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Asif Amin Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:05 PM

Require some information
Dear and respactable moderator I require some information regarding GROUP MEMBERSHIP, what its criteria to become a member, and why only few candidiates are member, and who are presently member and what its function and siginificance.

Last Island Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:38 PM

Group member? But we don't have any group here.

Asif Amin Tuesday, July 14, 2009 09:54 PM

[QUOTE=Last Island]Group member? But we don't have any group here.[/QUOTE]

Dear Moderator, if any one opens personal profile of any Member, there is mentioned over " It is not a member of any group". what is this? what is the meaning of group? Is there any group? plz solve this puzzle.

Last Island Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:14 PM

It's part of the forum code. In some websites and forums the group function is used generally to represent moderator teams. In a very large forum where there are so many mods, it is easier to say that A group is covering these few boards and B group has those other ones.

On CSS Forum there aren't any public groups or usergroups yet.

It's possible for Admins to set up usergroups, which people can join and admins can then give someone moderator rights for that group, so that they can choose who joins, and set up forums that only that group can see.

An example would be the 'SPSC' sub-forum. Presently it is completely public, and there's no usergroup associated with it. However, a 'SPSC' usergroup can be set up and that sub-forum can be made visible only to the 'SPSC' usergroup.

10:56 PM (GMT +5)

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