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-   -   Passing criteria for Screening Test 2014 (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/screening-test-css/screening-test/80815-passing-criteria-screening-test-2014-a.html)

ashiq e hussain Monday, June 17, 2013 11:08 PM

hence it is alarming condition for aspirants from punjab domicile . . . in the beginning students of punjab were very excited for screening test even they were ready to compete and they were claiming that fpsc should make 80 % for pass . . . i think it is good step by FPSC , in this way only cream of the country will be placed on bureacratic positions . . .


Wheeler Tuesday, June 18, 2013 05:46 AM

Excellent news
I must say this is a very good step!

Rana shery Tuesday, June 18, 2013 07:50 AM

I think so the real objective of screening test is to reduce the strength of those contestants who come without preparation on the day of examination.So, it is a device by FPSC to get rid of unnecessary papers to enhance its efficiency regarding the preparation of result.
I am not under-estimating the matter but hopefully, there will be no restriction of 5* or 10* by the number of posts because this rule is applicable only before the final interview or after the written exam .It is expected that the appearing candidates will be 3000 approx.

Jahanzebmemon Tuesday, June 18, 2013 09:03 AM

[FONT="Verdana"]If [B]MarxPakistani[/B] is right, then this is seriously discouraging. Many of the people can't properly understand/solve Maths. Passing criteria of screening test shouldn't be so difficult.[/FONT]

SaadiaGulraiz Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:46 AM

Confirmed from fpsc
This is my mail to FPSC:
Assalam o alaikum,
I would like to ask the details for the screening test for CSS 2014.
My BBA(HONS) study time ends by 30th,June,2013. I shall get the transcript by September 2013. Will I be able to appear for the test with transcript? Or is it not required at this stage?

Secondly, what is the passing criteria for this? I have been reading on CSSforum that only top 4000 candidates will be allowed for the written examination.

Kindly elaborate on this. I shall be waiting for your response.
Thanking you in anticipation.

And this was their reply:
[COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Dear Candidate
Completion of Degree or age limit is not required for this screening
test at this stage,also no chance will be counted.passing marks are 33 %.
so you are eligible for this screening test.But Bachelor level of
qualification and age limit should be completed before or up to

Codename Hijazi Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:31 PM

[QUOTE=SaadiaGulraiz;615279]This is my mail to FPSC:
Assalam o alaikum,
I would like to ask the details for the screening test for CSS 2014.
My BBA(HONS) study time ends by 30th,June,2013. I shall get the transcript by September 2013. Will I be able to appear for the test with transcript? Or is it not required at this stage?

Secondly, what is the passing criteria for this? I have been reading on CSSforum that only top 4000 candidates will be allowed for the written examination.

Kindly elaborate on this. I shall be waiting for your response.
Thanking you in anticipation.

And this was their reply:
[COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Dear Candidate
Completion of Degree or age limit is not required for this screening
test at this stage,also no chance will be counted.passing marks are 33 %.
so you are eligible for this screening test.But Bachelor level of
qualification and age limit should be completed before or up to

If Passing Criteria is 33%, I guess Most of candidates are going to make it.

aniya warraich Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:44 PM

[QUOTE=SaadiaGulraiz;615279]This is my mail to FPSC:
Assalam o alaikum,
I would like to ask the details for the screening test for CSS 2014.
My BBA(HONS) study time ends by 30th,June,2013. I shall get the transcript by September 2013. Will I be able to appear for the test with transcript? Or is it not required at this stage?

Secondly, what is the passing criteria for this? I have been reading on CSSforum that only top 4000 candidates will be allowed for the written examination.

Kindly elaborate on this. I shall be waiting for your response.
Thanking you in anticipation.

And this was their reply:
[COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Dear Candidate
Completion of Degree or age limit is not required for this screening
test at this stage,also no chance will be counted.passing marks are 33 %.
so you are eligible for this screening test.But Bachelor level of
qualification and age limit should be completed before or up to

Well, if that's the case, then I guess there is no reason for clamoring over the screen test. The candidates should start preparing whole heartedly without any concerns or uncertainity :)

eaterah Wednesday, July 03, 2013 08:09 AM

[QUOTE=marxpakistani;613722]Passing criteria will not be like 40% or 50 %. As far as i am informed, the criteria is going to be set as follows

Passing criteria will be different for different provinces according to their Quota system.

E.g if there are 35 posts in balochistan then FPSC will call aspirants for the main exam as :

[B]35 * Specific number of candidates(either ten against one post or 20 against one post as it is done in general recruitments by fpsc) according to the merit of screening test (Balochistan domiciled) [/B]

no matter whether balochistan's top student gets 40/200 or 30/200 :)

i hope you guys would have understood what i am trying to say.[/QUOTE]
Yes brother, i can understand your feelings. Your smiley with 30/200 or 40/200 means that you are criticizing candidates from other provinces.
Simply i guess that you have not that much confidence to compete your own province candidates.
and also take in account the education system and availability of material to them. Always compete strong one rather then criticizing weaker.

mhz99 Monday, July 08, 2013 12:56 PM

@marxpakistani any update on passing criteria?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Abir abir Monday, July 08, 2013 05:11 PM

[QUOTE=marxpakistani;613722]Passing criteria will not be like 40% or 50 %. As far as i am informed, the criteria is going to be set as follows

Passing criteria will be different for different provinces according to their Quota system.

E.g if there are 35 posts in balochistan then FPSC will call aspirants for the main exam as :

[B]35 * Specific number of candidates(either ten against one post or 20 against one post as it is done in general recruitments by fpsc) according to the merit of screening test (Balochistan domiciled) [/B]

no matter whether balochistan's top student gets 40/200 or 30/200 :)

i hope you guys would have understood what i am trying to say.[/QUOTE]
thx for making mockery of the students from Balouchistan...

08:45 PM (GMT +5)

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