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-   -   Give me the Courage (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/off-topic-section/poetry-literature/english-poetry/38479-give-me-courage.html)

Nek Muhammad Sunday, September 12, 2010 07:39 AM

Give me the Courage
[B][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER]I've determined to go on with You
though I don't understand.
Am I dying to self or is this all new land?
Nothing seems the same, not even me
yet I will trust You when I don't see.

The world is really changing and so have I.
I'm really lost now or You've led me up high.
I've never been here before
and Lord,it is so lonely.
Dare I go back where it seems safer
or follow You only?

I hear Your voice - Yes, it is You.
So different from all the others.
It's new and fresh and true.
I keep walking Your way
but the path is getting steeper.
I've tripped on some rocks,
now I've fallen in deeper.

You pull me up and again You talk
but I'm bruised and tired, Lord
And I'm afraid to walk.
You give me Your hand
And we take steps together.
I'm getting stronger now
though it's still stormy weather.

Keep showing me Lord
what is in Your will.
Give me the courage to go on with You still.
Though others may wander and some even stray,
I want to stay close by You -
Today and everyday.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

04:37 PM (GMT +5)

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