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Taaruf Bhatti Saturday, April 07, 2018 02:17 PM

Fill in following blanks with an appropriate preposition (CSS P&C-2017).

(i) I cannot buy this car _____ this price.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) at
(d) on

(ii) Send these books ______ my home address
(a) on
(b) at
(c) in
(d) to

(iii) Monkeys live ______ trees.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) upon
(d) on

(iv) I said it _______ his face.
(a) at
(b) on
(c) to
(d) upon

(v) The manager ______ the receipt of my letter promptly.
(a) accepted
(b) realized
(c) recognized
(d) acknowledged

(vi) Most foreign students don't like American coffee, and ______
(a) I don't too
(b) either don't
(c) neither don't I
(d) neither do I

(vii) We ______ take care of our parents when they are old.
(a) could
(b) would
(c) might
(d) ought to

(viii) Yousaf ______ in the garden the whole of yesterday.
(a) has dug
(b) was digging
(c) dug
(d) had dug.

1. For.
2. To.
3. In.
4. To.
5. Acknowledged.
6. Neither do I.
7. Ought to.
8. Dug.

Taaruf Bhatti Saturday, April 07, 2018 06:35 PM

1. Abase -- Degrade, Disgrace, Humiliate, Demean,
2. Abandon -----Desert, Forsake, Leave, Relinquish
3. Abhor ----Hate, Detest, Loathe, Abdominate
4. Abut -----Adjoin, Border, Verge on, Join
5. Abstain ----Refuse, Renounce, Avoid, Shun
6. Abbreviate ----Curtail, Abridge, Compress, Shorten, Truncate
7. Aberration----- Deviation, Wandering, Errant, Irrregular, Weird
8. Abet----- Aid, Assist, Condone, Favour, Support, Promote
9. Absurd ----Ridiculous, Silly, Foolish, Preposterous
10. Abstruse -----Recondite, Hidden, Difficult
11. Assiduous------ Painstaking, Diligent, Industrious, Laborious
12. Abundant ---Ample, Copious, Plentiful, Bountiful
13. Adequate ----Enough, Sufficient, Proportionate
14. Accommodate ----Adapt, Adjust, Reconcile
15. Acme---- Summit, Apex, Zenith, Peak
16. Acclaim ----Applaud, Cheer, Celebrate, Extol
17. Acquiesce----- (in) Assent, Rest, Accede, Comply, Concur, Consent
18. Admiration ----Esteem, Praise, Respect, Approval, Approbation

19. Adherent---- Sticking to, Follower, Partisan, Devotee
20. Affliction ----Distress, Ordeal, Suffering, Sorrow
21. Adversity---- Misfortune, Calamity, Catastrophe, Hostility
22. Ameliorate---- Make better, Improve, Amend
23. Ally ----Colleague, Helper, Partner, Accomplice
24. Audacious ----Bold, Brazen, Impudent, Daring


25. Astonish ---Amaze, Surprise, Astound, Flabbergast
26. Assistance ----Help, Aid, Succor, Collaboration, Sustenance
27. Aphorism ----Maxim, Apothegm, Axiom, Proverb, Motto,
28. Apprehend ----Seize, Know, Fear, Arrest, Understand
29. Appraise -----Evaluate, Estimate
30. Antithesis ----Contrasting, Reverse


31. Alms -----Dole, Gratuity, Money, Clothes and food that
are given to poor people
32. Beg ----Implore, Solicit, Supplicate, Beseech, Request
33. Behaviour ----Ignoble, Mean, Low, Foundation
34. Bad ----Evil, Wicked, Devilish, Naughty, Worthless
35. Blame ----Censure, Reprove, Condemn, Reproach
36. Blessing -----Benediction, God’s help or protection


37. Barbaric---- Savage, Uncivilized, Primitive Align
38. Bait ----Snare, Trap, Decoy
39. Brittle -----Frail, Fragile, hard but easily broken
40. Bizarre----- Unusual, Grotesque, Fantastic
41. Bewilder----- Confound, Perplex, Befuddle, Befog, Baffle,
42. Belligerent -----Warlike, Pugnacious, Hostile


43. Bedlam -----Pandemonium, Chaos, Mayhem, Clamor,
44. Bravo---- Fearless, Intrepid, Dauntless, Valiant, Bold
45. Burlesque ----Mock, Imitate, Tease, Satirize, Ridicule, Jeer,
46. Browbeat ----Intimate, Bully, Frighten, Threaten
47. Backlash ----Repercussion, Reaction, Recoil
48. Banal ----Dull, Trite, Hackneyed, Prosaic


49. Bigoted ----Biased, Prejudiced, Dogmatic, Opinionated
50. Calm ----Quiet, Tranquil, Peaceful, Sedate, Composed,
51. Cajole ----Persuade, Flatter, Wheedle, Coax
52. Captious---- Censorious, Hypercritical, Faulfinding
53. Care---- Solicitude, Anxiety, Misgiving, Forebonding
54. Charlatan ----Impostor, Mountebank, Quack, Chicane,Trickster


55. Choleric---- Irascible, Petulant, Bad-tempered
56. Conceit ----Pride, Vanity, Ego, Arrogance
57. Colossal ----Gigantic, Huge, Enormous, Mammoth, Vast
58. Cynical ----Misanthropic, Moody, Eccentric, Sardonic,
59. Conversant----- Familiar, Well versed, Acquainted (with)
60. Condign ----Due, Merited, Well deserved, Due, Suitable


61. Condone ----Pardon, Forgive, Excuse, Overlook
62. Confess -----Admit, Apologise, Own, Acknowledge
63. Contingent on) Liable, Possible, Uncertain
64. Constant -----Eternal, Perpetual, Incessant, Continuous
65. Cross ----Crusty, Fretful, Ill-humoured
66. Cursory---- Hasty, Superficial, Careless


67. Concise ----Short, Brief, Abridged, Compact
68. Crafty---- Cunning, Artful, Sly, Calculating
69. Cruelty ---Tyranny, Persecution, Brutality, Oppression,
70. Damage ---Loss, Harm, Injury, Detriment
71. Decay ----Wither, Fade, Corrode, Decline
72. Destitute---- Needy, Forsaken, Orphan


73. Didactic--- Teaching, Instructive, Perfecting
74. Denounce ---Accuse, Condemn, Arraign, Decry, Censure
75. Divine---- Heavenly, Celestial, Graceful, Godlike
76. Dangerous---- Perilous, Risky, Hazardous, Precarious
77. Dear ----Expensive, Costly, Loved by somebody
78. Definitive---- Limiting, Final, Positive

79. Desultory---- Discontinuous, Irregular, Rambling
80. Diffident ----Modest, Bashful, Shy
81. Discourse -----Lecture, Sermon, Exhortation, Dissertation
82. Dissipate---- Scatter, Waste
83. Economy---- Management, Frugality, Thrifty, Judicious
84. Effete ----Exhausted, Old, Worn out, Tired


85. Elicit---- Draw out, Discover
86. Elude ----Baffle, Avoid, Cheat, Fool
87. Emancipate---- Free, Liberate, Release, Deliver, Uplift
88. Emulate ---- Imitate, Rival
89. Enticehl--- Lure, Persuade, Allure, Entrap
90. Extravagant ----Prodigal, Wasteful

91. Exquisite---- Elegant, Fine, Matchless, Exclusive
92. Exceptional----- Anomalous, Unique, Extraordinary
93. Extricate ---- Disentangle, Untangle
94. Ephemeral ---- Transient, Short-lived
95. Exterminate ----- Uproot, Eradicate, Eliminate, Destroy, Annihilate
96. Exacerbate ----- Magnify, Heighten, Enlarge, Overstate, Amplify
97. Exculpate---- Absolve, Vindicate
98. Exigency -----Emergency, Distress
99. Fascinate ----- Charm, Enchant, Memorize, Bewitch
100. Fastidious------ Dainty, Squeamish, Hard to please
101. Fate Lot, Destiny, End
102. Fatuous Silly, Purposeless
103. Fight Battle, Contention, Combat, Struggle, Conflict,
104. Fury Anger, Rage, Wrath, Ire
105. Fecund Prolific, Fertile, Fruitful, Luxuriant, Productive
106. Ferocious Savage, Barbaric, Fierce, Wild, Uncivilized
107. Fictitious False, Imaginative, Illusionary, Fabricated,
108. Flagrant Notorious, Outrageous, Disgraceful

109. Fortuitous Chance, Accidental
110. Forerunner Precursor, Herald, Harbinger
111. Forbid Prohibit, Preclude, Inhibit, Debar
112. Flippant Pert, Frivolous, Impudent, Saucy
113. Flamboyant Bombastic, Ostentatious, Ornate
114. Fatal Deadly, Mortal, Lethal, Virulent

115. Fallacy Imperfection, Erring, Wrong
116. Furbish Polish, Spruce, Renovate
117. Fortitude Strength, Firmness, Valour, Determination
118. Guile Fraud, Trickery, Cunning
119. Gratification Satisfaction, Enjoyment
120. Garrulous Talkative, Loquacious

121. Humane Kind, Generous, Benevolent, Compassionate
122. Haughty Arrogant, Proud, Egoist, Obstinate
123. Humility Politeness, Meekness, Modesty
124. Hamper Hinder, Block, Impede, Prevent
125. Illiterate Unlearned, Ignorant, Uneducated
126. Impotent Powerless. Disabled, Inadequate, Incapable

127. Immaterial Unimportant, Insignificant, Useless, Irrelevant
128. Imminent Threatening, Impending, Approaching
129. Irresolute Undecided, Wavering, Vacillating
130. Indignant Angry, Furious, Irate, Exasperated
131. Inanimate Lifeless, Dead, Dormant, Stagnant, Extinct
132. Ingenuous Artless, Sincere, Naïve, Innocent

133. Insidious Cunning, Clever, Inventive, Deceitful, Sly
134. Intimate Close, Confident, Inform, Cherished
135. Inexorable Relentless, Merciless, Apathetic, Harsh
136. Impertinent Irrelevant, Impudent, Insolent, Saucy
137. Jolly Jovial, Merry, Cheerful, Affable
138. Jubilant Elated, Triumphant

139 Joy Delight, Pleasure, Ecstasy, Elation
140. Knave Fraud, Cheat, Scoundrel, Rogue
141. Lament Sorrow, Mourn, Grieve
142. Liberal Generous, Kind, Tolerant, Permissive
143. Lenient Forbearing, Forgiving, Compassionate, Mild
144. Lethargy Laziness, Stupor, Sluggishness, Idleness

145. Likeness Similarity, Resemblance, Affinity
146. Lively Active, Enthusiastic, Agile, Brisk
147. Loyal Devoted, Faithful, Trustworthy, Honest
148. Meagre Small, Tiny, Inadequate, Scanty
149. Mean Low, Petty, Abject, Selfish
150. Misery Sorrow, Distress, Affliction, Grief

151. Morbid Unhealthy, Diseased, Ghastly, Horrid
152. Mournful Sad, Sorrow, Gloomy, Dejected
153. Mighty Powerful, Massive, Strong, Almighty
154. Malice Bitterness, Spite, Ill-well, Rancour, Malevolence
155. Melancholy Gloomy, Sadness, Sorrow, Dejected
156. Magnificent Splendid, Grand, Good, Glorious

157. Notorious Infamous, Dishonourable, Flagrant, Blatant
158. Notable Memorable, Remarkable, Renowned, Eminent
159. Obscene Filthy, Indecent, Awful, Bawdy, Vulgar,Gross,
160. Obsolete Antiquated, Old-fashioned, Extinct, Outworn
161. Obtrude Thrust, Pressure, Importunate, Interfere
162. Obliterate Destroy, Efface, Demolish, Erase

163. Opportune Timely, Convenient, Appropriate, Well-chosen
164. Pensive Thoughtful, Rational, Contemplative, Reflective
165. Pathetic Moving, Touching, Distressing, Lamentable
166. Pious Religious, Holy, Devout, God-fearing
167. Perennial Perpetual, Parmanent, Long lasting, Constant
168. Portray Delineate, Depict, Draw, Sketch

169. Possess Have, Own, Acquire, Occupy, Seize
170. Prate Chatter, Babble, Tattle, Talkative
171. Prodigal Extravagant, Wasteful, Spendthrift, Squander
172. Precocious Premture, Forward, Advanced, Developed
173. Philanthropist Altruist, Charitable, Benevolent, Kind
174. Patronize Condescend, Stoop, Snub

175. Penalize Castigate, Chatise, Punish
176. Picturesque Charming, Pictorial, Scenic, Sylvan
177. Prerogative Privilege, Advantage, Exemption, Right
178. Prohibit Forbid, Interdict, Prevent, Ban
179. Pillage Plunder, Loot, Rob, Destroy, Steal
180. Poignant Touching, Moving, Heart-Rending

181. Quaint Queer, Odd, Singular, Whimsical
182. Quirk Whim, Caprice,, Fancy, Peculiarity
183. Quip Retort, Repartee, Remark, Jest
184. Quarantined Separated, Isolated, Restrained
185. Qualm Scruple, Doubt, Uncertainty, Suspicion
186. Queer Strange, Odd, Indifferent, Weird

187. Questionable Doubtful, Disputable, Accountable,
188. Quest Search, Pursuit, Inquisitive, Crusade
189. Quick Alive, Swift, Keen, Fast
190. Radiant Brilliant, Bright, Intelligent, Beaming
191. Refined Elegant, Polished, Cultured, Sophisticated
192. Rebellion Mutiny, Revolt, Struggle, Fight

193. Reiterate Repeat, Do it again, Rewrite, Emphasis
194. Remorse Repentance, Regret, Anguish, Grief
195. Renown Reputation, Fame, Famous, Distinguished
196. Rejoice Exult, Delight, Happy, Glad
197. Relevant Execute, Applicable, Pertinent, Implement
198. Resistance Opposition, Hindrance, Combat, Struggle

199. Ruin Destruction, Downfall, Wreckage, Devastation
200. Rigid Stiff, Unyielding, Stern
201. Rash Impetuous, Hasty, Foolhardy, Impulsive,
202. Refute Disprove, Answer, Deny
203. Ricochet Rebound, Reflect, Bounce, Carom
204. Rut Groove, Hollow, Furrow, Habit, Course, Routine

205. Rural Suburban, Rustic, Agrarian, Country
206. Radical Fundamental, Native, Original, Extreme,
Rebellious, Rimy Frosty, Hazy, Blurred
207. Remote Far, Distant, Interior place, Aloof
208. Ridiculous Absurd, Silly, Comical, Ludicrous
209. Sane Wise, Sensible, Sound, Balanced
210. Satiate Satisfy, Surfeit, Glut, Happy

211. Sacred Holy, Consecrated, Blessed, Divine
212. Scanty Meagre, Slender, Insufficient, Limited
213. Scold Chide, Rebuke, Rail, Complain
214. Scrutinize Examine, View, Study, Analyze, Inspect
215. Scorching Sweltering, Searing, Burning, Fiery
216. Spry Nimble, Agile, Animated, Brisk, Lively, Quick

217. Statute Law, Decree, Ordinance, Edict, Rule, Act, Bill
218. Stipulation Prerequisite, Condition, Qualification, Clause
219. Subterfuge Ploy, Scheme, Stratagem, Deceit, Deception
220. Substantiate Authenticate, Validate, Confirm, Verify,
221. Succinct Brief, Concise, Terse, Abbreviated
222. Sensual Carnal, Fleshy, Voluptuous, Attractive

223. Servile Slavish, Docile, Timid, Mean
224. Shrewd Astute, Perspicacious, Canny, Calculative
225. Shy Bashful, Coy, Diffident, Hesitant
226. Solitary Single, Hermetic, Isolated, Desolate
227. Static Firm, Adamant, Fixed
228. Spurious Fake, Counterfeit, Artificial, False

229. Sterile Unproductive, Barren, Impotent, Disinfected
230. Sublime Exalted, Elevated, Improved, Magnified
231. Superficial Shallow, Illusion, Dream, Outward
232. Synonymous Identical, Equivalent, Alike, Similar
233. Taboo Forbidden, Banned, Prohibited
234. Tenacious Resolute, Persistent, Obstinate

235. Tenet Belief, Conviction, Dogma, Doctrine, Creed
236. Therapeutics Curative, Restorative, Recuperative
237. Temperate Moderate, Balanced, Controlled, Sensible
238. Ulterior Concealed, Shrouded, Obscured
239. Urchin Waif, Stray, Foundling, Orphan
240. Urge Incite, Press, Implore, Instigate, Drive, Impel,Goad

241. Veto Reject, Discard, Void, Nullify, Invalidate,
242. Vilify Malign, Slur, Defame, Slander
243. Vivacious Sprightly, Spirited, Energetic
244. Wile Trickery, Artifice, Ruse
245. Winsome Beautiful, Captivating, Comely, Delightful
246. Waive Forgo, Relinquish, Defer, Renounce

247. Yield Surrender, Submit, Admit, Agree
248. Yearn Crave, Desire, Aspire, Urge
249. Zeal Zest, Passion, Enthusiasm, Fervour, Tempo
250. Zenith Peak, Apex, Summit, Acme
251. cash - sprint
252. center - middle

253. change - transform
254. chiefly - mainly
255. choosy - picky
256. close - shut
257. collect - gather
258. come - arrive

259. commemorate - remember
260. complete - total
261. confine - restrict
262. confuse - mixed Up
263. connoisseur - specialist
264. considerate - thoughtful

265. contrary - opposite
266. cool - chilly
267. correct - right
268. crooked - curved
269. cry - bellow
270. cunning - clever

271. cut - prick
272. dangerous - hazardous
273. dangerous - risky
274. dark - dim
275. dawdle - evaluate
276. daybreak - dawn

277. debilitate - weaken
278. decide - determine
279. dedicated - committed
280. definite - distinct
281. deflect - pervert
282. deify - worship

283. deliberate - planned
284. delicate - fragile
285. delicious - palatable
286. denounce - condemn
287. describe - portray
288. destiny - fate

289. destroy - ruin
290. difference - dissimilarity
291. diligent - industrious
292. disclose - reveal
293. discount - reduction
294. disgrace - shame by

295. disparity - unlikeness
296. dissolute - immortal
297. do - execute
298. dull - tiresome
299. eager - curious
300. eager – keen

301. abandon - discontinue
302. abnegation - self denial
303. abrade - roughen
304. abridge - shorten
305. abroad - overseas
306. accord - agreement

307. admit - confess
308. affable - friendly
309. agree - consent
310. alike - same
311. allow - permit
312. amazing - wonderful

313. amenities - courtesies
314. amount - quantity
315. anathema - curse
316. anger - enrage
317. angry - furious
318. angry - mad

319. answer - reply
320. answer - response
321. ask - inquire
322. attire - dress
323. away - absent
324. awful - terrible

325. baby - infant
326. bad - wicked
327. barbarian - uncivilized
328. bashful - confident
329. beautiful - pretty
330. becoming - fitting

331. beg - implore
332. begin - commence
333. begin initiate
334. belly - stomach
335. bemoan - mourn
336. berate - scold

337. big - huge
338. big - large
339. bizarre - weird
340. blank - empty
341. brave - bold
342. brave - courageous

43. break - smash
344. bright - shining
345. broad - wide
346. bucket - pail
347. busy - active
348. calamity - disaster
349. calm - quiet
350. candy - sweets

Taaruf Bhatti Saturday, April 07, 2018 06:38 PM


1. Inevitable- Avoidable
2. Exceptional- Common
3. Permanent- Temporary
4. Dim- Luminous
5. Reckless- Careful
6. Explicit- Ambiguous
7. Incredible- Believable
8. Repel- Attract
9. Rapidly- Slowly
10. Meticulous- Careless

170 Antonyms Of some common words

11. Barbarous- Civilized
12. Successor- Predecessor
13. Urban- Rural
14. Conclusive- Indecisive
15. Terminate-Begin
16. Niggardly- Lavishly
17. Advanced- Receded
18. Enlightened- Ignorant
19. Moderate- Extreme
20. Superficial- Thorough

170 Antonyms Of some common words

21. Scorn- Admiration
22. Trivial- Serious
23. Loquacious- Reserved
24. Confiscate- Release
25. Often- Rarely
26. Eminent- Notorious
27. Embark upon- Conclude
28. Diffidence- Boldness
29. Paucity- Plenty
30. Triggered- Choked

170 Antonyms Of some common words

31. Fastidious- Adjustable
32. Grandiose- Simple
33. Bleak- Bright
34. Insolent- Humble
35. Lurid- Mild
36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious
37. Melodious- Tuneless
38. Contaminate- Purify
39. Frugal- Extravagant
40. Falling off- Improvement

170 Antonyms Of some common words

41. Genial- Unkind
42. Shallow- Deep
43. Immune- Vulnerable
44. Veneration- Disrespect
45. Yield to- Resist
46. Concur- Disagree
47. Vague- Precise
48. Humility- Pride
49. Extol- Censure
50. Takes off- Lands

170 Antonyms Of some common words

51. Demolish- Build
52. Prevent- Induce
53. Frailty- Strength
54. Collapse- Rise
55. Anxious- Carefree
56. Thrifty- Wasteful
57. Innovate- Copy
58. Enduring- Fleeting
59. Progressive- Retrogressive
60. Purposely- Unintentionally

170 Antonyms Of some common words

61. Brave- Timid
62. Opaque- Transparent
63. Hinder- Encourage
64. Zeal- Apathy
65. Shimmering-Gloomy
66. Plausible- Implausible/ Unbelievable
67. Flair- Inability
68. Dormant- Active
69. Hazy- Clear
70. Fantastic- Ordinary

170 Antonyms Of some common words

71. Asceticism- Luxury
72. Dissolution- Establishment
73. Unnerved- Confident
74. Harmony- Disagreement
75. Guilty- Innocent
76. Duplicity- Honesty
77. Jocular- Morose
78. Uncompromising- Flexible
79. Desecration- Consecration
80. Far-fetched- Realistic

170 Antonyms Of some common words

81. Parallel- Crooked
82. Blocked- Facilitated
83 Turn coat- Loyal
84. Embellish- Spoil
85. Intentional- Accidental
86. Expand- Contract
87. Stimulate- Discourage
88. Perilous- Safe
89. Audacious- Timid
90. Quiet- Pandemonium

170 Antonyms Of some common words

91. Genuine- Fictitious
92. Implicit- Explicit
93. Repulsive- Attractive
94. Escalate- Decrease
95. Commotion- Tranquility
96. Manifested- Concealed
97. Vindictive- Forgiving
98. Inaugurate- Terminate
99. Detest- Like
100. Commence- Conclude

170 Antonyms Of some common words

101. Prosperity- Adversity
102. Deliberate- Unintentional
103. Disputable- Indisputable
104. Make- Break
105. Depressed- Elated
106. Ham-fisted- Adroit
107. Capture- Liberate
108. Misery- Joy
109. Anarchy- Order
110. Monotony- Variety

170 Antonyms Of some common words

111. Latter- Former
112. Diligent- Lazy
113. Philistine- Cultured
114. Ingest- Disgorge
115. Laceration- Healing
116. Disorderly- Organized
117. Glossy- Dull
118. Accomplish- Fail
119. Orderly- Chaotic
120. Strife- Peace

170 Antonyms Of some common words

121. Antique- Recent
122. Rapid- Slow
123. Initiated- Concluded
124. Fatigued- Rigid
125. Dynamic- Static
126. Hereditary- Acquired
127. Heretical- Orthodox
128. Implicate- Exonerate
129. Liberty- Slavery
130. Elevation- Reduction

170 Antonyms Of some common words

131. Boon- Bane
132. Famous- Obscure
133. Gloomy- Radiant
134. Isolation- Association
135. Contented- Dissatisfied
136. Severe- Mild
137. Fatigued- Energised
138. Flexible- Rigid
139. Delete- Include
140. Evanescent- Eternal

170 Antonyms Of some common words

141. Virtue- Vice
142. Confident- Diffident
143. Adamant- Yielding
144. Callous- Sensitive
145. Procrastinate- Expedite
146. Probity- Dishonesty
147. Sporadic- Continual
148. Apposite- Inappropriate
149. Chivalry- Cowardice
150. Sanguine temper- Despairing nature

170 Antonyms Of some common words

151. Imperil- Safeguard
152. Consolidated- Disjoined
153. Vituperative- Laudatory
154. Benefactor- Enemy
155. Barren- Fertile
156. Nervous- Composed
157. Evident- Hidden
158. Professional- Amateur
159. Cessation- Commencement
160. Potent- Weak

170 Antonyms Of some common words

161. Gregarious- Unsociable
162. Implication- Exoneration
163. Dismal- Bright
164. Meagre- Surplus
165. Flamboyant- Not showy
166. Chronic- Temporary
167. Awkward- Graceful
168. Despair- Hope
169. Validate- Disprove
170. Smug- Dissatisfied

Taaruf Bhatti Sunday, April 08, 2018 07:30 AM

[International Organizations Headquarters]

1. Amnesty international London
2. APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Forum) Singapore
3. ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) Jakarta
4. Commonwealth of Nations London
5. EU (European Union) Brussels
6. FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) Rome
7. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Vienna
8. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Montreal
9. ICJ (International Court of Justice) The Hague
10. ILO (International Labor Organization) Geneva
11. IM (International Maritime Organization) London
12. IMF (International Monetary Fund) Washington
13. International Standards Organizations Geneva
14. NAM (Non Aligned Movement) New York/Istanbul
15. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Brussels
16. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Paris
17. OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Vienna
18. SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Kathmandu
19. Transparency International Berlin
20. UNAEC (United Nations Atomic Energy Commission) New York
21. UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS) Geneva
22. UNCDF (United Nations Capital Development Fund) New York
23. UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Geneva
24. UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes) Vienna
25. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) New York
26. UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Nairobi
27. UNESCO (United Nations Educational scientific and cultural Organization) Paris
28. UNFCCC (United Nations Frame Convention on Climate Change) Germany
29. UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) New York
30. UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Geneva
31. UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Education Fund) New York
32. UNO (United Nations Organization) New York
33. WHO (World Health Organization) Geneva
34. WMO (World Metrological Organization) Geneva
35. World Bank Washington
36. World Intellectual Property Org. Geneva
37. WTO (World Tourism Organization) Madrid

Taaruf Bhatti Sunday, April 08, 2018 02:48 PM

General Tests.

Test No 1.
1. Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?
A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Uranus

2. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________.
A. scurvy
B. rickets
C. night blindness
D. osteomalacia

3. Milk contains water
A. 70%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 90%

4. The SI unit of charge is __________?

5. Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths?

6. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?
A. concave
B. Convex
C. diverging
D. none of these

7. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________?
Night blindness
hair fall

8. For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________?
also decrease
remains constant
none of these

9. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days?

10. The density of water is __________?
1 g/cm3
1.5 g/cm3
2 g/cm3
none of these

Answer Key.
1. Neptune.
2. Rickets.
3. 80%.
4. Coulomb.
5. Shorter.
6. Convex.
7. Night Blindness.
8. Increase.
9. 120 days.
10. 1g/cm3.

Test No 2.
1. Radioactivity was discovered by __________?

2. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________?
A. motor
B. generator
C. moving-coil meter
D. battery

3. The Sun is a __________?

4. The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?
A. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Ammonia

5. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.

6. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
Carbon Dioxide

7. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is __________?
Carbon Dioxide

8. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.
5,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 15,000
15,000 to 20,000
20,000 to 25,000

9. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________?
night blindness
hair fall.

10. The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.

Answer Key.
1. Becquerel.
2. Battery.
3. Star.
4. Ammonia.
5. Five.
6. Hydrogen.
7. Oxygen.
8. 15000-20000.
9. Rickets.
10. Pascal.

Test No 3.

1. The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.

2. A camera uses a __________ to form an image.
convex lens
concave lens
condenser lens
none of these

3. Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
All are conductors

4. CNG stands for?
Converted Natural Gas
Conduced Natural Gas
Conducted Natural Gas
Compressed Natural Gas

5. Which from the following is true for “Sound”?
Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
Sound cannot travel through gases
Sound cannot travel through liquids
Sound cannot travel through solids

6. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

7. 1 nanometer = ?
10-3 meter
10-6 meter
10-9 meter
10-12 meter

8. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________?

9. Sound waves are _________ waves.
none of these

10. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s)?
A. 1 – 5 days
B. 3 – 7 days
C. 4 – 8 days
D. 5 – 21 days.

Answer Key.
1. Osmium.
2. Convex.
3. All are conductors.
4. Compressed Natural Gas.
5. Sound cannot travel through Vacuum.
6. Seven.
7.10-9 meter.
8. Pyrometer.
9. Longitudinal.
10. 5 – 21 days.

Saira khattak Monday, April 09, 2018 01:43 PM

Bundles of thanks
I really appreciate the efforts of those who are beyond this thread.Its great help for those who are preparing for screening test.

Taaruf Bhatti Monday, April 09, 2018 06:18 PM

General Science.

Test No 1.
1. Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?
A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Uranus

2. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________.
A. scurvy
B. rickets
C. night blindness
D. osteomalacia

3. Milk contains water
A. 70%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 90%

4. The SI unit of charge is __________?

5. Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths?

6. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?
A. concave
B. Convex
C. diverging
D. none of these

7. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________?
Night blindness
hair fall

8. For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________?
also decrease
remains constant
none of these

9. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days?

10. The density of water is __________?
1 g/cm3
1.5 g/cm3
2 g/cm3
none of these

Answer Key.
1. Neptune.
2. Rickets.
3. 80%.
4. Coulomb.
5. Shorter.
6. Convex.
7. Night Blindness.
8. Increase.
9. 120 days.
10. 1g/cm3.

Test No 2.
1. Radioactivity was discovered by __________?

2. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________?
A. motor
B. generator
C. moving-coil meter
D. battery

3. The Sun is a __________?

4. The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?
A. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Ammonia

5. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.

6. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
Carbon Dioxide

7. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is __________?
Carbon Dioxide

8. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.
5,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 15,000
15,000 to 20,000
20,000 to 25,000

9. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________?
night blindness
hair fall.

10. The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.

Answer Key.
1. Becquerel.
2. Battery.
3. Star.
4. Ammonia.
5. Five.
6. Hydrogen.
7. Oxygen.
8. 15000-20000.
9. Rickets.
10. Pascal.

Test No 3.

1. The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.

2. A camera uses a __________ to form an image.
convex lens
concave lens
condenser lens
none of these

3. Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
All are conductors

4. CNG stands for?
Converted Natural Gas
Conduced Natural Gas
Conducted Natural Gas
Compressed Natural Gas

5. Which from the following is true for “Sound”?
Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
Sound cannot travel through gases
Sound cannot travel through liquids
Sound cannot travel through solids

6. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

7. 1 nanometer = ?
10-3 meter
10-6 meter
10-9 meter
10-12 meter

8. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________?

9. Sound waves are _________ waves.
none of these

10. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s)?
A. 1 – 5 days
B. 3 – 7 days
C. 4 – 8 days
D. 5 – 21 days.

Answer Key.
1. Osmium.
2. Convex.
3. All are conductors.
4. Compressed Natural Gas.
5. Sound cannot travel through Vacuum.
6. Seven.
7.10-9 meter.
8. Pyrometer.
9. Longitudinal.
10. 5 – 21 days.

Test No 4.
1. The fluid part of blood is known as __________?
blood cells
None of these

2. X-rays were discovered by __________?

3. During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.
Carbon dioxide

4. In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
River water
Canal water
Sea water
Water in a lake

5. The nearest planet to the Earth is _________?
A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Mars
D. Moon

6. The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is?

7. In general, Comets have __________ orbits
Highly elliptical

8. GPS is an abbreviation for?
Global Poles System
Global PolySiliconium Store
Global Positioning System
Global Position Structure

9. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________?
Gain of Electrons
Loss of Electrons
Gain of Protons
Loss of Protons

10. At night, Plants intake __________ and release __________?
Oxygen – Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide – Oxygen
Oxygen – Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide – Oxygen

Answer Key.
1. Plasma.
2. Rontgen.
3. Salt.
4. Sea water.
5. Venus.
6. Mercury.
7. Highly Elliptical.
8. Global Positioning System.
9. Loss of Electrons.
10. Oxygen – Carbon dioxide.

Test No 5.
1. Urine is produced in __________?
Large intestine

2. Blood is cleaned by __________?

3. The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________ number?

4. The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water.
1 gram
10 grams
1 kg
10 kg

5. The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?

6. The Great Spot is on the planet __________?

7. 1 light year = ?
9.5×106 km
9.5×109 km
9.5×1012 km
9.5×1018 km

8. The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids.

9. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

10. According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.
10 – 20
20 – 30
30 – 40
40 – 50.

Answer Key.
1. Kidney.
2. Kidney.
3. Proton.
4. 1 kg.
5. Venus.
6. Jupiter.
7. 9.5×1012 km.
8. Jupiter.
9. 5.
10. 10-20 billions.

Test No 06.
01. Biosensor is used to measure?
Blood glucose level
The body pH value
Amount of hemoglobin
Salinity in Urine

02. Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
E = mc2
E = cm2
M = ec2
M = ce2

03. The SI unit of electric current is?

04. The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?

05. What is Dry Ice?
Solid Oxygen
Solid Carbon Dioxide
Solid Hydrogen
Solid Nitrogen.

06. What are the primary colors?
A. White, Black, Blue
B. Red, Yellow, Blue
C. Red, Orange, Blue
D. Red, Green, Blue

07. Digestion of food is completed in the __________?
small intestine
large intestine

08. Carrot is good source of Vitamin _______?
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

09. For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential?

10. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth?

Answer Key.
1. Blood glucose level.
02. E=MC2.
03. Ampere.
04. Nitrogen.
05. Solid Carbon dioxide.
06. Red, Yellow, Blue.
07. Small Intestine.
08. Vitamin A.
09. Fluorine.
10. Zinc.

Test No 07.
01. Meteorology is the study of?
air and sounds
winds and clouds

02. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is_______?

03. Diamond is an allotropic form of_______?

04. The SI unit of Heat is________?

05. The good sources of Vitamin-A are?
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods

06. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are?
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods

07. The good sources of Vitamin-C are________?
green leafy vegetables
fresh vegetables and fruits
sea foods

08. The good sources of iodine are_______?
green leafy vegetables
fresh vegetables and fruits
sea foods.

09. The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is.
Carbon Dioxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Nitrous Oxide
Sodium Oxide.

10. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is

Answer Key.
1. atmosphere.
02. 0.039%.
03. Carbon.
04. Joule.
05. green leafy vegetables.
06. seeds.
07. fresh vegetables and fruits.
08. sea foods.
09. Nitrous Oxide.
10. water.

Test No 08
01. The instrument used to measure wind speed is?

02. The natural fats and oils are composed of_________?
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen
Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

03. The energy value of food is measured in_______?

04. Wind energy is the __________ energy.

05. Who is considered the founder of

06. Water covers __________ of the Earth’s surface?

07. In general, wind speed of 105–137 caused_______?
minor or no damage
considerable damage
severe damage
extreme damage

08. Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere?
Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate
Sulfur and Charcoal
Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate
Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide.

09. About 50% of the Earth’s crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is?
Cabon Dioxide

10. The fourth state of matter is?

Answer Key.
1. Anemometer.
2. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
3. Calories.
4. Kinetic.
5. Aristotle.
6. 70%.
7. minor or no damage.
8. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide.
9. Oxygen.
10. Plasma.

Test No 09.
1. The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called?

2. In night, when photosynthesis is stopped, plants__________?
take in Carbon Dioxide
take in Oxygen
give off Carbon Dioxide
give off Oxygen.

3. __________ are called the powerhouses of the cell?
A. Mitochondria
B. Vesicles
C. Lungs

4. One of the countries through which equator passes is___________?
A. Kenya
B. Malaysia
C. Malta
D. Pakistan

5. Copper can be converted into gold by ?
A. Artificial radioactivity
B. heating
C. Electroplating
D. Chemical reaction

6. The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are __________?
A. N, P, K
B. N, C, P
C. N, K,
D. N, S, P

7. Clocks, which moves with the velocities comparable with the velocity of light, run ?
A. fast
B. slow
C. equal to the velocity of light
D. with zero velocity

8. Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of ?
A. electron
B. energy quanta
C. photon
D. positron

9. Bronze medal is made up of metals ?
A. copper,nickel
B. copper, tin
C. copper, silver
D. copper, zinc

10. Addison’s disease is caused by the excessive secretion of ?
A. Antiduretic Harmone
B. Luteinising Harmone
C. Melanophore stimulating Harmone
D. Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone.

Answer Key.
1. Rectifier.
2. give off Carbon Dioxide.
3. Mitochondria.
4. Kenya.
5. Artificial radioactivity.
6. N, P, K.
7. with zero velocity.
8. energy quanta.
9. copper, tin.
10. Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone.

Test No 10.
1. Humming bird belongs to a category called ?
A. Ectotherm
B. Endotherm
C. Exotherm
D. Heterotherm.

2. Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is ?
A.92 U 235
B.92 U 234
C. 92 U 233
D. 92 U 238

3. Human population growth is greatest in developing countries because ?
A. the birth rate is high in developing countries
B. the death rate is high in developing countries.
C. much of the population has already reached the child bearing age.
D. most of the world’s population lives in industrialized countries.

4. Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?
A. Cotton
B. Poplar
C. Bagasse
D. Rice straw

5. Rectified spirit contains alcohol about ?
A. 80%
B. 95%
C. 70%
D. 85%

6. Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth’s crust ?
A. Silicon
B. Radium
C. Aluminum
D. Carbon

7. The famous book; Al – Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist ?
A. Jabar bin Hayyan
B. Zakariya Al – Razi
C. Abu Ali Sina
D. Abdul Qasim Majreeti

8. Basic metals can be converted into gold by ?
A. Heating
B. Beating
C. Artificial nuclear radioactivity
D. Chemical reaction

9. A light year is a unit of ?
A. Time
B. Energy
C. Length
D. Mass

10. One of the main function of the earth’s ozone layer is to ?
A. Prevent global warming
B. Filter out ultraviolet rays
C. Absorb pollution
D. All of the above

Answer Key.
1. Endotherm.
2. 92 U 235.
3. the birth rate is high in developing countries.
4. Poplar.
5. 95%.
6. Radium.
7. Abu Ali Sina.
8. Artificial nuclear radioactivity.
9. Length.
10. Filter out ultraviolet rays .

Test No 11.
1. Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient ?
A. A+
B. B+
C. AB+
D. O+
E. None of these

2. Study of life in outer space is known as ?
A. Endobiology
B. Exobiology
C. Enterobiology
D. Neobiology
E. Micro biology

3. The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is ?
A. Calcium Oxalate
B. Potassium Sulphate
C. Sodium Chloride
D. Iron Sulphate
E. None of these

4. Sensitive layer of the eye is?
A. Choriods
B. Sclerotic
C. Retina
D. Cornea
E. None of these

5. Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements ?
A. Nitrogen + Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen + Carbon
C. Nitrogen + Oxygen
D. Oxygen + Carbon
E. None of these

6. Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of __________?
A. Electromagnetic force and gravitational force
B. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force
C. Gravitational force and weak nuclear force
D. Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force
E. None of these

7. Which triplet in DNA codes for valine ?
E. None of these

8. What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterogeneous normal ?
A. Zero
B. ¼
C. ½
D. ¾
E. None of these

9. Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism?
A. Over production
B. Natural selection
C. Inheritance for acquired characters
D. Competition for survival
E. None of these

10. Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on ___________?
A. Decomposition
B. Respiration
C. Digestion
D. Fermentation
E. None of these

Answer Key.
1. AB+.
2. Exobiology.
3. Sodium Chloride.
4. Retina.
5. Nitrogen + Oxygen.
6. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force.
7. None of these.
8. ¼.
9. Over production.
10. Fermentation.

Test No 12.
1. Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus ?
A. Cigarette smoking
B. Using alcholo
C. Injection of heroine
D. Taking too much aspirin
E. None of these

2. Founder of modern astronomy was _________________?
A. Archimedes
B. William Gilbert
C. Nicolas Copernicus
D. Michael Faraday
E. None of these

3. The instrument which measures very high temperature is____________?
A. Manometer
B. Thermostat
C. Chronometer
D. Pyrometer
E. None of these

4. The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is ?
A. Ethnology
B. Morphology
C. Ethics
D. Genetics
E. None of these

5. Chemical used to kill rats and mice are ?
A. Insecticides
B. Rodenticides
C. Fungicides
D. Herbicides
E. None of these

6. Dry ice is ___________?
A. Methane hydrate
B. Liquid Nitrogen
C. Solid Carbon dioxide
D. Frozen Water
E. None of these

7. Chemical name of vinegar is _____________?
A. Sodium Nitrate
B. Dilute acetic acid
C. Chloride of lime
D. Calcium
E. None of these

8. Defeciency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin production ?
A. Biotin
B. Thiamine
C. Niacin
D. Pyridoxine
E. None of these

9. Hygrometer is used for measuring the ____________?
A. Speed of sound
B. Density of milk
C. Humidity of air
D. Specific gravity of liquids
E. None of these

10. Bronze is an alloy of ____________?
A. Copper and Zinc
B. Tin and Zinc
C. Copper and Tin
D. Iron and Zinc
E. None of these.

Answer Key.
1. Injection of heroine.
2. Nicolas Copernicus.
3. Pyrometer.
4. Ethnology (Not sure).
5. Rodenticides.
6. Solid Carbon dioxide.
7. Dilute acetic acid.
8. Pyridoxine.
9. Humidity of air.
10. Copper and Tin.

02:20 AM (GMT +5)

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