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Xeric Wednesday, February 09, 2011 01:12 AM

Poem on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Alama Iqbal
He slept on a mat of rushes,

But the crown of Chosroes lay beneath the feet of his followers;

He chose the nightly solitude of Mount Hira,

And founded a nation, law and government;

He passed his nights with sleepless eyes,

That his Millet might sleep on Chosroes throne

In the hour of battle, iron was melted by the flash of his sword.

At prayer time, tears fell like drops of rain from his eyes.

In his prayer for Divine help, his Amen' was a sword,

Which extirpated the lineage of kings.

He inaugurated a new Order in the world,

He brought the empires old to an end:

In his sight the high and the low were one,

He sat with the slave at table one;

He burnt clear the distinctions of birth and clan.

His fire consumed all this trash and bran.

evez Wednesday, February 09, 2011 08:05 PM

Mustafa Jaane Rehmat PBUH
Wheresoever it fell, Life itself was revived
Peace be upon that life-bestowing gaze

Whom did he see? Let someone enquire of Moses
Peace be upon the courage of one with such eyes!

Those ears which can hear from both near and from afar
Peace be upon that mine: rubies of charismata!

How delicate the petals of that holy rose!
Peace be upon the exquisiteness of those lips!

From his clustered pearls, radiate those roots of light
Peace be upon the enchantment of those stars!

A mouth whose every word is divine revelation!
Peace be upon the fount of knowledge and wisdom

Its water makes both spirits and gardens verdant
Peace be upon the moisture of such a mouth!

From it salty wells became sweet like syrup
Peace be upon that sweet, clear, spring water!

A tongue which is known to all as the key to `Be!'
Peace be upon its effective commandments

Countless blessings upon his lovely speech
Peace be upon his heart-enticing eloquence!

Countless blessings upon the pleasure of his words!
Peace be upon the majesty of his sermons

A beard around the mouth – striking loveliness!
Peace be upon that beard of the stream of mercy!

From it are flowing streams of milk and honey
Peace be upon the freshness of such a throat!

The Black Stone of the Ka'aba of the heart and soul!
Peace be upon the Seal of Apostleship!

No partner, sum total, matchless, unparalled!
Peace be upon this unique, solitary pearl!

The arm oblivious to the weight of both worlds
Peace be upon the power of such an arm!

Two pillars of the Ka'aba of Faith, Religion
Peace be upon the two wrists of Prophethood

Wherever his hand was raised he made others rich
Peace be upon the waves of this Sea of Bounty

Fountains of light do cascade, and rivers flow out
Peace be upon the miracle of the fingers!

Your heart is beyond my knowledge but I shall say this:
Peace be upon the bud holding secrets of Oneness!

The world's his dominion yet he eats barley bread!
Peace be upon the contentedness of that stomach!

It was tightened with the intention of Intercession
Peace be upon the protection of that waist!

Messengers do bend their knees in their presence
Peace be upon the dignity of such knees!

Antiquity: his essence's stem; grace: his palm tree's branch
Peace be upon the candle of the Straight Path!

The Qur'an gave an oath by the dust of thy path!
Peace be upon the reverence of such a foot!

The shadow of mercy of his shadowless stature
Peace be upon that extended, kindly shadow!

The heads of the rulers remain bowed before it
Peace be upon the crown on his towering head!

Dew from Truth's garden: beads of sweat from his face
Peace be upon his pure veracious brilliance!

Fragrant blessings be upon such delicate fragrance!
Peace be upon such lovely, lovely refinement!

(translation of Mustafa Jaane Rehmat pa lakhon salam)

Although its not by Allama Iqbal but lets broad the topic....

12:07 PM (GMT +5)

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