen. I can present more than single number examples from my own life history but i would not. Challenges are testing our mettle and there should always be the success of courage instead. The system is flawed so does its criterias of merit but remember truth is destined to be at the safe side.

shahidalileghari Wednesday, April 03, 2013 03:52 AM

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;577672]Dear forum members.


I am an aspirant of the 2014 CSS. At the moment I am also studying LLB.

A few days back, an event took place that made me think alot. It disturbed me like it would disturb many more hardworking youth of Pakistan. And I am here for advice.

I attended a social gathering a about 2 months back, and met a few new people. Among them was a female who is currently attending 40th Common. She had taken special leave to attend this function.

I tried interacting with her and during our conversation, I found out some facts about her, which left me speechless and sad... This female and I have a common freind/cousin as well and this is why she was very easily divulging the information that i am about to share here.

When I asked her how she had managed to attend this function as CSA does not give leave to candidates so easily, she laughed and said that she lied and made up a story to get leave... When I looked shocked, she told me that this is nothing and she had even lied about some information in her CSS APPLICATION FORM and gotten away with it! I couldn't stand it and also gave her a piece of my mind politely which he rejected with travesty.

Later on it made me think which poor deserving soul would have gotten rejected because of this female. Whose seat was she illegally occupying? and the overall plight of dis-merit and youth suffering from it. It could have been me and it can be me when I appear.

How can such a person perform honestly when she has begun her career with lies? and still takes pride in lying and cheating? Who knows what kind of bigger and more serious lies she will foster in future for her own selfish goals and harm our country in the process.

It is also my understanding that when one fils the information in the application form for govt. service and lies, he/she did so UNDER OATH!! Not only is it dispicable, it is also dishonorable. What kind of a person lies in front of Allah?

My moral compass is Alhamdollilah in order! and I denounce such practices. I want to do something about it but don't know what to do, and it is eating me up from inside.

A few months back, a poor deserving boy from interior Sind incinerated and killed himself due to the gross injustice of SPSC. He, despite having cleared exams was denyed post. He was the only child and son of his family. And I feel that if I am cognizant of someone who is involved in a crime and usurped the right of another candidate, yet if I remain silent, then I am party to the crime. This is aweful and needs to be checked, If i know of such a person, I find my self morally, ethically and religious bound to raise my voice.

Please advise me what needs to be done. I WILL DO IT!!![/QUOTE]
yasmeen it is very sad that it is happening in Pakistan but it is truth.people here don't bother about legal or illegal.they only bother about fulfilling their material desires.I said to my friend that a person should always speak truth.you will be surprised to know that he said telling a lie is better than speaking the truth and the person should always tell a lie.I was shocked with his arguments.with this mentality you can think that filling wrong form is not a big deal in pakistan.

mjkhan Wednesday, April 03, 2013 04:32 AM

We seriously need to uplift our moral standards.Such thinking in our society comes with no surprise at all,now.i remember two of my friends laughing at my use of words corruption.They were of the view that this word in the modern world is known as earnings,profits etc.

When things are moving around in a circle,as is the case of corruption,injustice in our society,then its a bit idealistic to expect a step wise or one ended change.Everything needs to work simultaneously and in coordination which again is a bit of idealistic.lol

yasmeen lakho Wednesday, April 03, 2013 11:35 AM

Thankyou all for your comments.

@ TS AWAN. Thank you for your advice, I have already drafted a letter and will share it over here before I post it to the various departmental heads. [COLOR=Magenta][B]So, if she has letf CSA for her STP, then she cannot be charged? Technically she is still under training right?[/B][/COLOR]

I am studying to become a lawyer and Alhamdollilah have been raised by rightous and honest parents. My father has suffered alot becasue of his brutal honesty as well but has remained undettered. I intend to do the same with the help of Allah.!

No amount of justification about corruption in the modern world can be acceppted. Allah has already defined good and bad, who are we to change those standards??

Even if this incidence jeapordizes my own candidacy for CSS 2014, I DONOT CARE. It is my duty to speak about injustice and not stay quite.

Staying quite on a wrong is tantamount to supporting it.

Once again thank you, InshaAllah in a day or two Iwill be posting the letter I intend to write. Please view it as well as critique it.

I was also thinking of somehow contacting the person who didnt make the merit list because of the mendacity of this female, after all he/she must be interested to get his/her rightful place and land this job that has been usurped by this person? Comments are welcome.

btw, the female in question is also a part of this respected forum.

Beauty Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:27 PM

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;580708]its sad that after so many days only one person bothered to reply.... speaks tons about our sense of duty towards rightousness...[/QUOTE]

Well, Yasmeen lakho, i didn't bother myself to reply even i replied right after your post but fortunately or unfortunately you have read just before the 2 days. I dont know about others but for me Patience is the right path for success when you don't have enough weapons for the war. well, injustice uterance is this state is not a new scene but for me it has become edifice of this country. When you work hard for your dreams or for any particular destination, and for some reason it couldn't achieve, then you have to try untill you achieve you target, adding one thing more. Iam a muslim not by word but by my choice of heart, and what i know is, i can't waste myself for this meaningless world particularly for the name, fame. yes, i also have faced most worst times, even still in process....... but if you are in this world, offcourse with some mission. for me its now hard work and struggle for my self, excluding the depression and self hurting. all those who cheated, achtually cheated with themselves and all those who attempted suicide, actually were dead. so, kill this topic from your mind from sympathy point of view, if you can do something then don't ask just do. if you can't then offcourse you can start working with prayers.

Invincible Thursday, April 04, 2013 03:02 AM

[B][QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;577672]
When I asked her how she had managed to attend this function as CSA does not give leave to candidates so easily, she laughed and said that she lied and made up a story to get leave... When I looked shocked, she told me that this is nothing and she had even lied about some information in her CSS APPLICATION FORM and gotten away with it! I couldn't stand it and also gave her a piece of my mind politely which he rejected with travesty.

Hi bro, You sound like an ultra-sensitive person. In a piece of land, Where more than 70 p/c bureaucrats are corrupt & dead wood; Your reaction on a non issue seems uncalled-for. However lets analyze her fault that discomforted you to this extent.

You have given 2 grounds so far:.

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;577672]
When I asked her how she had managed to attend this function as CSA does not give leave to candidates so easily, she laughed and said that she lied and made up a story to get leave.[/QUOTE]

Do you really consider it an offense or moral turpitude? Mostly Employes lie to get leave not only in the Pakistan but in the World. So whats the point?

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;577672]When I looked shocked, she told me that this is nothing and she had even lied about some information in her CSS APPLICATION FORM and gotten away with it! I couldn't stand it and also gave her a piece of my mind politely which he rejected with travesty.

Had you asked her about " Disinformation" that she gave, it would have saved our energies from exertion in making wild guesses. Ease out!

PS: I don't know that lady & No offense is intended. :))

Muhammad T S Awan Thursday, April 18, 2013 06:45 PM

[QUOTE=yasmeen lakho;581515]Thankyou all for your comments.

@ TS AWAN. Thank you for your advice, I have already drafted a letter and will share it over here before I post it to the various departmental heads. [COLOR=Magenta][B]So, if she has letf CSA for her STP, then she cannot be charged? Technically she is still under training right?[/B][/COLOR]


Yes technically she is under probation and before termination of probation if she is somehow get some serious allegations with sound proofs, then it can easily terminate her services. But be sure that the allegations are sound supported by evidences. And by leaving her CSA I meant that DG CSA might not be able to do much, but Secretary Establishment can somehow take some action against it.

And if you get linking with the person, who was affected by her then that person can lodge a case in the court of law for his/her induction into civil services . Go ahead without wasting much time...


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