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husseych Monday, May 12, 2014 09:02 AM

General query about TMO
what exactly are TMOs and their duties, which BPS they belong too and how are they recruited ? are they recruited directly or they are promoted ??

pakblogger Monday, May 12, 2014 10:47 AM

[QUOTE=husseych;718839]what exactly are TMOs and their duties, which BPS they belong too and how are they recruited ? are they recruited directly or they are promoted ??[/QUOTE]

TMO(TehsilMuncipal Officer) is basically functional head of muncipal authority.He/she looks after all matters falling in the jurisdiction of TMA. And to know that what are functions of any TMA,you can have a look at following webpage.

Many PMS officers are serving as TMOs in Punjab province in BPS-17 and some in BPS-18.

12:04 PM (GMT +5)

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